Loving Madeline

Chapter 254 - Wish Granted

Madeline's POV

I was in my husband's arms, feeling more love and secure than ever. It felt nice to him hugging me from behind as we looked at the starry night together. Then if we looked down, we behold the city lights gleaming in the darkness, and I felt sad since this would be our last night here in Archois, and I am sure I will miss all my friends, including Hunter's family, especially Lily.

We said goodbye to Hunter's family and my friends on the following day, and with a heavy heart, I left them with tears in my eyes. And I know that I should be happy for our new journey in life, but I couldn't stop myself from feeling so emotional. And I could tell my aunt Francine and grandpa Hector was the only ones who were so happy as we made our way to the helipad.

The flight going home to Neospoli was long and tiring, but I felt so glad; I was with my husband, and it was already nighttime when we arrived in Choraz, and I felt so drained since I experienced dizziness during the entire ride. Hunter assisted me in walking inside my grandpa's place, and I felt glad that we were finally home.

"Are you okay, sweetheart?" My grandpa asked me when we got inside the house, and I could see the worries on his face.

"Yes, I am, don't worry, I only need to have a rest, grandpa," I responded.

"Okay, I will ask someone to go into your room when dinner is ready." He said.

"Thank you, grandpa," I replied, and we climbed the stairs while my husband never let my hand go. The moment we got inside my room, I changed into one of the maternity dresses my aunt bought for me, and I slowly lay on our bed as I could feel the entire house is spinning, and I saw Hunter get out of our room, and when he came back, he has thermos and mug on his hand.

Hunter let me drink the hot water, and my aunt came into our room to check on me. When she was convinced I was fine, she left in our room saying she would see us during dinner, and I couldn't stop myself from smiling at my husband. It felt so wonderful to have him beside me, and he was caressing my tummy, and I know Hunter was so excited to see our baby. 

By dinner time, I was shocked when three household staff came inside our room, and I realized the two were maids based on their uniforms. They had trays with good on their hands, while the other was wearing a nurse uniform, and she had a stethoscope on her neck while holding a medical kit in her hand.

"Ms. Madeline, your grandpa said you are not feeling well, and he wanted you to take your meal here in your room. I am Rose, one of the household maids, and this is Mia, the nurse of Grant's estate, and don't worry, the doctor is on his way." Rose said, and I sat up on the bed, and My husband helped me lean my back on the headboard.

"Thank you, but I am fine; I only need some rest; I just got tired from our flight," I responded while Hunter was standing beside the bed, and when I glimpsed at him, I could see the amusement on his face.

"It is nice to know that you felt fine now, Ms. Madeline, but still, I needed to do my job, and I hope I can get your vitals before you eat your dinner. I need to report to your grandfather that you are excellent by telling him your vital stats." Mia said, and I almost forgot my granddad has a house nurse and on-call doctor.

"Okay, but please, convince him that I don't need to see a doctor," I responded, and the nurse smiled weakly at me.

"I will try, Ms. Madeline, but I could tell he will still ask the doctor to check on you. He was worried about your condition since you are pregnant, and I know she is concerned about you, Maddie." The nurse replied.

"Yes, he was anxious, and this is the first time I saw our employer this stress, and he was in the kitchen telling the staff to cook for you. He didn't ask Leo to do it, and he came to our quarter to personally ask me I will be assisting all your needs." Rose said, and I am overwhelmed with happiness, but I needed to tell my grandpa that I don't need a personal maid to take good care of me.

"Thank you, Rose, I am telling you, my grandfather was only overreacting," I said as I shook my head.

"Maddie, I haven't seen your grandpa so happy and worried since I started working here, and he always asked Leonardo to do things around here under his command, but tonight he never asked the butler. You made the old man happy, Maddie, and since you came into this house, he started communicating with all the staff even with his busy schedule." Rose declared.

"You bring out the best on him, Madeline, and he gave us a bonus the first time you came here," Rose added, and I was surprised.

"Yes, Madeline, your grandpa used to be so strict to all the household staff. He doesn't want anyone to commit a mistake. He was a perfectionist in almost everything. We can't commit any mistakes because we will get fired." She stated.

"But when you came here in the estate, everything changed, and that is why we are so grateful to have you in this house, and for us, you became the new Queen on this castle." Rose continued, and I could feel my face turn so red.

"Wow! I didn't know about these things, and thank you, Rose, for telling me all." I said.

"You have all the right to know, Ms. Madeline, because we are all happy to have you here, and we felt glad that you came, and now that your grandfather informed us all that you will be staying here for good together with your husband we couldn't be happier." She responded.

"We are all excited for the comings days to come knowing everything will be okay; here in the estate because you will become the new madam of this house, and knowing that you have a good heart, the staff are all excited to serve you and your family." She said as she darted a glance at my husband.

And I smiled as I looked at her blushed, and I know she is still young, and I am aware wherever we will go, Hunter will always have the same effect on all the women who will be around him, and I felt so lucky that I am his wife. I know there is nothing I can do if women will get fascinated by his appeal because I can never change the fact that my husband is handsome and hot.

 The nurse left together with the maids, and Rose said she would be back to dish out the dishes, and I am still shocked about the things I learned about my grandfather, and I couldn't believe my presence here changed my granda's heart, and I made him a different man. 

We eat our dinner in silence while I still think about Hector Grant, the man I thought who doesn't have feelings and doesn't know how to love. I felt guilty thinking back to the words I said to my grandpa the first time that we met, but I know my grandfather couldn't blame me for what I did before then since he hurt my feelings. 

My husband brought me back into our bed after eating our supper.

"Wow! I couldn't believe that your grandpa would be so worried about you, my love, and I felt so thankful that he loves you." My husband said, and I smiled at him.

"Me too; it feels so wonderful to know that I have a grandfather. Do you know it was part of my dreams?" I asked, and my husband shook my head.

"It must sound funny and crazy, but since I didn't know my grandparents from both sides, every time Gina visited her grandparents in the province, I always felt lonely, and I was wishing I have grandparents too, since I know grandparents will always love their grandkids, and I could tell they fancy their grandchildren more than they fancy their children," I said. My husband was looking at my face, and he kept silent while he continued caressing my face.

"I asked my aunt about my grandparents even if I already know my mom's parents passed away when my aunt and mom were only teenagers, and that is why they both work hard to survive," I added.

"I always imagine going to my grandparents' house during summer, school breaks, and holidays. But I came to understand there are so many things in this world that I am not so lucky to have. Like having a father growing up, and knowing my grandparents, and of course, I never got the chance to see my mom grow old because she died too young." I continued, and I could no longer stop my tears from falling as I remembered my mom.

"Hey, don't cry, my love." I heard my husband's soft voice, and I shook my head.

"Don't worry, and these are tears of happiness, Hunter. I am so happy that I have my grandpa, and I was given a chance to know him, and I couldn't believe one of my childhood dreams would be granted when I am pregnant with my first child." I said happily, and I felt him dry my tears with his fingers.

"Don't worry, Madeline, we will be good grandparents to our grandchildren, and I promise to grow old with you enough that we can play not only with our grandchildren but with our great-grandchildren." He said with a beautiful smile on his face, and he brought me closer to him, and I was leaning my head on his chest.

"You better keep your promise, my love," I said.

"Of course, Madeline.." He said, and my husband cupped my chin, and then he kissed me long enough to make us both breathless.


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