Love The Psycho

Chapter 282: The fight for happiness

Chapter 282: The fight for happiness

''You celebrated your birthday? Brenda, that is new?'' Jenny said over the phone.

''Well, it just happened that way. It wasn't bad, so the four of us are going to celebrate all the birthdays I missed out on when we get together''

''I'm the single dog among us now'' Chloe sighed.

''You have your 'senior' who calls you every now and then, don't you dare act innocent'' Kristine said.

''Okay, I will be coming over after Kody and I send my mother and Grandpa off to the airport. Let's talk more when I come over''

''Alright, take care, bye'' Brenda blew her a kiss and ended the call. Jenny chuckled and stood up to change before going out.

After speaking with her friends, Jenny changed into a new set of clothes and went out to meet Kody. She saw him setting the table up for breakfast and went over, ''hi''

''Hi, my love'' Kody pulled her closer and gave her a kiss before pulling out the chair, 'sit down, let's have breakfast before we go and meet the adults''

''Aren't we supposed to eat with them before they leave?''

''We are but I figured you might be hungry after all the activity last night; this is just soup I made. Drink it before we go''

''So you do know that you bullied me last night, gangster?''

''That's why I'm making you this soup. When we return, I want to have you all to myself again. I can't get enough of you'' he winked at her and she flushed.

''I'm not talking to you again'' she said and picked the spoon to drink the soup.

''How does it taste?'' Kody asked staring at her as if waiting to be praised.

''It's not bad, where did you learn to cook?''

''I took cooking classes back at the US because I hated buying food outside and I also wanted to be able to impress you''

''You did. This is good''

''I will go and get changed. Let's leave when you are done drinking the soup''

''En'' Jenny smiled and watched him go to their bedroom.


Kristen walked out of the restaurant in her waitress uniform which was a little above her knees, she had in her hands two different black polybags that were full with garbage that she was going to put in the big bin.

After putting them inside, she turned to go and saw a man walking towards her. the man was a middle aged man with grey hair but she wasn't sure whether that was the normal grey hair for older people or he had done something to make it grey but he was also dressed a little over the top fashionably with a gold chain hanging down his neck and a pierced nose.

To say she was being crept out was the least, she also had a bad feeling about his presence. He looked like a thug, so she turned immediately and dashed towards the door but the man called her back.

''You are Kristine, right?'' the man asked making her stop in her strides.

Kristine turned slowly towards him and nodded politely, 'how do you know my name?''

''I am not a strange person. I am Lewis Agyeman, the father of Ronald'' he introduced himself and stretched forth his hand towards her.

''Oh, uncle hello'' Kristine took his hand and the man held it a little longer as he smiled at her.

''Do you have time? Would you mind sparing me a little of your time? I'm sorry for coming without an appointment''

''No, it's alright. I will quickly change and come out'' Kristine took her hand away and nodded before turning to go inside.

The man's friendly face quickly changed into an unreadable one as he looked at Kristine who was talking to a co-worker inside the restaurant. He looked at his wrist watch and smirked.

A while later, Kristine walked out wearing black pants and a brown flowery blouse.

''My car is over there'' he pointed at a Vintage car and Kristine's eyeballs almost popped out. This car was insanely expensive in the market. She looked at the man again before following him to the car.

When they got to the car, the drive who was standing outside opened the backdoor for her to get in first before Lewis Agyeman did. Kristine moved over to a far end of the seat almost leaning against the door.

Lewis Agyeman noticed her actions and smiled.


Groovy Eatery.

Kristine didn't know how she managed to go inside the restaurant but at the moment, she was seated across Lewis Agyeman in one of the most expensive restaurants in the city. it was closer to the sea and the particular table he reserved had an over the sea view which allowed people to enjoy their food while also experiencing the vibes of the sea.

''What would you like to eat, Kristine?'' Lewis Agyeman asked and Kristine looked up at him. She had her phone in her hands and it looked like she was about to either make a call or send a message. ''Kristine, give me the phone. Are you going to call Ronald?''

'Huh?'' her face flushed knowing she had been caught. She was indeed about to type a message to him. She pressed the uncompleted message to send before closing the phone and handed it over. The way she was being looked at crept her out and she felt that if she didn't hand over the phone she was going to be murdered.

''I hate it when someone is playing with their phones instead of listening to me when I am speaking to them, especially'' he said in a stern tone.

''I'm sorry, sir'' Kristine clutched her hands tightly to her hem of her blouse. She felt so intimidated by his actions and words. She could feel that he didn't like her that much.

''What would you order?'' he asked her.

''I am not hungry. I would appreciate it if you could tell me why I am here instead. I took leave from the work place to come here'' Kristine mustered her courage up and said to them.

There was no need pretending to not know that the other party didn't like her.

''Did Ronald tell you about his family? Do you know the difference between the two of you?''

''This isn't even the Joseon dynasty, why is he asking me these kind of questions?' Kristine looked at him without saying a word. She knew he had a lot to say and was waiting for him to continue.

''Did Ronald tell you he has a fiance? Someone he is engaged to and is going to get married to in a few months' time?''

Kristine's face changed and the man took in the changes. He chuckled and shook his head.

''If you break up with him, I will make sure that instead of being a waitress in that tiny restaurant, I will get you your own place, which will be equivalent to a place like this. I will give you workers and someone to manage the place. You won't ever need him again''

''What?'' Kristine felt she didn't understand his statement well enough. She smiled and stood up with her hand stretched forth towards him, 'can I have my phone? Or are you going to confiscate it? This was bought with my hard earned money. I think you are mistaken about something, sir. I am not in dire need of money and my family isn't poor either. My grandfather can get me a place like this and more if I open my mouth to say the word. I am not with Ronald because of his family or money. I was already in love with him before he told me who he was. But, he definitely didn't tell me he had such a trashy person as a father''

Lewis Agyeman looked at Kristine coldly. He found her actions haughty and banged his fist against the table, startling her. He stood up to face her and was about to hold her collar when another hand pulled Kristine aside and stood between them.

'You haven't changed one bit. Still trying to ruin everything that matter to me. aren't you tired of doing this all the time?'' Ronald asked Lewis Agyeman.

''You found someone who is as haughty as yourself this time?'' Lewis Agyeman wasn't fazed by Ronald. He chuckled and looked at Kristine, ''how long are you going to keep her in the dark? At least tell her about your engagement and upcoming wedding. Your grandfather had already set the date and Angela will be coming back soon''

''You want me to marry your mistress? I would never do such a thing'' Kristine looked at Ronald when he said that.

''It was a drunken mistake that one time. Angela and I don't have that kind of relationship. We are all one family; you should learn to let of some things''

''No matter what, you and Angela slept together and still do. do you think I don't know about that? Just because I am not saying anything about it doesn't mean I am not aware of the things going on''


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