Loyal Heart Roaming the Skies

Book 2: Chapter 23: Deadly silence

Hula hula

Lian Que's body suddenly made a sound like a windbox being pulled.

His whole person exploded like sparks in a furnace, directly colliding with Zhao Fangyuan.

Raising his right hand, his hand turned into a fiery red color in the air, with blue veins and red flesh, like a giant swinging a hammer.

The temperature in the hall suddenly rose!

"Lian Que, you really have a problem!" The female cultivator in the northeast corner shouted angrily, but she took a step back and did not intend to directly fight against the suddenly erupting Lian Que.

Zhao Fangyuan, who faced the attack head-on, spun around to avoid the hammer strike. His footsteps crossed each other repeatedly, and he had already reached the front of the hall, leaving behind a string of afterimages.

He shouted, "Everyone, kill Lian Que first! If we don't kill him, how can we peacefully seize the opportunity?"

Jiang Wang held onto the hilt of his sword, but instead of advancing, he retreated to the side door.

He felt that something was wrong.

Even if Lian Que was the real culprit and it seemed that he was about to expose himself and be surrounded and killed by everyone present, his first choice should be to escape. Could he be so confident that he could single-handedly kill all the cultivators present?

How could it be that simple? Those who can enter the Tianfu Secret Realm to compete for opportunities are not weak.

Taking a step back, even if he had the determination and confidence to kill everyone, his first choice should be the closest person to him, Ji Xiu, who was examining the corpse.

Moreover, that person did not have much defense against him, while Zhao Fangyuan, because he had exposed his malice towards him, had been on guard the whole time.

When facing a outnumbered situation, how could one choose to go for the harder target first instead of the easier one?

Therefore, Jiang Wang decided to observe for a while, just like the female cultivator, and prioritize his own safety.

Only the cultivator with a long cloak covering his face moved forward, seemingly intending to join the battle and kill Lian Que.

But halfway through, his footsteps suddenly stopped, and he stood still.

At this moment, even stranger things happened.

Zhao Fangyuan, who had been retreating all along, suddenly charged forward and collided with Lian Que.

The two of them clashed with extremely powerful secret techniques, merging and separating in an instant.

Zhao Fangyuan spat out blood and retreated, obviously at a disadvantage. But he ignored it and once again met the charging Lian Que.

This was completely not Zhao Fangyuan's style. He was not the type of cultivator who relied on brute force.

He had also shown considerable intelligence all along, so how could he now attack the enemy with his own shortcomings?

But from this angle, Jiang Wang had already seen Zhao Fangyuan's face clearly and noticed that his eyes were filled with bloodshot veins, and the redness was spreading, indicating a strong killing intent.

This was not normal.

There was something strange in this hall!

Jiang Wang's blood surged, rushing through his meridians over and over again. The entwined Star Spirit Snake moved within the Tongtian Palace, investigating if there were any abnormal situations.

At the same time, his eyes scanned the corners of the hall like lightning.

Where was the problem?

"Everyone, be careful!" Ji Xiu, who was next to Tian Yong's body, couldn't care about examining the corpse anymore and stood up to warn, "We must suppress our killing intent. If we all attack Lian Que, we will fall into a trap. Someone has tampered with this place. As long as the killing intent reaches a certain limit, it will be eroded by the killing intent."

Eroded by the killing intent?

Looking at Lian Que and Zhao Fangyuan, they indeed did not seem to be maintaining their sanity.

The two of them were directly clashing head-on, although they both erupted with extremely powerful momentum, and their battle followed an instinctual pattern. But there was no trace of strategy.

It was as if their only goal was to kill each other.

Lian Que hated Zhao Fangyuan to the bone, and Zhao Fangyuan had already shown killing intent earlier. These two people fit the conditions for being eroded by the killing intent.

The female cultivator in the northeast corner immediately held her breath and suppressed her killing intent.

So, who was behind this?

The gazes of the people in the field moved back and forth, wary of each other.

Meanwhile, Lian Que and Zhao Fangyuan were still fighting frantically, both of them sustaining injuries.

"No matter what, we must first stop them and try to avoid casualties." Jiang Wang decisively formed hand seals.

"Since the person who set up this scheme wants us to kill each other, we must not let him succeed. Otherwise, there may be further changes that will harm us!"

Countless vine snakes emerged from the ground, entwining each other and blocking the path between Lian Que and Zhao Fangyuan.

Vine Snake Entanglement!

This was a defensive Dao technique, but Jiang Wang used it to separate the two fighting sides.


Under the wild attacks of the two, the Vine Snake Entanglement instantly collapsed.

But at this moment, Ji Xiu and the female cultivator both reacted and used their own methods. Because what Jiang Wang said was indeed reasonable.

No matter who the person secretly setting up obstacles was, they must not let him succeed.

A huge wave surged, directly forming a water wall between Zhao Fangyuan and Lian Que, reaching the ceiling.

Under the erosion of the killing intent, they only had each other in their eyes. Now that they suddenly lost their target, they both had a moment of confusion.

And two white lights flashed out of Ji Xiu's hand, instantly touching Zhao Fangyuan and Lian Que.

The white lights instantly turned into blood lights, and when they fell into Ji Xiu's hand, Jiang Wang finally saw clearly that they were two small snakes.

They should have been snow white, but at this moment, they were completely blood red.

And Zhao Fangyuan and Lian Que both paused, their eyes regaining clarity.

"Stay calm and suppress your killing intent!"

Ji Xiu said as he let the small snakes crawl into his sleeve, "You were affected just now, and I temporarily absorbed your killing intent. But you must not have any more murderous intentions!"The water wall dissipated, and Zhao Fangyuan and Lian Que looked at each other. Although they still harbored hatred, they both showed signs of fear.

Especially Zhao Fangyuan, who had been severely injured by Lian Que in an unfavorable style of combat. If the fight continued, he might be beaten to death.

"So, who was the one who instigated us to fight each other?" The female cultivator who had withdrawn the water wall asked, her gaze falling on the man in the long cloak. "We were all trying to stop the fight and find the root of the anomaly. Why didn't you move at all?"

The man in the cloak seemed to only react at this moment. He shrugged his shoulders and said coldly, "My killing intent is hard to suppress. It took me a lot of effort."

Although his explanation was somewhat alarming, it was not unreasonable.

"So hard to suppress?" The female cultivator sneered. "Who do you want to kill so badly that you can't stand it?"

"Don't you want to?" The man in the cloak looked around. "Who among us doesn't want to kill all the other competitors and monopolize the divine opportunities?"

The female cultivator was taken aback by his words.

"Enough." Dong Wang Gu Ji Xiu intervened. "Before we find out who is secretly manipulating things, let's not provoke more disputes, lest we be taken advantage of."

"The poisonous woman who stirs up trouble always wants to kill someone first. I think she is also very suspicious!" Lian Que was very hostile to the only female cultivator in the Dragon Palace.

Because it was this woman who had teamed up with Zhao Fangyuan and almost eliminated him at the beginning.

"If I hadn't stopped you, you might be dead by now. Now you're so eager to point the finger at me. Are you playing the victim?" The female cultivator immediately counterattacked.

Zhao Fangyuan, on the other hand, was treating his injuries while cautiously guarding against everyone. He was the most severely injured and the most likely target to be attacked first.

The people in the Dragon Palace were here to compete for opportunities. In a place like the Heavenly Mansion Secret Realm where there were no constraints, there was no trust between them.

They were suspicious and hostile towards each other, and it was impossible for them to cooperate sincerely.

Perhaps this was why the secret manipulator chose to exploit their killing intent.

They truly understood human nature and saw through people's hearts.

Jiang Wang was hesitant and found the situation difficult to handle.

If Ling He were here, things would be much easier, because even his enemies could trust him. If he were to investigate one by one, no one who knew him would object.

If it were Zhao Rucheng, he might be able to tell who was behind it at the first moment.

And if Du Yehu were here, it would be even simpler. He wouldn't think about anything, he would just kill whoever tried to kill him, simple and brutal.

Unfortunately, Jiang Wang was alone here. He couldn't be like Du Yehu and not consider the situation, but he couldn't think of a good solution either.

But he couldn't just drag things out, because there was no guarantee that the secret manipulator wouldn't make another move.

Moreover, once the opportunity appeared, the situation would immediately spiral out of control.

Leaving a hidden danger at this time could lead to a path of death later.

Jiang Wang kept a calm face, but his mind was racing.

Suddenly, he felt a movement from the Mingzhu in the Tongtian Palace.

Distracted, he saw several strands of gray gas being pulled out of the void, revealing their tracks.

The gray gas was like silk, all absorbed by the Mingzhu.

Jiang Wang recognized it, it was the gas of death!

Why would there be death gas trying to erode the Tongtian Palace? Whose trick was this?


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