Loving Madeline

Chapter 276 - New Friend

Hunter's POV

I couldn't stop my tears from falling on my cheeks as I held my son on my chest, and it felt so satisfying to become a father, and watching my wife talking happily with her grandpa made my day complete. And I don't have regrets about coming home even if the event hasn't ended yet, and I felt so glad Hector Grant didn't say anything about why I came home ahead of time, and I guess he understood the feeling of being away from my family.

When Aunt Francine took our son from me, I didn't waste my time to join with my wife, and I could tell it was a fantastic day to celebrate the gift of life. After eating lunch, we talked, and I watched my sister on the water having fun with my mom; I couldn't believe that my father turned more wicked that we needed to double the security for Madeline and my son's sake. It was a shame knowing he was my father.

I felt so worried about Charlotte, I thought she changed, and it hurt me because I know mom is hurting inside because of my sister. And if I could only do something about it, I already did it, and all I can do right now is to wish that she will finally come to her senses and advise dad to give it a rest.

My father and sister should be happy for me; I felt so delighted when I learned Maddie is the only heir of Hector Grant because I knew it would finally make my dad accept Madeline as my wife, but I didn't expect that my dad hadn't changed, and I wondered why? And it made me question why he needs to be so angry with Madeline when my wife has nothing to do with him, and as far as I know, he only wanted me to marry Kaye because of their wealth, but when everything got reversed, he still feels the same way towards Madeline.

Kaye's father was convicted, and their family lost everything they had while Maddie got everything she needed with her life; she will become the wealthiest person in Neospoli the moment Hector Grant transferred everything in her name since Aunt Francine wanted to give her share to my wife as well. Everything was perfect, but it never pleased my dad, and I could tell there was something more.

"Hey, are you okay, Hunter?" Maddie asked when she found me staring into space, we were sitting on the sand, and I smiled as I nodded my head, and I pulled her closer to me.

"Of course, Madeline, why should I not be okay when I am with you and Frank. Everything is perfect, my love." I whispered in her ear, and I could see the hair at the back of her neck stand up, and I couldn't stop myself from grinning. It feels so lovely to see her like this, and she put her head on my chest while I circled my arms around her waist, and the intoxicating scent is enough to drive me insane.

"You can't lie to me, my love, and I know you are thinking about your dad and sister." She said, and I fell silent because I didn't want to deny nor confirm she was right.

"I just want you to know, you can talk with me anytime, and I don't hold any grudge towards your father even for how many times he attempted to hurt me, and I am just glad I was so lucky, and I could tell, my guardian angel must be quick and so smart that he always alert in protecting me." She declared.

"Thank you, my love, don't worry, I will talk to you if I am thinking about my father." I lied, and she fell silent as she continued to watch the endless water in front of us until she dozed off to sleep.

And I loosened my necktie and opened the buttons of my undershirt since I was still wearing my business suit. It looked so funny that everyone around me was wearing swimming attire, and it felt like I belonged to the security team who were hiding from us, but I knew they were there watching the surroundings for possible threats.

And I don't want my wife to have this kind of life since she enjoyed her freedom before becoming my wife. Right now, Maddie can't leave the house without bodyguards, she didn't complain even once, and I couldn't stop myself from feeling so worried that anytime something will happen to her and our son.

The day passed in a blur, and it was almost sunset; I smiled when I looked at my wife and son sleeping in the cottage, and they looked both adorable. The rest of my family returned inside the house except with Aunt Francine and Uncle Paul, who are talking while they are both lying on the beach lounger near the cottage, enjoying the breeze of the ocean.

I walked on the sand barefoot while I was still wearing my slacks. I pulled up the hem of my pants as I walked along the shore, I enjoyed walking on the wet sand, and when I raised my head, I found Jack walking in my direction, and I could tell he had done cooking for dinner and he left the rest to the kitchen staff since he was on his cargo shorts and t-shirt.

And I couldn't deny his physical appearance could make girls go crazy with him, and I felt so glad I met Madeline first before they got the chance to meet each other, or there is a possibility I will end up with a broken heart. Still, I believe Madeline is destined to be mine.

"Hello, Mr. Divenson; I am sorry if I wasn't able to speak with you during lunch." He said, and for the first time, I smiled at Jack genuinely.

"Jack, you can call me Hunter from now on; besides, I could tell we will become family soon," I said, and Jack blushed; he knew we consider Gina as an additional member of our family; she is Madeline's sister even if they are not related by blood.

"I hope she will give me a chance, Hunter, and I know I hurt Gina when she was still in Archois." He responded.

"Well, I think she will give you a chance, buddy," I said, and he grinned at me.

"You think so?" He asked.

"I will tell you a secret, but you need to promise me never to tell my wife or Gina about it," I stated, and I could see his face lit up.

"Of course, I will not tell a single soul." He replied.

"Gina still likes you, Jack; I know about that because there are times my wife and Gina would be talking about you," I said, and he grinned at me.

"So, there is nothing to be worried about, Jack, I am sure she will become your girlfriend before this vacation is over, and all you need to do is apologize," I added.

"Okay, I will do that, and thank you so much for your advice," Jack responded.

"It is nothing, besides we wanted you to end up with Gina because she is a wonderful woman, Jack, and she loves you," I stated.

"Me too; I felt so happy when I learned she was here, and to be honest, I had been waiting for her to visit me at my restaurant, but after the day I rejected her, she never came again." He declared.

"Of course, she felt humiliated and hurt, it was normal, and I could tell she wished never to see you again even if her heart was screaming to be with you," I said.

"Trust me, I had been there, I became an idiot once, and you were the one who made me realize how much I wanted to have Madeline in my life," I said, and he beamed at me.

"Don't smile at me like that, Jack, because for how many times I wanted to beat you because of my jealousy," I said, and he laughed.

"I know, I could see it in your eyes, Hunter, and all I ever wanted for you is to open your eyes because I know from the very start, Maddie was so in love with you, and I felt so happy now that things are in place, and you end up happily married with her, and now you have an adorable son." He declared, and I couldn't stop myself from grinning from ear to ear.

"Thank you, Jack; it has been a long time that I wanted to have a word with you, but I felt too embarrassed to admit my mistakes; you were the reason I realized I couldn't take it if Madeline ended up marrying another man. You helped me to man up, and I know I hurt Madeline so many times, and I am not proud about it, and I wanted to take away all the pain she went through because of me." I said as I looked at the sun setting on the horizon.

"You can never change the past, Hunter, all you need to do is to shower Madeline your love and care for the rest of your lives, and I know all the heartaches she experienced will slowly fade away." He responded, and I nodded my head.

"Yeah, I will do that, Jack," I said.

"See you later during dinner, Chef, and I hope we can have some drinks," I added.

"Sure, I would love that, Hunter." He said, and we said goodbye to each other, and we went on separate ways.

I walked towards the cottage feeling like I became a different man after talking with Jack, and I knew it was because I found a new friend, and I smiled as I realized how I missed Calixto Morgan.. I couldn't wait to tell him I had gained another friend, and I am sure he will be so happy for me because he had been complaining that he is my only close friend.


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