Loyal Heart Roaming the Skies

Chapter 25: Blood and energy wolf smoke

At this moment, Wei Yan truly displayed his strength as the second-ranked disciple on the Fenglin City Dao Xun Bang, leading the charge towards the depths of Xiaolin Town, breaking through the horde of wandering souls with a single blow, scattering those who stood in his way.

His body was enveloped in a layer of cold light, a manifestation of the extreme gathering of the Golden Qi. His steps did not pause, as if nothing could stop him.

His long knife slashed and whistled, as if even the air would be cut.

The others followed behind him, only needing to prevent the ghosts from approaching from both sides, greatly reducing the risk.

Jiang Wang and Zhao Ru Cheng flanked Ling He and Du Ye Hu, intentionally or unintentionally protecting them in the middle. Ling He was still fine, but Du Ye Hu's face turned bright red, knowing that this was not the time for hot-headedness, and could only move forward with a heavy heart.

It was unclear how long had passed, in the slowly gathering thick fog, even the direction and time seemed to be blurred. The wandering souls encountered so far were not very strong, within the range that a ninth-grade transcendent cultivator could handle, but the Dao Yuan within these eighth and ninth-grade cultivators in the Tongtian Palace was not abundant, and they could not withstand prolonged battles. If they continued for a while, they would not be able to use their Dao techniques anymore, otherwise they would damage their Dao rotation and harm their foundation.

Wei Yan stopped at this moment.

According to the approximate location, they were about to reach the center of Xiaolin Town. Jiang Wang remembered that it was a market place where people from nearby villages would gather on market days, bustling with activity.

Wei Yan stopped here, not because he did not want to continue forward, but because a wall of mist blocked his path, stopping his blade.

Unlike the thick fog along the way, this mist wall had a substantial presence, and was very tough. With Wei Yan's sharp blade, even a copper wall and iron barrier should have been cut through, but this mist wall remained motionless.

No matter how many attacks were launched, they were like a stone sinking into the sea.

Wei Yan was anxious, he keenly felt that there was something wrong happening behind this mist wall. It was not just a simple evil act, it could even affect his entire life.

But at this moment, he was in a dilemma with his long knife!

"Does anyone have a way to break through? Let's try it!" Wei Yan said in a deep voice, "The situation is urgent, there's no time to delay, all responsibility is on me."

Immediately, a disciple walked up to the mist wall without saying a word, and began to untie his belt.

"Hey, what are you doing?" someone next to him stopped him.

"Don't stop me!" this person said confidently, "There are many ghosts and heavy Yin Qi here. Child's urine can ward off evil spirits, and since I still have my Yang energy, I naturally won't back down!"

This person's name was Huang A Zhan, an inner disciple selected in the previous intake. He was a friend of Du Ye Hu and had a good personality, but his brain was not very useful.Wei Yan frowned, waiting for him to finish urinating, but the mist barrier remained still. Only the strong smell reminded everyone that something had happened.

"That's not right, is the amount not enough?" The man held it in for a while before turning around and calling out, "Do any of you still have the body of a child? Let's do it together! Of course, Zhao Rucheng doesn't need to come, your Yin energy is too strong. Du Yehu, come quickly! Don't be shy, with your status, you are destined to have the body of a child until old age, your Yang energy must be sufficient!"

This one sentence mocked two people. If it weren't for the urgent situation, Du Yehu would have punched his dog head long ago.

Zhao Rucheng grinned, "Ah Zhan, think about it, is it not enough with just child urine? Do we need child blood?"

Huang Azhan nodded as he rubbed his chin, seemingly considering the feasibility.

Wang Changxiang, who had been weak since using the Breath of Dragon Whirlwind, observed, "When the whirlwind blew away the mist earlier, I noticed that the wandering spirits in Xiaolin Town had formed a simple Nine Palace Formation. I wasn't sure at the time, but now that the central palace is blocked, I'm sure of it."

"How do we break it?" Wei Yan asked directly.

"The formation was not set up with much care, and it's difficult to control so many ghosts. So the solution is simple," Wang Changxiang said with a bitter smile. "Break the other eight palaces, and the central palace will break on its own."

"I'll stay here to observe the situation," Wei Yan said immediately. "Four people will stay and follow his orders, ready to support all routes. I'll go to the Kan Palace. The rest of you will divide into seven groups and break one palace each. Finally, we'll gather here in front of the central palace."

Days are divided into yang and yin, with yang starting at midnight and yin starting at noon. Therefore, Taiyi starts from the Kan Palace in the Nine Palace Formation.

The Kan Palace is located in the north, and belongs to the water element. It's not the easiest palace for Wei Yan to solve, but he is strong enough not to worry about it.

"I need to remind everyone," Wang Changxiang said again. "The ghosts we've cleared along the way are ordinary, but there will be resentful or fierce ghosts at the formation's eyes. Everyone must be careful."

Zhao Lang was the first to respond, "Then I'll go to the Kun Palace."

Li Jianqiu was even more straightforward, already heading west with his sword. "I'll take the Shock Palace. You guys can divide the rest among yourselves."

Strong people stepped forward and took responsibility. This is the backbone of cultivators.

Jiang Wang and Ling He exchanged glances and said, "We four brothers will be responsible for the Xun Palace."

This wasn't them being arrogant. Their strength was evident from the journey so far. Although Jiang Wang hadn't laid a foundation, he relied on the Purple Qi Coming from the East Sword Technique, and his strength was faintly above that of an ordinary ninth-grade cultivator.The Xun Palace belongs to the wood element, and it's the perfect time to use metal to conquer wood. The Zheng Palace, which also belongs to the wood element, is already under the responsibility of Li Jianqiu, so it's harder for him and Zhao Rucheng to perform in other palaces.

On the other hand, the situation in Xiaolin Town will have a significant impact. Their efforts will be recorded, and Linghe, Du Yehu, and Zhao Rucheng are accumulating Dao merits to exchange for the opening of their meridians. If they can solve one palace this time, it will undoubtedly push them forward.

The selection of the nine palaces is strictly in order. The second and fourth palaces are the shoulder, the sixth and eighth palaces are the foot, the left is the third, and the right is the seventh. From one to nine, they are Kan, Kun, Zhen, Xun, Zhong, Qian, Dui, Gen, and Li.

Jiang Wang and Zhao Rucheng's extraordinary swordsmanship have already been recognized by everyone, so no one says much. The remaining twenty disciples of the Dao Academy are grouped into five people and choose the remaining four palaces.

It must be said that Wang Changxiang's blowing of the tornado contributed greatly, allowing everyone to find the direction in such a thick fog, which is a prerequisite for cracking the entire ghost formation.

The Xun Palace is located in the southeast, and Jiang Wang walks forward with his sword in the thick fog. When he sees the restaurant in front of him vaguely, he is certain. The only restaurant in Xiaolin Town is in the southeast direction, and they haven't gone the wrong way.

"Be careful." Linghe suddenly said, "I feel that there is a very dangerous thing ahead."

Linghe's intuition has always been accurate, and everyone dare not be careless.

Jiang Wang nodded, "Then it should be the Resentful Ghost that Senior Wang mentioned, which also represents the eye of the Xun Palace. Rucheng, how many moves have you mastered of the Purple Qi East Coming Sword Technique?"

"I've mastered them all." Zhao Rucheng said.

Jiang Wang had nothing to say about this guy's talent, and he commanded, "I'll make the first move later, and you follow up with the strongest attack as soon as possible. Be sure to eliminate the target in the shortest time possible. Boss and Second Brother, keep an eye on the surroundings and don't let other wandering spirits rush over. If necessary, don't hesitate to burst out your blood."

Before the foundation is established, if they can't master extraordinary techniques like the Purple Qi East Coming Sword, the only way to harm ghosts is to burst out their blood. However, Qi and blood are the foundation of a person, and the burden of bursting out blood is enormous, so Linghe and Du Yehu have been very restrained all the way.

But they didn't hesitate at all about Jiang Wang's command. It was the tacit understanding developed through countless battles side by side.

Although they couldn't see far in the fog, the brothers quickly drew the target range and approached it separately.

At this moment, a sharp scream suddenly sounded, as if it was right next to their ears. A sword light suddenly lit up in front of Jiang Wang!


Purple Qi East Coming Sword, the first move!

A crimson claw was just blocked by the long sword, and the Resentful Ghost of the Xun Palace appeared in front of them.All the wandering spirits they encountered along the way were not much different from humans in their lifetime, except that their forms were faint and their colors were pale. But this vengeful ghost was completely different, already looking like a different kind of creature.

It had a green face and fangs, standing nearly ten feet tall and was muscular and strong. The muscles on its body were bulging, and its claws were crimson, with one claw tip still dripping blood.

Jiang Wang knew that the vengeful ghost's perception in the thick fog must be stronger than theirs. So he had been prepared and was ready to strike with his sword. This was the only way to resist the vengeful ghost's attack at the first moment.

But he still underestimated the vengeful ghost's power.

During the brief interval created by the blowing breath of the whirlwind, they saw more than a thousand wandering spirits, but only eight fierce ghosts were stationed in the Nine Palaces. Whether cultivated by humans or born through natural fighting, the vengeful ghosts that emerged from this were bound to be extraordinary.

Although Jiang Wang blocked the first attack, he was still grazed by another claw tip, tearing a strip of flesh from his left arm.

The blood on the vengeful ghost's claw tip came from his wound. Fortunately, the wound was not too big.

At the same time that Jiang Wang was attacked and counterattacked, Zhao Rucheng's sword also moved!

The first move of the Purple Qi Coming from the East Sword Technique emphasized speed, which could attack like thunder and defend like lightning. The emperor's thunderous wrath moved in an instant, shocking the world!

Before the vengeful ghost had time to taste the torn flesh, Zhao Rucheng's sword had pierced through its abdomen.

Zhao Rucheng and his sword were stuck on the vengeful ghost's body, like a monkey hanging on a person because of the difference in size.

The vengeful ghost howled in pain, suddenly lowering its head.

Not good!

Zhao Rucheng was shocked, and kicked the paw swung by the vengeful ghost, flipped backwards in the air, and threw away his sword to escape. While the vengeful ghost was about to pursue him, Jiang Wang's figure had passed by like a thunderbolt in front of it.

The second move of the Purple Qi Coming from the East Sword Technique was precise.

Jiang Wang was already far away, but the sword light had just passed through the vengeful ghost's eye.

In that instant, the dark green liquid exploded like a volcanic eruption, and the vengeful ghost let out a desperate and miserable scream. This creature, which was originally confused, stared fiercely at Jiang Wang with its remaining right eye, overflowing with hatred.

It did not bother to cover its eye, allowing the dark green liquid to flow, and still had Zhao Rucheng's shaky sword stuck in its body. It charged towards Jiang Wang with big strides!

Ling He, who was driving away wandering spirits outside the battle circle, shot his sword towards Zhao Rucheng in a hurry, "Catch it!"

Zhao Rucheng leaped up and caught Ling He's sword in mid-air, his whole body like a shooting star, once again rushing towards the vengeful ghost's back. This time, the sword pierced through its neck, with the tip of the sword penetrating from its chin and reaching its chest!The vengeful ghost's howl echoed as it swung its claw back, but due to the angle, the attack was slower than before. Zhao Rucheng tried to use the force to pull out his sword and retreat by planting his feet on the ghost's back. However, the sword was firmly caught in the ghost's muscles, and he slowed down for a moment.

In that moment, the ghost's huge claw fiercely swept him away, sending Zhao Rucheng flying four to five meters away into the thick fog, his life hanging in the balance!

It should be noted that there were countless wandering souls in the thick fog at this time!

Meanwhile, Jiang Wang was on the other side, and Linghe was still entangled with the wandering souls after delivering the sword. Only Du Yehu, who was guarding the battlefield, was closest to Zhao Rucheng. He could no longer restrain himself. He came here to eliminate evil and purify the world, not to be protected and be a burden to the mixed path of virtue!

A loud roar was heard, thundering like thunder. Du Yehu's whole body burst with all his blood and energy. His blood and energy seemed to turn into tangible wolf smoke, and for a moment, it was like a raging fire!

Blood and energy wolf smoke!

Only a warrior whose blood and energy was strong enough could stimulate the blood and energy wolf smoke. Even Jiang Wang couldn't do this.

But Du Yehu's full burst of power proved that he was not inferior to anyone.

Wrapped in the tangible power of blood and energy, he seemed to be wearing a blood-colored battle robe, and with a speed several times faster than usual, he rushed to Zhao Rucheng's side in a few steps!


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