Love The Psycho

Chapter 286: A trashy person

Chapter 286: A trashy person

When they reached the ground floor, they got down together and chatted as they walked out of the building. Just at the entrance, Brenda was about to say something to Robyn when she heard someone call her name and her body tensed up.

''Brenda'' the voice called.

Brenda turned and met the gaze of the familiar face of the man who had been the thorn in her flesh, she stepped back and almost fell but Robyn was behind her and quickly held her steady as he also looked at the man.

He had recognised him because he had done investigation into the incident when Brenda told him about it. he had even requested for it to be taken down only to be informed that the pictures had an encrypted passcode to it. It appeared the man had gone through lengths to make sure that the pictures stayed where they were for a long time. But, Robyn wasn't one to give up either, hence since that day he had already asked someone who was closer to the hacker Brenda recommended and had wired the money to the person and was supposed to receive a response from him that evening. The hacker had said he would not only clean everything from the site but he would also get evidence that could be used to make that bastard pay for his crimes.

''Why do you look so surprised to see me?'' the man chuckled, stuffing his hands into his side pockets.

''You what are you doing here? How did you find me?'' she stuttered.

''Kristine must not have told you about my going over yesterday then? She is quite the good friend, keeping things away from you''

''Brew'' Brenda screamed and Robyn pulled her behind him and spoke to the man whose name was revealed to be Brew.

The workers from the building started looking at them as they also left for their lunch. When Robyn saw this, he intervened. He didn't want Brenda's name to be marred in anyway by the sudden presence of the man.

''Brew Gold, right?'' Robyn looked at him and the man smiled.

''Who is he, Brenda? Don't tell me you didn't heed to my warning and is already dating someone? Does he know about those pictures?''

''I do. She told me and I even saw them but, that just made me like her even more'' Robyn intertwined his hands with hers and looked at Brenda.

''Brenda, is that true?'' Brew asked as he looked at their hands.

''That's right. He is my boyfriend'' Brenda answered.

''Are you trying to mess with me? I told you. Didn't I warn you not to think about being with another man the moment you broke things off with me? You don't listen to me anymore, Brenda. Should I teach you how to be obedient again?''

Ten years ago, Brenda was just a high school leaver with no backer and could only depend on herself and her sister.

She had met and fell in love with this man who only wanted to control her and make her do things that pleased him. He had made her fall out with her friends and had gotten an apartment for her alone where he met her most of the time. She would never have believed that he would install secret cameras that recorded everything she did in the apartment including when she was taking her bath and dressing up.

When she found out by mistaken and confronted him, he had blackmailed her then and made her silent. If her friends hadn't come to her rescue, she didn't know whether she would have survived the ordeal back then.

''If she was meant to be controlled, she would have come with a remote. What do you mean by teaching her to be obedient?'' Robyn asked angrily.

Brew looked at the them disdainfully and took out his phone. He dialled a number and made a call while looking into Brenda's face, 'you must have forgotten who you belong to; I should remind you'' he said and Brenda became scared.

She turned to looked at Robyn with a worried gaze but the latter squeezed her hand gently and nodded his head as if assuring her.

''Release those pictures again and this time, attach her identity and address to them'' Brew said and looked at Brenda with a smile but it didn't last as his face distorted after hearing the response from the other side, ''what do you mean there is nothing there to post? I will call you back'' he hung up and looked at Brenda. ''I really did underestimate you. But, did you think that those were the only ones I had? Don't forget I have backup'' he chuckled.

Brenda turned to look at Robyn who simply nodded before taking out his phone that had started buzzing. He looked at the email from the hacker and smiled before looking at Brew.

''Do you want to wait for the police to arrive or do you want to go and turn yourself in?'' Robyn asked him.


''You just confessed to your own crimes. Have you forgotten?'' Robyn showed a recording of him speaking about the video.

When he heard his own voice playing, he suddenly rushed forward to snatch the phone but Robyn stepped back and he almost fell.

''Hand that over?'' he screamed and turned to look at Brenda who was behind Robyn, 'Brenda you better tell him who I am. I can make him lose his job'' Brew said but Robyn simply laughed and shook his head.

Robyn turned to look at Brenda who had a confused look on her face. She didn't understand what was going on.

''Do you want to go to the police? You could send him to court with the evidence that I have'' he asked her. He didn't want to do anything that she didn't wanted.

''Will he really pay for what he did to me if I send him to court?''

''There are a lot of laws protecting women rights. He just violated your right to privacy, illegal filming and spreading of nude pictures. He could be sentenced to prison and made to pay some compensations to you. Your friends can also act as witnesses in the court'' Robyn explained everything to her and she nodded before turning to look at Brew who had a horrible look on his face.

''I don't need money from him. I just want him to spend a lot of years in prison and the world to know what kind of scum he is''

''What?'' Brew chuckled before frowning, 'you little bitch'' he raised his hand to hit Brenda and Robyn held his hand.

Just then, a police car pulled over and walked over to them asking, ''we received a report that there is someone here causing chaos in the company'' one of the policemen asked.

''He is the one. he came here to threaten me'' Brenda pointed at Brew and the police turned to face him.

''Sir, I will need you to come to the police station with us''

''I am not going anywhere. Do you know who I am? I am Brew Gold, from the Gold family in D-City'' he said and pointed at Brenda, ''don't think this is the end. I will make sure you pay for this, you little hoe'' he said loudly and Brenda slapped him. Her body was shaking even after she slapped him.

The slap which came suddenly made Brew to lose his footing and he fell down. The police went to hold him up.

''I want to make a report too, officer'' Brenda said to the police.

''You can come to the station and make a report if you have a case. We will take him away'' the police pulled Brew away as he still shouted at Brenda.

''Are you alright?'' Robyn touched Brenda's arm and she came back to her senses and turned to him. She looked at the workers that were watching them and sighed. Now she was going to be the subject of gossip for a while.

This was the kind of thing she didn't like to see. ''Take me away from here'' she said to him in a pleading tone and Robyn nodded and pulled her away towards his car.

The workers continued to look at them as they got into the car and left.

Brenda closed her eyes and leaned against the seat as he drove. He looked at her for a while and didn't say anything and drove away.


Robyn pulled over in front of a drive in beach and got down from the car. By that time, Brenda was sleeping soundly inside the car, so he took out his phone and went a distance away to make a call.

He first made a call to Ronald and explained the situation to him and soon, he saw a series of new numbers calling him.

''Hello'' he answered and realised it was the ladies.

''Robyn, where is Brenda? Is she alright?'' Kristine asked first.

''She is fine, don't worry. I took her somewhere for her to calm down. we will come back to the city tomorrow and then go to the police station''


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