Love The Psycho

Chapter 289: What is the truth? 2

Chapter 289: What is the truth? 2

''Why? I want to know''

''On the night I spent watching over you in the hospital. I saw you been fragile and felt that you were also human after all. I hate it when someone I care about is sick, and I found that I didn't like it when you were sick. I realised I liked you then''

''This is so unfair. I liked you the first time I saw you when we were introduced at the office''


''En'' they looked at each other and smiled. ''Let's bath and get out of here before you catch a cold''


Early the next morning, Robyn accompanied Brenda to go and see the lawyer. When they arrived at the lawyer's building, Brenda was little sceptical because the building looked too luxurious to be a law firm.

''This place looks more like a place where people lived than a law firm''

''She is co-renting the place with her cousin who is an interior decorator. Let's go in'' he held her hand and they went inside together.

After introducing themselves to the receptionist, they were showed into an office. When Brenda entered and came face to face with the woman who had just looked up, she recognised her at once.

''Oh, it's you?'' Brenda said and the woman furrowed her brows after a little thought also recognised Brenda.

''Oh, I remember you'' Amber said.

''Do you two know each other?'' Robyn asked as he looked at the two women.

''Yes, we do know each other'' Brenda answered.

''Was she the one you told me about?'' Amber asked and pointed to the seats in the office. 'Make yourselves comfortable''

''Thank you'' Brenda sat down with Robyn.

''Yes, but let me do the introduction again. this is my girlfriend, Brenda. Brenda, meet my friend, Lawyer Amber Grace Alice.

''Hi, nice to meet you'' Brenda said stretching forth her hand.

''Hi, it's good to see you again. I often wondered about how you and your friends were doing. It's good to run into you like this. How are your friends?''

''They are doing well. How are you and your sisters too?''

''Well, one is already on her honeymoon and the other is busy working. I'm still the one who is less busy as I just moved into a new place''

''You two have left me out already?'' Robyn asked.

''Right, I was about to ask you to leave anyways. I want to have a private conversation with my client. If there is the need to ask for you, I would do that'' Amber got into a serious mood.

''Brenda, will you be okay by yourself?''

''Am I going to eat her up?'' Amber shrugged her head.

''I will be fine. Don't worry'' Brenda assured him before he stood up to go.

Amber smiled looking at them. when Robyn left leaving them alone, she picked a pen and a journal from her table and a tape recorder, placing them on the table.

''Before we start, I want to just say that, I know some things are hard to speak about because they bring pain to us, but if we want to make sure that, the man pays for his crime, then we must be ready to let everything out in the open. I would be recording your statements and also I would ask for your friends to come and give their accounts of how the incident has affected your life. This step that we have taken is only the beginning.

After my call with Robyn, I did an investigation into Brew Gold and I found that not only is he from a prominent family but he also has a lot of connections, hence getting him to openly admit to his crimes will be not be easy but it is possible, so you need to just trust me and allow me to do this my way. Trust me, I have experience and know how to deal with people like that''

''Before coming here, I already made up my mind to trust and follow everything that you say. My friends are also willing to come anytime and give their statements. I have lived in fear all my life since that time but I don't want to do that anymore. Being with Robyn has taught me to be brave and I want to live without having to be afraid of him making my life unbearable any day''

''Alright. Now, I want you to tell me everything about you and him. From the beginning. From how you met to how he was able to install cameras into your apartment to monitor you''

''En'' Brenda nodded her head and started narrating her side of the story. From how they met till the day she found out about those nude pictures and sex video.

She felt like she was going through it all over once again as she narrated her ordeal to the lawyer. At a certain point, she had her hands clasped together tightly and sweat formed on her forehead but she didn't stop. She was determined to bring it out this time with the hope that she would find healing.

Back then, she used to blame herself most of the time. When she first found out about those things, she had been so scared and didn't know what to do, so she had run out of the apartment, taking with her only a few clothes and went to her sister's place.

Even when she was there, she didn't have the courage to tell her sister about what happened with her and had endured the numerous threats of Brew Gold. He had threatened her to return or he would post the things on to the internet which he eventually did and everything spiralled out of control with her sister going to attach him.

That time, Kristine had also just returned from her visit to her family in T-town. She and the others had come to her twin sister's place to find her and had stayed with her. none of them mentioned the time that she had suddenly left their shared apartment to be alone with Brew. Instead of blaming her, they didn't do any such thing. They instead stayed by her side and helped her.

But even without her doing anything, Brew didn't stop there. After sending the pictures out and only blurring her face, he had continued to threaten her that she must never get together with another man if not he would bring the pictures out again and this time, he would make sure he didn't blur her face.

She had been living in fear since then. That was also the reason why she couldn't be with Robyn at first even though she liked him. She was afraid he would be disappointed in her when he learnt about her past.

Amber removed a few tissues from the side and handed them over to Brenda whose face was marred with tears from telling her story.

Amber looked at her and felt that she was a strong woman to have endure such kind of pain inside her for the past ten years. Her heart went out to Brenda and she was even the more now determined to make sure that the man who was responsible for ruining the young woman's life pays for everything. She was going to fight them to the end. She didn't care the kind of connections that man had. She was also willing to use her connections to see to it that he got a jail time and most importantly, apologises for what he had done to the woman.

''You did well, Brenda. It is alright. everything will be fine now'' Amber assured her. She stood up and went closer to Brenda, pulling her into a hug as the latter continued to sob.

Later on, Brenda and Robyn left the law firm and Amber stayed back to draft a lawyer's letter to be sent to the court and also to Brew Gold's lawyer. Thus, the legal battle between Brenda and Brew Gold finally started and there was no turning back now.


Chloe came out of the library to take a breather when she saw Collins getting down from his car. the latter was holding his phone seemingly make a call.

Chloe raised her hand to call him when the phone in her hand buzzed and she looked at it and smile. He was the one calling her. She waved the phone in her hand at him and when he saw her, he smiled and hung up, walking towards her.

''Senior, did you come here to see me?'' she asked looking at the white polybag in his hands.

''Mmm, I just finished with my last lecture and remembered that you were at the library, so I brought you some snack'' he said lifting the bag up.

''Whoa, how did you know I was hungry? after studying for long hours, I realised that studying after a long break is the hardest. I realised there were so many things I couldn't understand''

''What didn't you understand? Let me explain them to you'' Collins offered.


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