Love The Psycho

Chapter 300: Same Chapter uploaded twice by mistake, don't open

Chapter 300: Same Chapter uploaded twice by mistake, don't open

''I came back a week ago, but I was busy with family business. I went over to the family house yesterday and I met Ronald there with his grandfather. Ronald told me that he wanted to cancel the marriage between our families because he was in love with someone else. When I asked who, he told me about you''

''Are you here to ask me to leave him?'' Kristine asked and Angela chuckled.

''Will you leave him if I tell you to?'' she asked Kristine back.

''No'' Kristine shook her head, 'it took me a while to find a man as good as Ronald so no matter the kind of pressure that anyone gives me, I am willing to endure it but I am never leaving him''

''Ronald would be so happy to hear this from you. I think I know why he loves you so much. You are not only beautiful but you are kind and cute''

''If you are not here to ask me to leave him, then, why are you here?''

''I came to ask you to make sure you keep your words''

''Huh?'' Kristine was confused.

''You just said that it took you a while to find a man like Ronald, so I am asking you to keep to your promise and never leave him. Actually, I knew our relationship was over the moment I slept with his father. There was no going back and I didn't want to go back either''

''Can I ask you something?''

''Go ahead'' Angela sipped her coffee.

''Why did you do that to Ronald. I know he didn't love you but he was willing to stay with you. he was willing to make it work, so why?''

''Why did I betray him? Well, I don't know why I did that myself. I guess I was looking for excitement and his father seemed exciting at that time. In any case, I always knew in my heart that Ronald was someone who was too good for a person like me''

''What you did hurt him. He was hurt about it so much and he had a lot of hard time accepting the fact that you could betray him that way''

''That is why I am happy he finally met someone like you, Kristine. I hope that you will make him happy. I will be returning to the UK next week. I didn't want to go without meeting you. I was curious about the kind of woman that attracted Ronald and I am happy I came here to meet you. You are a good person''

''Then, did you break off the engagement with Ronald?''

''Don't worry. I will make sure I free him before I go. that way, the next time we see each other, we can at least say hello to one another''

''Thank you for coming. You are also a good person. You just made the wrong decisions and hurt the man I love but you are mature. I thought we were going to have a cat fight'' Kristine said and they both chuckled.

''A cat fight? You are a funny one. Actually, I wanted to have a cat fight, but oddly enough, after speaking to you, that thought has disappeared''

''Then, I am glad it did because I am not the type to fight''

''Me either'' Angela said and they laughed. 'Where are you going after here? I will give you a ride''

''I am going for a dress fitting. My friend is having her wedding next week''

''Oh, really? I will take you there''



Mars Bridal home.

Kristine got down from Angela's car and she got down with her.

''It's this the place?'' Angela asked.

''Yes, this is the place. Thank you for bringing me here''

''You are welcome. Kristine, don't tell Ronald that I came to see you. He still hates me; I don't want him to misunderstand my actions''

''Don't worry, he won't hear about this. take care and maybe, I will treat you to a cup of coffee the next time you come back to D-City''

''Well, I don't know when I will be here again, but I will take you up on the offer if I ever return'' Angela said and waved at her before getting into her car. she drove away before Kristine turned and went into the bridal shop.

When Kristine arrived, she saw Chloe and Jenny already in their bridesmaid outfits and she exclaimed, ''whoa, you two look beautiful''

''Oh, Kristine, you are here. come and help me with the zip'' Jenny said.

''Is it tightening?'' the employee waiting on them asked.

''Yes, a little'' Jenny replied.

''I will have it adjusted a little for you'' she helped Jenny to unzip the dress before turning to Kristine, 'Miss. please come and I will show you your outfit''

''Sure, let's go''


Kristine arrived at the villa later in the night and saw Ronald in the hall. he was wearing his contact lenses and was reading some documents that he had spread on the table.

''You are home?'' he looked up at her with a smile.

''Oh, I am so exhausted. I didn't know it could get this exhausting with Brenda. The girl is a perfectionist. Took a while before she finally found the dress she liked. Darling, let's just go and get our marriage registered like Jenny and Kody. I don't think I can handle such exhaustion''

''You must be tired. I made you dinner'' Ronald gathered the papers aside as she sat next to him.

''I will wash up first'' she said as she leaned against his shoulder.

''Was it that exhausting? You look really tired'' Ronald massaged her shoulders as he spoke.

''En, we did a lot of talking and walking'' Kristine looked at him. She touched his face and removed the lenses and leaned closer to him.

''Why are you looking at me like that?'' he asked her.

''Mmm, Ronny'' she called his name softly.

''Yes, my love''

''Have I told you how much I feel lucky to have you?''

''Why are you suddenly saying all this to me?''

''Nothing. I just feel that I should tell you tonight. That I love and appreciate you. You are the best thing to happen to me and I am never leaving you''

''Really? Then, I am a lucky man. to be loved by you''

''Ronald, do you want to shower with me?'' she said and kissed him lightly and his body stiffened.

''Kristine, such jokes are dangerous'' he warned her.

''I am not joking. If you don't want to, then, you don't have to'' she stood up and he pulled her back into his arms.

'I definitely want to'' he said and carried her bridal style, going into the shower. ''Just know that you are not getting away from me tonight''

''Okay, you are allowed to do whatever you want to me. You are the man I have chosen''

Once they got to the bathroom, Ronald pined her against the glass shield and started kissing her as he hands roamed over her body, touching her everywhere. She responded to his kisses with the same passion and show their clothes were off their bodies. They stood closed to each other as they continued to kiss, their passion taking over them.

Ronald kissed her nape down to her cleavage, showing her with attention all the way, making her let out subtle and suppressed moans. His hand went all the way down her and he rubbed his fingers against her core making her moan. She grasped unto his body tightly as he inserted a finger inside her. he spread her legs apart and pushed his finger in and out of her.

When she was near her climax, he stopped and placed his shaft right at her centre, he rubbed her clit with his finger before entering her and she gasped and held him tighter while he entered her.

Taking his time, he thrust slowly in and out of her until she became accustomed to his size. As he went in and out of her, she moaned and felt the pleasure building up within her until she screamed his name, making him cum together with her.

Later that night, Ronald laid on the bed with Kristine in his arms. They were still both naked and he ran circles on her back.



''I love you''

''Me too''

''Kristine, let's go and meet my mom after Robyn and Brenda's wedding. I want to introduce you to my mother and brothers. They all want to meet you''

''Alright, let's do that, but there is something important that needs attention''

''What is it?''

''My stomach. I am really hungry right now'' she said and he laughed.

''Really? We can't ignore your stomach then. I will heat the food and bring it to you here''

''Breakfast in bed?''

''This should be supper in bed''

''Right, supper in bed''

Ronald kissed her again before he picked a towel at the side and wrapped around himself. Kristine slapped his back and he turned and looked at her.

''Naughty girl'' he said and she laughed.


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