Love The Psycho

Chapter 271: Chloe's mistake

Chapter 271: Chloe's mistake

The first day he came to the office and saw her, he had felt that she was beautiful. He admitted he too had some kind of prejudice against her. he didn't believe someone as beautiful as her was capable of anything, he treated her harshly and always nit-picked on everything she did, but she would always fight back. If she felt that she was been mistreated, she would fight back and even demand for an apology from him. She was the first lady who really challenged him and passed all the little obstacles he placed on her way.

He began to see her in a new light. He began to study her style of work and realised they were both similar. They both thrived for perfection in their jobs. Now that he was thinking about it, he realised he wasn't any different from the men who tried to put her down today. He had only been focusing on his own feelings and ignored the fact that she was also a person with emotions, a person with a story to tell.

Looking at her, he wondered what kind of story she had to tell. What kind of experienced she had to go through to become this hardened towards herself and others. For the first time, he was really curious about her. and it wasn't the kind that was just about his feelings towards her. It was the kind that sake to really understand her, find what she was really like. He wanted to get to know her well enough to make the final decisions for himself. This was his genuine thoughts and not the lust that he had before. his lust for her and all the silly infatuations were now replaced with sincerity.

Robyn finally managed to take his hand away from her and she woke up in the process. Her drool was on his hand and she flushed seeing it.

''Sorry'' she quickly apologised.

''It's nothing''

''How long did I sleep here for?'' she asked and took out her phone and saw the missed calls from her friends.

''A little too long. It's almost 22:10PM'' Robyn pointed at the wall clock.

''It's so late, what were you doing here?'' she asked him as she stood up from the chair.

''You were the only one in the building. I didn't want to leave you alone''

''Nothing would have happened to me. there is security outside'' she said and looked at the blazer on her back. she quickly removed it and gave it to him, 'thank you''

''Did you bring a car?'' Robyn followed her as she went out.

''Give me a ride''

Brenda stopped and looked at him, ''you are not taking me for your personal chauffeur, right?''

''Not at all, but it's late and I was delayed because I waited for you'' they got into the elevator and he pressed the last floor number.

''I didn't ask you to wait for me. You did that because you wanted to''

''Because I was worried that you might become alarmed when you wake up and find no one in the office. Did you work extra hard yesterday because I wasn't there?''

''Yes, I did. Why are you asking? Do you want to take my work next time?''

''Yes, if the need arises, I would do that''

''Do whatever you want'' she went out after the elevator stopped and they walked outside towards her car.

''I'm sorry'' Robyn suddenly said and Brenda stopped walking and turned to face him.

''Why are you suddenly apologising to me?'' she was surprised by his actions.

''I judged you one time and prejudiced against you because you are a woman. I take my words back. You are hardworking and very good at your job. I had no right to judge you''

Brenda sighed and crossed her arms around her chest. She smiled and looked at him saying, ''you don't have to apologise to me. I don't put such things to heart''

''I do. Today, I realise I wasn't any different from those people in the office who judge you without understanding you. I shouldn't have acted that way and while I may sound hypocritical, I am sincere with my apologies''

''It's alright. I accept your apology. Let's go'' she went to the car and got inside and he joined her in the front seat.

Brenda drove out of the parking lot and a blue car followed suit as soon as she left. The car followed her all the way to Global Estates where she dropped Robyn off and went towards their apartment which was a few minutes' drive from Global estates.

When she arrived, she pulled over at the car park and went straight into their apartment. She didn't see the car or that person that had followed her all the way from the office to her apartment.

The man who was also the same one from the other day after she got to the office from the airport got down from the car and looked at the apartment. He smiled and removed his phone. After taking a picture of the apartment, he got back into his car and drove away.


Brenda was the last to wake up the next day. When she came to the hall, she saw her three friends eating fruits and chatting in the hall and she joined them.

''Brenda, sit here'' Jenny pulled out a chair for her to sit.

''Thank you''

''Have some fruits'' Kristine picked one washed apple from the plate and gave to Brenda and she took it and bit into it. She had already washed up in her room before coming out as it was their routine that they followed. They would wash up first before going to the hall.

''What are you girls talking about?'' Brenda asked them.

''Chloe was telling us about her boss' fiance who came to their office'' Jenny answered.

''Office gossip?'' Brenda cocked her brow at Brenda.


''Nothing'' Brenda said and kept looking at her.

''Look, if you have something, why don't you just say it?''

''You like your boss, right?'' Brenda asked and Chloe flushed. She waved her hands in the air dismissing her.

''No. I told you before, I don't like him'' Chloe insisted and the three simply looked at her.

''Chloe, you don't, right?'' Kristine asked her again, with a suspicions glance.

''No. I've learnt my lesson already. I won't fall for my boss again'' Chloe insisted but she knew that her friends weren't convinced. Heck, she couldn't even convince herself at this moment.

''Confess already while we are asking nicely, Chloe'' Jenny shot her a threatening gaze and the latter pursed her lips.

''What happens to anyone who lies to our faces?'' Kristine asked.

''No talking to that person until they confess'' Brenda and Jenny said at the same time.

''Fine, I will say it. I like my boss'' Chloe surrendered to the defeat.

''Since when?'' Brenda asked.

''Recently, I don't know when it started, but that day it was only the two of us in the office and he was drunk''

''Did you and him'' Kristine didn't continue but Chloe knew what she meant.

''No, he kissed me''

''What?'' Jenny exclaimed, 'isn't this sexual harassment?''

''It is not if it was consensual'' Brenda said and turned to look at Chloe, 'did you kiss him back?''

''I did, but that was all. We didn't do anything besides kissing and he''

''He what?'' Kristine asked.

''He doesn't even know I was the one he kissed''

''What?'' the three of them said at the same time.

''Chloe, how is this possible? How could he kiss you and not know that he did?'' Jenny asked confused.

''So, what happened after the kiss?'' Brenda who was still level-headed asked.

''He passed out after kissing me and his fiance happened to call at that time and I told her about him. So, she came to the office and took him away''

''Didn't she say anything when she came? I mean the fiance?'' Kristine also asked.

''No, she simply took him away''

''Chloe, you are our friend, but right now I have to say I am quite disappointed in you. I told you to be careful and not fall for your boss simply because he is nice to you, but now. Not only do you like him, but you also kissed him. What do you think will happen when his fiance finds out about this?'' Brenda spoke factually without sugar coating her words.

''I'm sorry, guys''

'This isn't the time to be sorry. You have to take responsibility for what happened. My gut feeling tells me that his fiance is aware of your feelings for her fianc but she is keeping quiet about it'' Brenda added.

''Is that really possible? How could she be aware and not say anything?'' Jenny asked.

''You know the mind-set of rich people? They don't marry for love. It is more like an obligation, fulfilling the demands of the older generation and a way to gain more power. What Brenda said is right. If she knows, as Brenda suspects and is keeping quiet then it means that she knows that in the end, what every fling Chloe has with her boss, she would never become his wife''


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