Loyal Heart Roaming the Skies

Chapter 31: Willing to be ordinary

The two brothers who were blood-related, one was the pride of the Dao Academy, while the other lived a reclusive life in a corner of the family.

The difference between heaven and earth could drive one insane, but there was no trace of frustration on Wang Changji's face. He ate his meal calmly from beginning to end.

It seemed like eating was the most important thing in the world to him. He ate at a steady pace and with great attention to detail. He finished his pork trotter and vegetables, and even the last bite of rice before turning to his younger brother with a gentle voice, "Changxiang, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing major, just completed a mission and wanted to chat with my elder brother."

"Good boy, eat your vegetables, you can't just eat meat." Wang Changji petted the orange cat that was gnawing on the pork trotter, coaxing it with a gentle voice, then turned to Wang Changxiang, "Speak up, you seem to have something on your mind."

"We went to investigate the disappearance of Xiaolin Town, but when we arrived, it was covered in thick fog that even the blowing wind couldn't disperse. The whole town was filled with wandering souls, and a Nine Palace Wandering Soul Formation was set up based on the Nine Palaces... Little Orange!" At this point, Wang Changxiang suddenly scolded.

It turned out that the fat orange cat was impatient with Wang Changji's constant teasing with the vegetables and had scratched him on the back of his hand, leaving three bloody marks.

"You're so fierce." Wang Changji sighed helplessly, gave up on trying to make the little orange cat eat some vegetables, covered the wound on the back of his right hand with his left hand, and then said to Wang Changxiang, "I don't understand what you're saying about these Daoist formations and techniques."

Wang Changxiang lowered his head, and his voice became lower, "But for some reason, I just wanted to talk to my elder brother about it."

Wang Changji rubbed his forehead with his finger, "Go ahead, tell me."

"Do you know, elder brother, someone used all the living creatures in Xiaolin Town and gathered wandering souls from the past years in the Fenglin City area, and before Lord Wei arrived, they condensed a Ghost Gate Illusion and left!" At this moment, Wang Changxiang was like a child seeking recognition.

"Ghost Gate Illusion? Is it powerful?"

"Such a high price was paid, of course, it's extraordinary! With the Ghost Gate Illusion, you can communicate with the underworld anytime and anywhere. The power of underworld techniques can be increased by at least half! Techniques such as exorcism can completely cross tiers." Wang Changxiang lowered his head again, "I don't know what the demon behind it is planning to do with this."

"This matter will be handled by the Criminal Investigation Department. If Wei Quji can't handle it, there's still the County Governor. If the City Dao Academy can't handle it, there's still the County Dao Academy. And if the County Dao Academy can't handle it, there's still the National Dao Academy behind it. Don't worry about it." Wang Changji comforted him.At this time, Xiaojie had already gnawed the pig's trotters clean, not even glancing at the plate of greens. After licking its paws, it left with its head held high.

Wang Changji then got up to clean the dishes.

"I won't keep you any longer," he said before entering the house.

Wang Changxiang watched his older brother's back disappear into the house before turning to leave. As he passed by the recliner where Xiaojie was lying, he flicked his tail.

A barely noticeable wind blade swiftly passed by.

Xiaojie suddenly jumped up, looking around in confusion. Half of its long whiskers fell off in the wind.

"If you dare to scratch my brother again...hmph." Wang Changxiang left with a smile on his lips.

But he remembered how his brother used to admire Dao techniques and love that transcendent world when they were young. Now, no matter what was said in front of him, he couldn't see that kind of excitement anymore.

He seemed to have accepted this kind of life.

Wang Changxiang's steps couldn't be light and lively.


Today, the teacher talked about the Ding-grade intermediate Dao technique, Flame Blade, which was an advanced version of the Ding-grade lower Dao technique, Flame Attachment, and also one of the basics of the Fire Dao technique.

It was a blade made of gathered flames that directly attacked opponents with scorching Fire Dao energy, and it also had a significant effect on impurities like Yin ghosts.

In fact, at this stage, Dao techniques were already stronger than ordinary iron weapons.

Jiang Wang was already familiar with the seals and precautions for this Dao technique, but he suddenly thought of Wei Yan's long sword, which had an extremely sharp blade and was definitely not an ordinary weapon. Because, in terms of Wei Yan's strength, iron was just a burden to him.

He also thought of the sword that Li Jianqiu always hung at his waist, which must be extraordinary.

Thinking about it made him a little envious. His sword was already half ruined after cutting down a grudge ghost last time, and he had to buy a new one with his own money, which was still an ordinary wrought iron sword. He couldn't afford a truly powerful sword, nor did he have any connections.

But he didn't know how powerful the weapons of those martial artists who used martial arts to enter the Dao were.

He was lost in thought and didn't notice the atmosphere in class until Ling He quietly nudged him, bringing him back to reality.

The lecturer was an old man who was almost sixty years old, very strict and old-fashioned, with the surname Xiao. The students called him Xiao Ironface behind his back.

At this time, after Xiao Ironface finished teaching the techniques, he randomly selected a few students to practice. When he picked Fang Heling, he actually stumbled and completed the Dao technique, although the flames of the Flame Blade were unsteady, he still completed it.Even Xiao Tiemian was somewhat satisfied, but this guy suddenly said, "Jiang Wang senior brother is still opening his meridians in front of me. Why don't you also try this Taoist skill? If there is anything that doesn't go well, we can ask our seniors for advice."

So Xiao Tiemian's gaze fell on Jiang Wang, who was absent-minded.

Oh no, Jiang Wang thought. He got up from the cushion and said honestly, "I haven't even laid my foundation yet."

Fang Heling, who entered the inner sect at the same time, was already able to use Taoist skills, but he had not yet laid his foundation successfully. The eyes of the other students looked somewhat strange.

"Don't you need to listen to the lecture if you haven't laid your foundation yet?" Xiao Tiemian stared at him. He hated students who were cunning and sly. Obviously, they had stepped onto the path of transcendence, but they did not know how to cherish it and only used it as a capital to show off in front of ordinary people.

"I know I'm wrong." Jiang Wang apologized sincerely.

Xiao Tiemian said coldly, "Go back and copy the 'Zixu Jing' one hundred times. Don't come to my class until you finish copying it."

"Yes." Jiang Wang agreed, feeling bitter in his heart. The full name of the 'Zixu Jing' was the 'Zixu Gao Miao Tai Shang Jing'. It was the fundamental Taoist classic of the Yujing Mountain lineage. Every Taoist of the Yujing Mountain lineage could be said to be extremely familiar with it. There was no need to copy it anymore, Xiao Tiemian was just punishing him.

The most important thing was that the entire classic was nearly thirty thousand words... How long would it take to copy it?

But he knew he couldn't refuse, otherwise, with Xiao Tiemian's temper, he might just roll up his sleeves and beat him.

Jiang Wang tried his best to concentrate on his studies during the following class, not daring to slack off. Finally, when Xiao Tiemian left, Fang Heling came over.

"Oh, Jiang junior brother, I'm really sorry. I didn't know you haven't laid your foundation yet!" Cultivation had no years, and it was based on cultivation level. Fang Heling naturally changed his address from senior brother to junior brother. He sounded very regretful, "After opening my meridians, it took me fifty-three days to lay my foundation. I already feel too slow and ashamed. I thought that with Jiang junior brother's past glory, he should have laid his foundation long ago... sigh, what a mess."

The common foundation-laying diagram of the Zhuangguo Daoist Academy had a total of eighty-one nodes of the Yuan Formation. Based on the two Taoist elements gained from practicing meridian stimulation twice a day, it could not be said that it was slow to lay the foundation in fifty-three days. There were many mistakes in the progress due to the relocation of nodes.

Currently, the fastest recorded foundation-laying time in the entire city Daoist Academy was by Zhu Weiwo. He laid his foundation successfully in nine days, surpassing all previous records. Judging from this incredible speed, his true spirit level could not possibly be at the same level as Jiang Wang's earthworm true spirit. However, the specific level of his true spirit involved personal privacy and was impossible to know.Returning to the topic, for disciples of the Daoist Academy in the Maple Forest City, it was normal to take sixty to ninety days to achieve their breakthrough.

No wonder Fang Heling was so self-satisfied.

He did not hide the provocation in his eyes and wanted to see the proud guy in front of him become angry and humiliated. He even simulated in his mind how to use his Dao techniques to brilliantly defeat this guy who could only rely on sword techniques.

But Jiang Wang just smiled and turned to leave.

He showed no anger and seemed indifferent.


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