Love The Psycho

Chapter 297: Money is sincere than words

Chapter 297: Money is sincere than words

''Hey, have you lost your mind?'' Brew Gold looked at Brenda, ''you are asking me to apologise to you after giving you a $110 million dollars?'' he chuckled and shook his head. he found it extremely funny that he was asked to apologise and also pay that amount of money.

''Mind the way you speak to my client or I might just let the court decide the verdict for us. Isn't the reason why we are mediating because you don't want to serve a jail time and also to keep your company from plummeting further?'' Amber said and knocked her middle finger on the table adding, ''I suggest you get back to your senses already''

''Lawyer Amber, I apologise for my client's rudeness'' the lawyer apologised on behalf of Brew Gold.

''Alright, are you willing to accept the terms of the victim or should we move this to the courtroom?'' the mediator asked as he sat at the head of the table.

Brew Gold chuckled and looked at Brenda who hadn't spoken a word yet since they entered inside the mediation room. ''Let's say you hit the jackpot, but I won't apologise if she is mooching off that amount of money from me. The money is my apology to her'' he said.

''Let's take this to the courtroom, then. My client will only accept the money if he apologises first. if not, then we will leave it to the judge to decide'' Amber told him.

''Mr. Gold, remember what your aunt said. If this gets to court, it will affect the company drastically'' the lawyer whispered to Brew Gold, he was trying to make him reason up.

Brew Gold looked at Brenda, '

'I apologise for my actions'' he said and smirked.

''I don't see any sincerity in your words'' Brenda finally spoke.

''What? Sincerity?'' Brew Gold chuckled.

''Let's not waste each other's time if you are not willing to render a sincere apology to my client'' Amber said to Brew Gold and stood up, ''Brenda, let's go''

''Wait'' Brew Gold stopped them when they stood up. ''I apologise. I was wrong, I am sorry for my actions'' he said desperately and Brenda looked at him.

''When you have the money ready, call my lawyer. Money is sincerer than empty words'' Brenda said and went out of the room.

''Did she just take a jab at me? that woman had no qualms at all'' he said and was about to stand up when the lawyer pulled him back.

'Be careful not to add physical assault to the list of crimes'' he said to Brew Gold who frowned and adjusted his suit.

Outside the building, Brenda and Amber looked at each other and started laughing. Especially Amber, she laughed and danced around before saying to Brenda.

''I have never earned such easy cash in my life before''

''Thank you for everything. I should pay you more since I am taking the larger amount'' Brenda said to her and she shook her head.

''No, no. You suffered all these years. Go on a vacation and have fun. I am going on a vacation with my boyfriend too''

''I will take that advise''

''Does it feel great to steal another person's money in broad day light?'' Gladia Gold walked over to her. she had seen how they were rejoicing earlier.

''You should be careful, Ms. Gold, you might just be the next to be sued. I am a bad tempered lawyer you know'' Amber smirked and held Brenda's hand, 'let's go''

''Ha'' Gladia Gold chuckled sarcastically and looked at them.

Soon, Brew Gold walked out with the lawyer looking pissed off. when he saw his aunt, he transformed into a meek person.

''Because of you, the company just lost so much money. What a waste you are'' Gladia Gold said and walked away.

Across the building, Brenda and Amber entered the caf where the others were and joined them.

''How did it go?'' Robyn asked and held Brenda's hand.

''It went better than I thought. Lawyer Amber handled it very well. So, that brings me to my next question, Robyn, will you marry me?'' she looked into her handbag and removed a ring that she had prepared previously.

''Ha'' Robyn chuckled while the others had looks of surprise and shock written on their faces.

''Whoa, did she just propose to him?'' Jenny looked at Kody.

''This girl is really crazy'' Chloe murmured.

''I always knew you would cause trouble one day'' Kristine chuckled.

''Whoa, this is the best proposal I have witnessed ever'' Amber said.

''Why are you looking at me like that?'' Brenda asked and stretched her hand towards him with the ring on her palm.

''You'' Robyn didn't know how to response.

''Don't you want to marry me? Or am I rushing you?'' Brenda asked him.

''No, but, this should have been my line. But, it doesn't matter, I will gladly marry you my love'' Robyn stood up and hugged her.

''I wished I could stay and join in the celebration but my boyfriend is waiting for me right now'' she said and turned to look at Channing who was standing beside his car outside the caf. He had arrived early to pick her up. Robyn looked outside and waved at Channing who waved back.

After saying her goodbyes, Amber left the caf and got into Channing's car and he drove away.

''How did it go?'' he asked her as he drove.

''I totally nailed it. The advice you gave me worked. But, you are such a crude businessman''

''You will become a millionaire lawyer in no time if you follow my instructions'' Channing said. He was the one who gave her the idea of charging the Gold family more money if they wanted to settle out of court.

''Hurry, I'm hungry'' Amber said.

Back at the caf, everyone gathered around and chatted as they drank their coffee and sandwich.

Brenda looked at them and smiled. A few months ago, she wouldn't have believed he would become so closed to Robyn and also become someone that people cared about. She had always thought that she was fighting alone but today she had realised that it wasn't the case. She was loved. She had the love of her sisters and now a man who stood beside her and helped her obtain justice. She felt that there was nothing she couldn't achieve now. She was happy. She was peaceful.

A month later.

Kristine walked out of the restaurant after closing. She was on the phone with Brenda. 'Oh, I will be there soon. Let Chloe and Jenny take their measurement first. I still have to look for a cab, I just got off from work''

''You are Kristine Amanfo, right?''

Someone asked at a distance and Kristine looked up. She saw a beautiful lady standing in front of her. she was slender and the brown long chevron dress she wore matched with her tanned skin.

''Brenda, I will call you back'' Kristine hung up and walked closer to the lady, ''yes I am she. Who are you?'' she asked the lady.

''Hi, I am Angela Greene'' she said and stretched her hand towards Kristine.

''Angela Greene, hi'' Kristine shook her hand and let go immediately. She had recognised her because Ronald had told her about the latter. Kristine looked at the woman in front of her. she looked young, maybe a little older than her but, she looked really beautiful. Beautiful enough to make men fall at her feet. It was no wonder that Ronald's father couldn't control himself. In front of such a beauty, men would do anything.

''You know who I am, right?'' Angela Greene asked with a smile.

''Yes, I do. I have heard a lot about you'' Kristine didn't want to lie that she didn't know her.

''Do you have time? How about a cup of coffee?'' she asked Kristine.

''Sure, I know a place where they serve nice coffee''

''Let's use my car, then'' Angela said and turned towards the yellow Benz that she drove to that place. She waited time Kristine got inside the front seat before she went over to the driver's seat and got inside. Kristine told her the address and she drove towards that place.

A few minutes later, Kristine and Angela sat facing each other inside the caf. They had taken a seat by the window and they each had a cup of coffee in front of them.

''This place has changed quite a lot. There was nothing like this here five years ago. I remember it was a department store'' Angela said and sipped her coffee.

''The department store was moved to the central park side and a caf was opened here. that was two years ago'' Kristine told her.

''I see. That is why, it feels new to be here''

''Why did you want to see me?'' Kristine asked her.

''I came back a week ago, but I was busy with family business. I went over to the family house yesterday and I met Ronald there with his grandfather. Ronald told me that he wanted to cancel the marriage between our families because he was in love with someone else. When I asked who, he told me about you''


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