Loving Madeline

Chapter 241 - His Plan

Madeline's POV

In the days that followed, we became busier as my grandpa your us to his properties all over Neospoli country, and I couldn't believe how wealthy my grandfather was. If I grew up with nothing, right now I could tell, I have more than anything I can ask for, including my handsome husband. And one month is not enough to be familiar with everything, and I got worried when Hunter told me we needed to return to Astikoz.

"Hunter, can you leave Madeline in here?" My grandpa asked as we were having dinner, and I could tell he caught my husband off guard. It was already our plan to come home together because I miss my family in Astikoz, and not only that, Hunter is needed in the company. I could tell mom is having a hard time because of what happened to Clark Divenson, but we received good news fifteen days ago that he is out of his coma. And Hunter said his father is now fully recovered, and he is living in our house since mom wanted to take good care of her husband even if she had filed divorce.

"Grandpa, I know it would be hard on my part to say no, but it is all up to my wife to decide. But since she is pregnant, I don't want her to be far from me, and I wanted Madeline to give birth in Astikoz." Hunter said, and I find it hard to decide because I can't deny, I fell in love with my grandpa's castle. 

"Grandpa, I wanted to stay, but I can't be here without Hunter," I said, and I couldn't stop feeling so sad when I saw my grandpa's face fell.

"You don't need to worry, grandpa. We will return immediately." I said, and he smiled at us, but I could tell he was hiding his genuine emotions because he didn't want me to be upset. He already promised me that he would try his best not to make me worry about anything for my baby's sake.

"Hey, thank you, Madeline. I wanted to say no right away because that is the truth. After what happened in Zambo town, I don't want you to be out of my sight." Hunter said as we lay on our bed, and I looked at his handsome face while his hand was on my waist, and we were facing each other.

"I don't want to upset grandpa, and I was glad you didn't give him false hope." My husband added.

"Me too, Hunter, I know, I made a big mistake when I lied to you, and I wanted to give penance to my mistakes, and regarding grandpa, he needs to understand that I am happily married to you. And I needed to be with you." I said, and my husband chuckled.

"You don't need to do that, Madeline. What is important is you are safe. You have done no wrong, and yes, you are right; this situation will upset grandpa. Maybe we can decide later." My husband said, and I raised my head to kiss His enticing lips.

On the day of our departure, I felt worried about why grandpa didn't join us for breakfast, and I became more uneasy when Leo told us grandpa would be having his meal in his room since he was not feeling well.

"What is going on with him?" I asked my husband, and I heard him release a heavy sigh.

"I think your grandfather is not yet ready that you will go home to Astikoz, Madeline." My husband said, and I felt sad.

"What should we do, my love? I can't leave him here." I said, and my husband took my hands over the table.

"I think I should give way, and I will be right back in a week." He said, and I smiled at my husband.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Of course, I can't take another month of not seeing you. I will be back in a week, and you have to promise me you will take care of yourself, my sweet." He said, and I smiled sweetly at him.

"Of course, I will, and you need to fo the same," I said, and he nodded his head at me.

"Yes, Maddie, I will always take good care of myself because I am going to be a father soon." He replied, and I smiled, and we continued eating our breakfast in silence.

I can't stop crying when I say goodbye to my husband. I know my child feels so sad to see his dad go. I don't usually show my vulnerable side because I don't want to be called weak, but ever since I got pregnant, I could cry easily. 

"Hey, Madeline, please don't cry. It would be harder for me to leave you if I saw you in tears." Hunter said as he wiped my tears away.

"I am sorry, but I can't control myself, my love," I said, and he hugged me, and then he leaned down and captured my lips.

"I needed to go now, my love," Hunter said, and I nodded my head, and I got inside the main door without looking back because I knew there was a chance I would go with my husband. I walked straight to my grandpa's room, so I could stop myself from feeling so lonely.

"Madeline, what are you doing here?" My grandfather asked me when I found him in the library since he wasn't inside his room, I looked around to his study and the family room, and I almost searched the entire house when I remember checking the library. I could see the smile on his face as he stared at me.

"Hunter asked me to stay, grandpa. He didn't want me to come with him knowing you are not feeling well, and he will be back next weekend anyway." I said, and he put down the book he was reading.

"I am sorry, Madeline. I am perfectly fine, and only my heart is not okay. I tried to understand that I need to let you go, but I am not yet ready. I didn't join you during breakfast because I can't deny it would be hard on my part to say goodbye to you after knowing you." He said, and I smiled, and I felt so happy to hear those words coming from my grandpa.

"We know, grandpa, that is why I chose to stay, I want to be with you too, and I want to take good care of you," I said, and he laughed.

"I am still strong, Madeline, and tell Hunter he should arrive early on Saturday, or if he can come on Friday night, the better. I will hold a ball in your honor. The press conference was not enough. I should welcome you with a ball, and I am sure your aunt will be so delighted. Your grandma loved having balls here in this castle." He declared, and I felt excited since I would be having a ball here in the ancestral house of my dad.

"You got your physical appearance from me, Madeline, and not from your mom. I know your mother is a beautiful woman. That is why people would say you looked like her, especially your neighbors in your aunt's neighborhood. But if they will see me and your aunt, Francine, they can tell Grant's blood in your veins is dominant." My grandpa said.

"But you should know, you inherited your grandmother's traits. You are kind, selfless, and a strong woman, and that is why I fell in love with her." My grandpa added, and he continued talking about my grandma's life, and I felt happy that at least he made me feel better after Hunter left the castle. And I felt glad my grandpa shared my grandma's life with me, and how he fell in love with her even if my grandma is opposite all the girls he dated.

They have a beautiful love story that anyone would be envious of since my grandfather was the hottest bachelor in town, and my grandma is the most simple girl in Choraz. And she didn't come from an affluent family, but she became the madam of this house and my grandpa's Queen.

My grandpa was right. Aunt Francine became so excited about the upcoming ball, then she hired an event planner, including a host, and I couldn't believe she would choose one of the talk show hosts in the country to be the emcee of the upcoming ball. It was short notice, but they could book her even if she had a busy schedule. And I felt excited but worried at the same time, and I hoped my husband would come because I didn't want anyone to be my escort except him.

It is Friday night, and I felt so happy that the days passed too quickly, and I wished my husband would arrive tonight. It was only wishful thinking since he didn't tell me he would come tonight when I talked with him this morning when he was on his way to his office.

"Madeline, did you fit your gown?" My aunt asked.

"Yes, mom, I did, and it was perfect. Thank you so much for the beautiful gown, grandpa." I said, and my grandpa beamed at me.

"Of course, you must be the most beautiful tomorrow because the ball is in your honor." He said, and this is the first time I feel this way, and I know because my grandpa wanted to have a ball in my honor.

We were in the living room when I heard a commotion. I turned my head only to find Hunter and the rest of my family in Astikoz, and when I turned to look at my grandpa, he was grinning at me, and I could tell he had planned all this, and I couldn't believe he invited them to attend the ball.

I couldn't stop myself from running to them, and I hugged Lily and Hunter's mom, and then I also embraced Gina and Cerila, and then I found Calixto, together with Parker and Rebecca. And I was shocked to see Hunter's father, Clark Divenson, and his sister, Charlotte, and I know I am so grateful for my grandpa for doing all this. Still, I don't understand why my grandfather invited the people who made my life miserable in Astikoz.


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