Loving Madeline

Chapter 215 - She Is Gone

Hunter's POV

"No! No! No!" I am begging you, Phil, to please try to search the ship and the water again. She could be there somewhere." I asked and couldn't believe he would be telling me we were going back on the shore without my wife.

"Hunter, I am sorry, the fire firefighters' tugboats contained the fire, and the firefighters already searched the remaining part of the vessel, and we have been circling the area, but we couldn't find her." He said, and I wonder where my wife could be.

"I am sorry to tell you this, and she could be among the burned casualties. And the charred bodies are unrecognizable that needed forensic pathologists examination to identify the victims, and I am sorry to tell you that in extreme cases, the authority could no longer identify the corpses even their gender." He said, and I wanted to hit Phil, but Roman and Cal made me prisoner because until now, they didn't release me from my handcuffs and still tied my body with the ropes. I was shaking my head while I could no longer control my tears.

"She can't be dead, Phil. She was carrying my child, for heaven's sake.." I softly said as I could feel the pain envelop my heart with sadness, and my entire body felt so weak. I wanted to shout, but I couldn't even open my mouth because of the sadness that I felt. How am I going to live without Madeline in my life? How can I give her a proper burial if they can't even recognize her body?

There are so many things I wanted to tell her, and I wanted to do with her. I want to kiss Maddie and tell her she will always be my wife. The innocent young woman who taught me the real meaning of love. I will never accept that Madeline is dead. She will forever remain alive in my memories and my heart. I couldn't take it yet, not in a million years. I felt the chopper move away from the site, and I didn't have a choice but to return to the port and deal with my agony. I didn't realize this kind of pain, and I wondered how I would live my day without Madeline by my side.

When we arrived at the mainland, Roman removed my handcuffs, and Cal untied the rope from my body. I wanted to punch Roman and Cal right away, but I didn't have energy left. The moment Phil told me they couldn't find Madeline, it felt like I had lost my locomotor ability; it took me a long time before I got up from the chair and climbed out from the helicopter. Our ride arrived right away, and I could tell Roman called the remaining bodyguards that we were on our way. 

I got inside the car like I was another person, and I sat at the back, and Calixto settled himself on the driver's seat, and I felt so glad he didn't dare talk with me because I didn't know how I was going to react after what they have done to me. I tried to understand that they held me like a prisoner because they were both afraid for my safety, but they didn't have the right to detain me. I could have saved Madeline, or I could have died with her, and just thinking about it made me feel sick that I asked Cal to pull over. I got out of the car, and I puked.

I felt so terrible, and I could feel my temperature rising until I could feel my entire body was on fire, and I felt so cold that I asked Cal to off the aircon of the car, and I instructed him to open the window on his side. I tried to close my eyes, but I knew I was burning up, and I wanted to see Madeline. 

I didn't realize I fell to the seat, and I curled my body into a ball as I could feel my entire body was shivering because I felt so cold, yet I knew my fever was getting higher. I dozed off to sleep, dreaming about my wife, and I could hear my voice shouting her name as I woke up, but I never opened my eyes as I could feel my tears falling on my face.

Cal opened the door, and I heard him call my name several times, and I ignored him, and I felt so happy he finally fell silent, and moments later, I felt someone touch my forehead.

"Madeline, please come back to me," I murmured.

"Oh, no, what was wrong with my son, Cal? He is burning up. Let us bring him to the hospital," My mother declared, and I took her hand, and I begged her not to bring me to the nearest hospital. 

"Mom, please, I don't want to go to the hospital, and this is nothing compared to the emotional sufferings I felt right now," I said.

"Okay, if you don't want me to take you to the hospital, then show me you can get up on your feet and convince me that you are okay." My mother said. And I gather all my strength to stand up and get out of the car. She assisted me in going inside the house as I put my arm around her shoulder, and the moment I got inside the house, I went to the living room, and I lay on the sofa right away.

How can I face Lily and Gina? I failed my promise to protect Madeline. I could have been there for my wife as she struggled to save herself. And I felt so guilty that I stopped talking with Cal because I knew he was also in pain. After all, I know how much he cares for Madeline. But I am still upset with them for betraying me today. I could have to save Maddie. I asked my mom to instruct one of the maids to get the largest guest room ready. And I told her to transfer some of my clothes from the master's bedroom because I couldn't get inside our room yet, not today nor the coming days, and maybe when I am ready to accept the truth.

I fell asleep on the couch, and I heard my mom's soft voice asking me to get up and eat to drink my medicine for my fever; I know I am physically okay, but my emotional stress made me feel so sick. I got up and walked to the kitchen, and I felt so relieved that I couldn't find my sister yet because I knew she would ask me about Maddie. I ate my food in silence, and I didn't want to eat anything, but my mom was sitting in front of me the moment I took my seat and watched me eat my food.

"Cal didn't tell me anything, and I hope everything is fine because I could tell something is off. I hope tomorrow, after you take a good rest tonight, you will be ready to tell me what happened, and where is Madeline why she is not with you?" She asked, and I just told her to 

"The doctors stabilized your father's condition, and he is no longer in the ICU, and Clark was transferred to the private room." She added, and I couldn't even tell mom that was great news because I felt guilty if I would smile knowing my wife was nowhere to be found, and I know I am in a state of denial that there is a big possibility she could be among the corpses who got burned and died during the fire. After eating dinner, I felt glad my Mom stopped talking with me, and I didn't need to speak with her; I excused myself, and I found Cerila in the guest room, and she greeted me and told me everything was ready.

"Thank you, Cerila," I said, and I closed the door after she got out of the room.

I took a warm bath, hoping I would feel better, but when I put on my sweat pants and moved closer to the bed, I broke down as I realized I missed her so much, and I could feel my heart pierced. I don't know how long I cried until I fell asleep.

I woke up when I heard thumping on my door, and I could listen to my sister's voice on the other side, and I got up and opened the door for her.

"Hunter, why are you sleeping here in the guest room?" Lily asked as I put on my sleeveless tank top.

"Where is Madeline? Mom said she wasn't with you?" She asked another question, and I moved closer to Lily and looked her in the eyes.

"Lily, please tell mom I needed to talk with her, you, and kindly inform Gina as well," I said to Lily, and I could tell her facial expression changed. And I know Gina is in our house because she promised to stay until Madeline comes back home.

"Okay, you are making me nervous, Hunter." She said before she got out of the guest room.

The moment I walked to the living room, they were all waiting for me, and I couldn't control the pain that I felt. And I am tired of masking my genuine emotions, and even if I am not yet ready to tell them because I still wish she was alive, but they already searched the area, and Roman came with the coast guards, so I am sure that they haven't found her body. And now, as I faced the individuals who also love my wife, I couldn't stop myself from crying without a sound, and I let my tears fall, and Lily was shaking her head already, and then she screamed

"No!!!" And my sister ran to me crying, and I cried with her. Lily understood right away when she saw me crying, even before I could tell them that my wife was gone. It was the most painful word to say that I don't ever want to utter.


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