Loving Madeline

Chapter 213 - Hopeful

Hunter's POV

"I am sorry, buddy, but I need you to stay here in the helicopter because it is our job to rescue the crew of the Wildflower, including your wife," Phil said as he looked at me.

I couldn't believe Roman and Cal would help each other to make me stay on my seat and handcuff me. I felt so frustrated that even my good friend, Phil, collaborated with my two trusted employees since he gave them a rope to tie my body on my seat. I was cursing under my breath as I looked at them. At the same time, I can see the rescuer team getting ready with their equipment such as rescue baskets, harnesses, slings, winch stretchers. I wanted to go with them and find my wife, but in my current situation, I could even hardly move.

"You will pay for this, Cal," I yelled at him over the roaring sound of the helicopter. At the same time, I could see the thick smoke in the air, and I know they put me on the seat where I could not directly see the ship below after I passed out when Roman knocked me out using the rear-naked choke on me, which made me unconscious. I know he used that technique on me, and I am just glad he was well trained, or else I could have died.

"I am willing to take whatever punishment you will throw at me as long as I can see you are still breathing, and you are still alive, Hunter. You need to accept that you don't have enough training even though I can tell you are stronger, and you can beat up Roman if you have to fight each other, but your bodyguard is skilled enough, and he was also trying to protect you.." Cal replied, and I hate him more.

"You are not a superhero, Hunter. You can't do anything out there, and the worst thing could happen, you will be the one needed to be rescued. The fire is too big and strong to contain, and if you go out there, you could be dead." He added, and I leaned my back on the seat while I tried to control the rapid beating of my heart because of the anxiousness that I felt. I hate to think that my wife was out ther fighting for her life to survive, and I don't want to consider the worst as I feel my tears streaming down my face.

God knows how much I wanted to save my wife, and even if I hate to admit it, my assistant was right, I couldn't go down in there and save Madeline on my own because I don't have rescue training, especially at sea where the waves are pounding on the ship violently. I have basic first aid and rescue training, but not this type of rescue mission. I could feel the shaking of my limbs, and I wanted to stop thinking about the situation of Madeline at the moment.

And I am not yet ready to hear anything about the rescue operation. I just felt glad Phil allowed Roman to come with them since Roman told him his qualifications, and with his skills and experience, I could tell Roman would be an excellent help to them. I could feel my tears wet my inner shirt, and I couldn't believe I would be crying hard like this. I can't imagine what would happen to me if something happened to Madeline and our baby.

"I will fire you, Cal. This time I am not kidding." I said after I had kept myself from crying.

"Are you sure about that, Mr. Divenson?" Cal scoffed.

"I have never been so sure of anything, Cal," I replied.

"Well, that is better. I plan to hand in my resignation anyway, the only thing that held me back was the idea that you still needed me, and now that you said those words, I couldn't be happier. You don't need to worry the moment we get back on Archois City, and I will hand you my irrevocable resignation letter right away." He responded, and I fell silent. I know deep inside my heart I don't want Cal to leave me, not a chance, but right now that I felt so devastated and defeated, and there is no one I can throw my frustrations at, but only with Calixto.

It felt like an eternity as we waited for them to come back with the survivors, and I was praying hard that my wife could escape before the explosion happened. I can feel the chopper circle the ship looking for survivors, and I wanted to ask Cal if the fire subsided, but I am still not in the mood to talk with him. I tried my best to calm myself and remember the good memories with my wife, especially all the sweet things we did together. But I couldn't stop myself from fearing that something might happen to hear as I tried to close my eyes again.

I could hear the commotions, and I quickly opened my eyes, and I was hyperventilating when I realized they had found a survivor; I could feel the excitement as I saw them haul the body and put the rescue basket in front of me, and my face fell when I realized the one they rescued was a young man, I am not saying I wasn't glad he was saved, I am was hoping it was my wife. I could tell he was conscious, and he was in good shape.

I wanted to ask him right away if he had seen my wife, but I could tell he was still catching his breath. One of the rescuers gave him dry clothes, and after he changed his clothes, he settled himself next to me. And I could see out of the corner of my eye that the first survivor was eyeing me, and when I turned my head on him, he was looking at me from head to toe, and I could tell he thought I was a criminal when his eyes lingered on my handcuffs, and the rope wrapped around my body. When our eyes met, he averted my gaze right away.

"Hey, " I said to him, and I could tell he hesitated, and then he turned his head to look at me.

"Hi, " He replied.

"Can I ask you something?" asked him, and he nodded his head.

"Have you seen my wife?" I asked him, and he looked at me with confusion on his face, and I could tell he was hesitant to talk with me because of the handcuffs.

"Calixto, you better remove my handcuffs now. I won't jump on the water, I promise." I said.

"Not a chance, Mr. Divenson. I don't care about my employment anymore; besides, you told me you are going to fire me anyway." He replied, and I grunted.

"I will fire you," I yelled at him, and my assistant only laughed at me.

"You can never find an assistant like me, Mr. Divenson, and I am the most caring assistant you can ever find." He replied, and I felt so defeated.

"I have seen a beautiful young woman onboard our ship, but I am not sure if she was the one you were looking for because I didn't know her name, " He said, and my head whipped around to look at him, and I can feel my heart is pounding hard against my face.

"You did?" I asked in more than a whisper, and I felt so happy to know that he had some information for me.

"Yes, I was the mess boy of the Wildflower ship, and I brought her food once." He said, and I saw Cal show his phone to the young man, and I saw him nod his head.

"Yes, it was her." He said, and I realized Cal showed him the photo of Madeline, and I couldn't stop myself from feeling so happy.

"Have you seen her during the fire?" I asked, and my face fell when he shook his head. And I could feel dread in my heart, but I tried to be optimistic as I continued to listen to his story.

"I am sorry, Sir, it happened so fast, there were men who suddenly showed up, and it was too late for us to know they set the boat on fire, and when I heard captain Noah shout at us to abandon the ship, the only thing I can think of is to put on the life vest, and to leave the boat right away because I know an explosion will follow." He said, and he looked at me in the eyes.

"And when I got my chance, I jumped on the water without thinking what would happen to me after because the smoke made me breathless. And because of my panic, I was not able to get the firefighting gears. I could have worn the self-contained breathing apparatus." He continued talking while I went on listening with him.

"I didn't dare to look back as I jumped in the water, and I was hoping some miracle would happen because the current was too strong because of the big waves, and I thought I will never get out of the water alive, and I realized miracle can still happen if you believe." He added, and I nodded at him, and I couldn't imagine what would happen to him if we didn't come.

"But don't look so sad, Sir; I know Captain Noah and Karen will take good care of your wife, and I could tell they were able to save your wife because before I leap on the water, I heard the captain yelling at his sister to take the woman out from the cabin, and I heard the captain mention her name, but I couldn't remember it maybe because of the trauma that I have. I have been in the water long enough, but I couldn't swim away further because of the strong current of the waves." He continued, and I looked at him before I spoke my wife's name.

"Her name is Madeline, " I uttered in more than a whisper, and as I mentioned my wife's name, I realized how much I missed her, and the young man smiled for the first time.

"Yes, that is her name." He said, and I felt so glad he had seen my wife. At least I confirmed my wife boarded the Wildflower ship.

"I saw the captain fought those armed men, and he was able to knock them out while I hid. I can feel that the captain will save her because I saw how much he feared for her safety, and Karen also worried about her, and maybe they took one of the lifeboats and abandoned the ship before the explosion happened." He declared.

"Don't worry too much, Sir. I know Captain Noah, he is the best, and I could tell he saved your wife." He added, and it made me feel more encouraged, and I felt hopeful that Madeline was safe and I could see and hug my wife soon.


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