Loving Madeline

Chapter 233 - Best Night

Madeline's POV

I find it so hard to chew my food as I continue to eat because of my nervousness as I dined with my grandfather in the dining room, and I wonder where my aunt is, and I haven't even seen the butler.

"I know your aunt Francine bail on you because that daughter of mine wanted to give us time alone. Such a clever woman." My grandfather said, and I saw him shaking his head as I raised my head to look at him. And I hate myself that I couldn't even formulate a single phrase to answer him.

And I know the reason why my mouth is sealed because I am so afraid to ruin this moment with my grandpa since I am hesitant to talk back. After all, I am afraid he wouldn't like the words that will come out of my mouth.

"Can we talk after dinner, Madeline?" He asked, and I nodded my head.

"Okay, please, continue to eat your dinner, and we can talk later on my study." He said, and I slowly nodded my head again, and it felt like someone cut my tongue since no words came out from my mouth.

After eating dinner, my grandfather led me to his study, and I could feel the pounding of my heart against my chest, and no matter how much I tried to stay calm, I could still feel the shaking of my limbs.

"Have a seat, Maddie. And please stop feeling so nervous because I am not going to bite you, and you are my granddaughter after all." He said, and I relaxed a little as I sat on the chair across from him.

"You can talk now, Madeline. I know I offended you at our first meeting, and I should apologize. It was my bad, you are new to this household, and I should have greeted or welcomed you properly." He added as he gazed at my face, and I was shocked since my aunt was so sure that my grandpa would never apologize to me, but his words gave me the courage to speak for the first time after it seemed like forever.

"No, I should be the one who needs to apologize to you. It was not me at all. I respect everyone, especially the elders, and I am sorry for snapping at you. I don't mean those words, and I..." I trailed off, and he looked at me with a solemn expression on his face.

"What, Madeline?"He asked, and I could feel my face turn bright red, and I could no longer stop myself from talking as I realized it was now or never.

"I said I don't care if you don't recognize me as your granddaughter, but the truth is I wanted to know you, and it was true that I had been an orphan for a long time, and I hate the loneliness I felt every time I miss my mom and every waking moment I long to be with my dad. I never got the chance to know him. To hear his voice and his laughter." I declared.

"I would be a liar if I say I never dreamed of having a dad, I do. And even if they told me he died during the car crash, I still wish to meet him even if I know it was an impossible dream. I tried my best to look so strong and mask my real emotions, but deep inside me, I will always be an orphan girl who needed love and affection." I added, and I could no longer stop myself from crying.

"When I learned I have an aunt and grandfather, I couldn't stop myself from feeling excited, and I felt so happy as I realized finally, I have a family I can call my own. And I was so excited to meet you, but when I met you, your nasty words hurt me like hell. I was expecting to meet a grandfather who is excited to see his grandchild for the first time, but instead of feeling welcomed, I felt rejected." I said as I looked at him, and I could see the pain in his eyes as he continued to look at me.

"I am so sorry, Madeline. I know I hurt you and thank you for being honest with me. I admired your personality for being straightforward and being transparent with your emotions. I may hurt you with my words, but I was afraid the same thing would happen." He said, and he let out a heavy sigh.

"When your father left, it felt like I failed my role being a father. I was hurt why he fled, and I couldn't understand why he needed to do it when I gave him everything he ever wanted. He was a good son, and I was so proud of him, and he knew he was my heir. But he chose to have a hard life than to stay here with his sister and me." My grandpa declared.

"When your father decided to leave his life in Neospoli behind, I vowed never to look for him, but never in a day that I didn't think about Frank. I felt so worried if he wasn't eating on time and if he doesn't have a roof on his head." He added.

"I didn't help him even if I know he was having a hard time, hoping Frank would realize what a fool he had been for running away from his home where he lives like a prince. And what hurts me most is, he never came back to me no matter how he struggled to provide for his family and his second family." He continued.

"It hurts me every day that he chose his life in Astikoz over us, and because of my resentment to my son for disobeying me, and for changing his family name, I made sure that I will cut tie with him, and because of my anger towards Frank, I promised never to help him and his children," Grandpa said as he looked at me.

"But when I learned you were pregnant, I realized it is about time to correct the mistake that I have done to Frank. I hated him for defying my orders, but I failed to understand and dig the details of why he left. And the realization hit me as I realized I was a manipulative jerk of a father. I didn't think about Frank's feelings when he begged me he can't marry someone he didn't love." He added.

"I should have listened to him. I am authoritative, and I never paid attention to my children's pleas. My house, my rules, and I have forgotten they are my children and not my employees." He said as I saw his tears flowing on his cheeks, and my impression of my grandfather has changed at this very moment. Hector Grant apologized to me, and now I saw the most influential man in Neospoli cry.

"I don't want to make the same mistake again, Madeline. I hope you will give me a second chance. I want to know you and to spend more time with you. You are my granddaughter, and it has been a long-time that I wished to have my grandchildren here in my mansion, but your aunt Francine and uncle Paul hadn't been blessed with children. And you are the only descendant of the Grant bloodline, and the child in your womb, and your future children." He said, and this time I saw my grandfather genuinely smile at me, and it felt so wonderful to be the receiving end of his beautiful smile.

"I hope we can start over, Maddie." He said.

"Of course, me too, grandpa," I said as I gave him my sweet smile.

"I am sorry, again, Madeline. The truth is I wanted to take you into my arms this morning, but my pride took over my senses." He said, and I beamed at him.

"It is not yet late, grandpa. You can embrace me now." I said as I got up from my chair, and he stood up and moved closer to me, and then my grandfather took me into his arms, and I felt like I was finally home in his arms.

My grandfather sent me to my room after our talk, and I couldn't stop myself from feeling so happy as I took My shower. After putting it on with my nightgown, I chose a book from the bookshelves in my room, and I didn't know how many hours had passed since I was so engrossed reading the novel on my hands. And I realized my hair was already dry, and I couldn't stop myself from yawning, and when I looked at the clock on my wall, it was almost 10:00 p.m. I smiled as I realized I needed to call Hunter, but I felt so frustrated when I couldn't contact his number, and I suddenly felt sad that I hadn't received a single text from him for the entire day, and it feels like he doesn't miss me at all.

I was already lying on my bed, but I was still holding my phone, hoping my husband would respond to my text messages, but there was none. I tried calling him again several times, but he is still out of the coverage area, and I wonder where he went why he doesn't have any connection. I put my phone on top of the nightstand, and I got up to switch off the light when I heard a soft knocking on my door; and I smiled as I realized my aunt had come to apologize for bailing on me.

The moment I opened the door, my eyes widened in surprise, and my tears poured down my cheeks as I found my hot and handsome husband standing on my doorstep with fresh flowers in his hands.

"Hunter!" I exclaimed, and with one swift movement, my husband took me into his arms, and he carried me as I weighed nothing, and I curled my legs around his waist. I felt the flowers fall from his hands as he captured my eager lips hungrily, and he kissed me long and sweet, and I couldn't explain the happiness that I had as I felt my husband continued to kiss me passionately, and I could feel through his kiss how much Hunter missed me.. And I realized tonight was one of the best nights of my entire existence.


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