Loyal Heart Roaming the Skies

Chapter 3: This hatred is difficult to repay!

Outside the Huanzhen Temple, in front of a new grave, Jiang Wang opened his eyes.

The small silver moon fell into his right palm, turning into a silver moon imprint before disappearing.

But Jiang Wang could still sense its presence clearly. It had no power, only appearing when he thought of it, connecting with the Taiyin Star and bringing his spiritual consciousness into the mysterious and unfathomable Tai Xu Illusory Realm.

He didn't explore the Tai Xu Illusory Realm for long before realizing that the wilderness he was in was not a safe place to explore.

Aside from the aftermath of powerful cultivators fighting here, there might also be other cultivators coming from Maple Forest City to investigate. For Jiang Wang, he had more pressing matters to attend to.

If he remembered the time correctly, in three days, it would be the time for selecting students for the inner courtyard of Maple Forest Taoist Academy.

If he missed this opportunity, he would never have another chance for revenge. The students in the inner courtyard were the only ones recognized by the Zhuangguo and were not to be insulted, let alone killed!

After taking one last look at the dilapidated temple where he had been struggling with his illness for days, Jiang Wang stepped into the moonlight and walked away.

The weeds in front of the broken temple gate rustled as the wind blew, allowing the moonlight to fall on the old plaque that had been lying on the ground for years. The words on it were blurry, but the words "Huanzhen" could still be faintly seen.

The moon shone on the new grave in the broken temple, and the wind rustled through the leaves.

As if someone sighed, it seemed sad and relieved at the same time.

Maple Forest City was not small, and for many generations of people living here, it was even the whole world.

Apart from the city lord who represented the will of the Zhuangguo, the three surnames of Zhang, Fang, and Wang were the masters of this area.

Under the cover of night, the back door of Yicui Tower was pushed open. Amidst the giggles of a plump woman, a man in a long shirt with double side slits stumbled out, his body reeking of alcohol, looking even more pleased with himself.

His name was Fang Decai.

The "Fang" character was not easy to come by. It had been serving the Fang family for three generations since his grandfather's time before he was given the surname. It was precisely because of their loyalty that he could afford to go to places like Yicui Tower every month.

After pinching the woman he was with, he laughed heartily and left.

The plump woman pouted and looked at him in annoyance, muttering a few words. It wasn't until his figure disappeared from the alley that she spat and slammed the small door shut.

She did not notice that a ragged man had already crept up behind Fang Decai.

Fang Decai had some martial arts skills and felt that something was wrong. He suddenly turned around and raised his fist, but the other party only casually slapped it away.

Then, his throat was grabbed, and he was lifted off the ground and slammed against the wall.

More than the pain that quickly swelled his face, it was the face of Jiang Wang that made him more afraid. His face was gentle and calm."Jiang... Jiang..." Fang Decai struggled and gasped in fear with his throat being choked.

"Who ordered you, Fang family, or Fang Pengju? Who else was involved in this? What poison did you put in the wine? How did you contact the Western Mountain bandits?" Jiang Wang asked slowly, only releasing his grip on Fang Decai's throat just before he passed out. "Now, tell me slowly. We have plenty of time."

He looked up at the moon and said, "The night is still young."

The evening breeze gently pushed the clouds, slightly covering the moonlight. The quiet conversation in the alley was as light as a ghost's whisper.

That night, the moon was bright in the sky, the night wind was blowing, and the living had returned to the city.

When the sky was bright, Jiang Wang stood at the entrance of the Fenglin City Daoist Academy.

As the national religion of Zhuang Guo, the strongest supernatural power naturally came from the Daoist Academy, and the Daoist academies in various cities in the three counties of the country were the best proof.

The Daoist Academy was not only the first choice for young people in Zhuang Guo to practice, but even officials at all levels had to have a record of studying in the Daoist Academy to gain credibility.

Therefore, in the entire Fenglin City, the most valuable place may not be the city lord's mansion or the mansions of the three major families, but the Fenglin City Daoist Academy.

Jiang Wang's clothes were still old and tattered, and there was even a sour smell. He just washed his face and tied his messy hair behind his head.

He stood in front of the open gate of the Daoist Academy, his head held high and his chest out, like a tall and straight pine tree.

The outer disciple on duty rubbed his eyes and couldn't believe it as he shouted, "Jiang... Jiang Senior Brother!?"

Jiang Wang nodded and said, "Hello, Wu Junior Brother."

As the most willing to risk his life among the outer disciples of the Fenglin City Daoist Academy, he had participated in countless tasks of the academy. Basically, any outer disciple who had been in the academy for more than a year knew him.

Wu Junior Brother turned and ran into the Daoist Academy, shouting excitedly, "Jiang Wang Senior Brother is back! Jiang Wang Senior Brother is back!"

In no time, many outer disciples rushed over, crowding the gate of the academy, and the senior and junior brothers called out incessantly. It can be seen that Jiang Wang had a high reputation among the outer disciples.

Among the dozens of outer disciples, there were a few who stood out. Even in the crowd, people subconsciously made way for them.

"You Jiang Wang, where the hell have you been hiding these days? I thought you were dead!" The one who had been shouting from afar was Du Yehu. When he ran, the muscles on his body seemed to burst out of his training clothes at any time. His face was also different from others, with a full beard. Standing there, he looked two or three times bigger than the outer disciples around him. Some people even believed that he was a mountain king, not an eighteen-year-old teenager.

Because he developed too early, he was known as the early-bearded youth.He hugged Jiang Wang like a bear, ignoring the faint sour smell on his body, and kept saying, "Damn it! Damn it!"

"It's good to have you back!"

He said it was good to have him back, but his eyes were filled with tears and his lips were trembling. It was Linghe.

His face was handsome and dignified, and he seemed to be a calm and composed person. At this moment, he was standing behind Du Yehu in a white practice suit, staring at Jiang Wang.

Only a handsome young man approached and looked up and down at Jiang Wang before pointing at his ragged clothes and laughing, "How did you end up like this?"

His name was Zhao Rucheng. He had the most outstanding appearance, and his smile seemed a bit frivolous. But only those who truly knew him could see the faint trace of tears in his charming eyes.

These people had different appearances and personalities, but they all had a deep friendship with Jiang Wang. In many trials outside the gate, they worked together to overcome countless difficulties and dangers, and had already formed a deep friendship.

But Jiang Wang's gaze passed over them and only fell on the handsome young man in the crowd with reddish eyes.

He didn't speak or do anything, but just stood there, seemingly at the center of the crowd.

"Pengju, it's been fifty-seven days." Jiang Wang almost spoke each word distinctly. "I've been thinking about you every day."

"Just Pengju? Don't you miss your second brother?" Du Yehu grabbed Jiang Wang's shoulder and shook it while shouting.

Linghe and Zhao Rucheng remained silent.

Fifty-seven days was a very specific and sensitive time, exactly fifty-seven days since Jiang Wang disappeared.

Fang Pengju, dressed in luxurious brocade, smiled and approached. "It's good to have you back. We were all very worried about you these past few days."

"Yeah." Jiang Wang also smiled. "If there's no body, how can you not worry?"

Fang Pengju's face changed. "What do you mean by that? It's common knowledge that the remnants of the Western Mountain bandits attacked you! Do you suspect me?" He looked angry and embarrassed. "We, the Five Heroes of Fenglin, are as close as brothers! Did you hear some rumors?"

Linghe, Du Yehu, Jiang Wang, Fang Pengju, and Zhao Rucheng were the most outstanding figures among the disciples of the outer courtyard of the Fenglin Academy. Because of their similar temperament, they often teamed up to fight against bandits and had a deep friendship. They were known as the Five Heroes of Fenglin.

Feeling the sudden solemn atmosphere, the outer courtyard disciples who came to greet Jiang Wang began to feel uneasy.

"Did Fang Pengju harm Jiang Wang?"

"Don't talk nonsense. Fang Pengju has always been righteous. How could he do such a thing? It must be a misunderstanding!"

"I don't think so... Jiang Senior Brother is not a fool who can be fooled by anyone."

The crowd whispered."They're all our own brothers, don't talk nonsense!" Du Yehu stared at Jiang Wang, his face anxious. His intuition was not good, but he had no way to stop what was about to happen.

Linghe thought for a moment and spoke up, "Third brother, you must have experienced a lot during this time and suffered a lot. It's better to settle down first. In a few days, it will be the selection of students for the inner courtyard, which is a big event that will affect your whole life. It must be treated with caution. The gang of bandits in Xishan have already been jointly eliminated by us. If there are any hidden secrets, they can be slowly sorted out. If you have grievances or hatreds, we brothers will definitely help you, even if we have to go to the county or national courts!"

"But Fang Pengju is our blood oath brother. I believe there must be some misunderstanding. Perhaps someone is inciting discord..."

"Big brother." Jiang Wang interrupted him, "When have I ever spoken without thinking? I cherish our brotherly relationship no less than you do. So if I say this today, it means that things are really like this."

"Fang Pengju!" Jiang Wang turned his head to look at the young man in brocade clothes and pointed his finger, "I hope that after opening this box, you can still be so righteous and confident!"

Everyone then noticed that there was a large box behind Jiang Wang.

"No matter what happens, I, Fang Pengju, will never harm my friends!" Fang Pengju only hesitated for a moment before saying resolutely, "I will personally see what kind of evidence can make Third Brother suspect his own brother!"

He strode out of the courtyard, drew his long sword from his waist, and opened the box with a single stroke!

A man tied up inside the box appeared, with a piece of cloth stuffed in his mouth. When he saw Fang Pengju, his expression was extremely anxious, and he kept struggling and whimpering.

Du Yehu and Linghe were also silent. They both recognized the man as Fang Decai, Fang Pengju's trusted servant.

"That day, this servant of yours sent me a note, inviting me to drink at the Moon Viewing Tower. When I arrived, you weren't there yet, and he persuaded me to have a few drinks and try the fine wine you had sent. The poison in the wine... was the Yin and Yang Separation Powder."

"As soon as the poison took effect, bandits broke in through the door... I personally eliminated the bandits in Xishan, but I almost died at the hands of a group of remnants in Maple Forest City!"

Jiang Wang's voice sounded faint, "So the first thing I did after recovering was to find Fang Decai."

Fang Pengju was silent for a moment, and then his long sword struck out fiercely!

"Beast! My Fang family has treated you well. How dare you collude with bandits, forge letters, and harm my third brother!"

This sword was both fast and accurate, and blood spattered everywhere. Fang Decai shuddered, choked a few times, and finally lay motionless like a dead dog. He didn't even have time to say a word to defend himself.

"Fang Pengju!" No one present was a fool. Although Du Yehu was rough and bold, it didn't mean he was stupid. At this moment, his eyes widened with anger.

"Second brother." Fang Pengju hung his bloody sword and looked ashamed, "I... was blinded by anger and only wanted to kill this beast to avenge Third Brother!""It's okay." Jiang Wang watched as Fang Pengju finished his performance, then pulled out a paper from his pocket with dense writing on it. "Here is Fang Decai's confession and signature. Do you want to take a look?"


Fang Pengju threw his long sword to the ground and kneeled down. "I don't need to read it to know what it says. I can only say that the bandits in the west mountain have not given up on me. I don't know what price Fang Decai paid to make him so loyal to me. But Third Brother, you have to believe me. I have always been an honest person and have never done anything unscrupulous. No matter what the reason for this matter is, the Fang family will definitely give you an explanation. I will offer a reward of ten thousand taels of silver to eliminate the bandits within a hundred miles and wash away your hatred!"

Some disciples from the outer courtyard also spoke up, "Yes, Senior Brother Jiang, you five heroes of Fenglin are the pride of our outer courtyard. Don't be swayed by villains!"

"I once had a seriously ill mother, and it was Senior Brother Fang who generously helped me. I believe he is not that kind of person."

There were also those who spat on Fang Decai's corpse and said, "This wicked servant deserves to die, not only did he die without regret, but he also ruined Senior Brother Fang's reputation and the brotherhood of the five heroes of Fenglin. If he were still alive, I would have cut him into a thousand pieces!"

"Brothers and sisters, there is no need to say more!" Fang Pengju waved his hand to stop everyone's discussion and kneeled down sincerely, looking at Jiang Wang. "After Third Brother disappeared, I led people to search everywhere, crying several times in despair! My loyalty to Third Brother is known to all. Even if I am innocent in my heart, if it weren't for my trust in Fang Decai and Third Brother's trust in me, how could this scum have taken advantage of the situation? All the blame is on me, and I am willing to take all the responsibility!"

"I am willing to pay all my private wealth to alleviate Third Brother's pain; I am willing to suffer corporal punishment to make up for my mistake; I am willing to single-handedly eliminate the bandits and swear to wipe out the remaining enemies in the west mountain. If they continue to exist, I will not return to the city!"

"I am willing to do this, not to compensate, but because Third Brother almost died. This hatred is difficult to repay! It's just that we are brothers, and I cannot forgive myself!"

"If..." Fang Pengju's voice was almost tearful as he gritted his teeth. "If Third Brother still can't let go of his hatred, then take up this long sword and kill me with one strike! Pengju will have no complaints!"

Everyone's eyes were cast on the bloody long sword lying on the ground.

"Senior Brother Fang, you can't do this!"

"I believe it's not your fault. How can a real man speak of death so easily?"

In this scene, everyone was moved and spoke up to persuade him.

Even Linghe spoke up again after a moment of silence. "Old Third and Old Fourth, about this matter..."

Jiang Wang waved his sleeve and stood up straight. "Pengju, I once had multiple injuries for you, and you also stood up for me. We five brothers have lived and died together."

Whether it was Linghe, Du Yehu, or Zhao Rucheng, their eyes were slightly red. The blood and tears they had experienced together, the days they had fought together, and the joy they had shared... only they knew.

The brotherhood of living and dying together, how could it be expressed in just a few words?"Third Brother..." Fang Pengju lowered his head, tears streaming down his face as he sobbed uncontrollably, "It's all my fault, every mistake, I shouldn't have trusted that wicked servant and almost caused a huge disaster!"

"But since you say so, Pengju..." Jiang Wang spoke slowly, "Then Third Brother shall obey and follow your orders!"


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