Loving Madeline

Chapter 227 - The Beast

Madeline's POV

I woke up early because I had a beautiful sleep after I talked with my husband. And I know that talking with Hunter makes me feel alive, happy, and inspired. And of course, I don't feel worried about meeting my grandfather, and I don't know his deal, but I could tell he is a father who lost his son when my father ran away from his home. And I could tell that he will become more upset if he sees me because he will be reminded of my father and, of course, his shortcomings.

I had already finished taking a bath, and I was wearing a beautiful dress from the closet, and I could tell that my aunt Francine had a taste. Of course, she is the daughter of the wealthiest man in this country, and I could tell she is used to having signature clothes, bags, shoes, and many more. I was standing near the window watching the birds flying in the air, and when I looked below, I could see the extensive garden and the green lawns that sprawled all around the estate, and I can't deny I fell in love with Grant's castle. 

And I smiled as I realized my great-grandfather was a helpless romantic because he built this house for his wife, and I could tell my great-grandma is such a lucky woman for being his wife, and I wonder what kind of love story they had. I looked at my phone, and I felt disappointed that I didn't have a message from my husband, but I could tell it was still early in the morning in Archois City, and I knew they were all sleeping at this hour.

I was surprised to hear a soft knocking on my door, and I was smiling as I opened the door, and I couldn't be happier when I found my aunt with a bouquet in her hands, and when she handed me the flowers, I was lost for words.

"Thank you, aunt Francine. I mean, mom, how did you know I like flowers?" I asked, and she beamed at me, and I almost forgot she wanted me to call her mom."

I am sorry, my dear, I don't know yet that you love flowers, and I think you should read the card first, Madeline." She said as she walked with me going inside my room, and I realized she looked so beautiful whichever angle I looked at her. And my eyes watered when I read the card, and I realized it came from my loving husband.

"Oh, I couldn't believe Hunter will send me flowers even if we are miles away from each other," I commented, and I felt so happy and touched that Hunter sent his love for me through this bouquet, and I was smiling from ear to ear while my aunt was giggling.

"You have a loving and handsome husband, Madeline, and I couldn't wait to see him in person." She said with a beautiful smile on her face, and I couldn't stop myself from blushing, and I realized how much I miss Hunter.

"I saw him multiple times on television, and don't tell father about this, that he sent some of his men to help when your husband got trapped inside the mining site." She declared, and I was stunned.

"He did?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, even if they said that he is cold-hearted, they didn't know he could be as sweet as honey. Maybe he looked so strict, but I know my father has a soft spot. And I hope he will be joining us with breakfast." My aunt replied.

"Wow, I felt so glad grandpa was among the people who helped my husband; that was the most horrifying incident that ever happened to us; I thought I am going to lose my husband that day, and I thank God for giving us another opportunity to be together because the time he was trapped in the mining site was the moment I have learned about my pregnancy, and I felt so worried about losing him." I declared.

"I am sorry, Maddie, I wasn't there to help you and give you comfort, and don't worry, starting today, I will be here for you, and you can ask me anything you want, and if you need my help, don't hesitate to ask me, Madeline. Because I have been dying to do this ever since I have learned about you, and I am so happy that I met you, Maddie." My aunt responded as she walked closer to me.

Aunt Francine hugged me, and I could smell her expensive perfume, and I smiled as I realized I needed to be used to having her in my life because I wanted to be her daughter. And I felt so thrilled to tell Hunter everything, and I couldn't stop myself from imagining that I was in Hunter's arms.

"Do you want to have a tour in the city later, Maddie?" My aunt asked.

"Of course, mom, I can't wait to see the beauty of Choraz. I replied as I nodded at my aunt, and I couldn't stop myself from feeling so excited about it, and when she looked at me in the eyes, I suddenly felt worried.

"I know it would be impossible to ask you, Madeline, but I am hoping you will reconsider my request; father is already old, but don't tell that on his face because he will never accept that. And since you are the only heir, I want to ask you if you can be here with us. Maybe you can convince your husband to work here; besides, he has siblings, right?" She asked, and I nodded my head.

"He has three siblings," I responded.

"I see, that would be great, and since everything he worked for will be for your children in the future, so I think he will agree to you, Maddie." She said, and I couldn't stop smiling. After all, I wanted to be here because I felt safe here in Neospoli. And I wish Hunter would think about it because I also want to be with my aunt and grandpa, and I will ask Gina to stay with us, and maybe she will meet someone here and fall in love.

"Well, based on the expressions on your face, I could tell you're excited about what I have said. And I felt so happy that you wanted to be with us, Madeline, I have been waiting for this moment to be with you, and now that you are here with us, I will do everything I can to convince you to stay with us." She said.

"Yes, I want to stay here and to be with you. I grew up thinking I was an orphan and had no family that I could call my own. The only family is my aunt, who sold me to Hunter, but she only did what was best for me at that time. I felt glad she did it because if she didn't accept Hunter's offer, I would never get the chance to know Hunter Divenson, and I would never know what love is. And I care about her so much, and I am glad she had now a comfortable life." I said as I remembered my mom's sister, and even if she sold me, I would always be grateful to her. I visited her every chance I could get, and I felt at ease knowing she was doing great.

"Are you ready to eat your breakfast with your grandfather?" She asked, and I nodded my head. After all, I don't want my aunt to know I am feeling nervous because I could tell Hector Grant is not an ordinary man.

My aunt offered her hand to me, and I took it. And we walk hand-in-hand going to the grand stairs. And I could feel the pounding of my heart against my chest as we got closer to the dining hall. I could tell this house was so big since it took us a while before we reached the dining room, and when we got inside, I could see Leo was talking with my grandfather, and I realized grandpa was handsome, and he looked younger than his age.

"Good morning, father!" My aunt greeted him, and she walked closer to him and kissed his cheek.

"Good morning, Francine." He said, and when I heard his voice, I couldn't control my legs from trembling and hated myself; why do I need to feel this way towards my grandpa.

"Dad, I want you to meet your lovely granddaughter, Madeline, Maddie; this is your handsome grandpa, Hector Grant." She said, and since I didn't know what to do, I bowed down my head, and I bent my knees as I said good morning to him.

"I am not a king, so don't greet me in that manner, Ms. Brownwood. You should greet me properly, and I want to remind you that even if you are staying in my house, it doesn't mean I accept you already to be my granddaughter even if you pass the DNA test, you still need to earn my trust, and prove your worth." He said, and I looked at him horrified.

"Really? Are you telling me that now? Well, Mr. Grant, I thank you for saving my life from the wicked men who wanted to hurt me and for giving me shelter. Still, I don't need your recognition to become your granddaughter if you will only treat me this way because I have lived my life as an orphan for a long time that I forgot how to feel to have a family." I said with a trembling voice.

"In short, I don't care if you will recognize me as your granddaughter or not because the moment my husband will come to see me, I will go home with him. And I will consider meeting you was just a dream and no wonder why my father left this place. And please excuse me, I don't feel hungry." I said, and I could see the hurt on his face, but he deserved that, and I turned my heels away from them while I kept my tears at bay. I am tired of being hurt by the people around me, so I couldn't believe my own family would do the same.

I slammed the door after I got inside my room, and I couldn't stop myself from crying, I have been longing to meet my grandfather even if I know he was a strict man, but I never expected him to be that harsh.. All my life, I wanted to know my father's family, and when I met aunt Francine I realized I wanted to stay here, but after meeting my grandfather, there was nothing I wanted to do but get out of this castle, and I realized Hector Grant is a beast.


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