Love The Psycho

Chapter 262: Why are you coming out from there

Chapter 262: Why are you coming out from there

Kristine got to the bar counter in the hall and saw her brother chatting with Ronald, George and Uncle Max.

''Kris'' Uncle Max called to her and held her hand.

''Uncle Max'' Kristine said and flushed as she remembered what happened. 'Nelson, a drink for Vera''

''On it'' Nelson said and picked a fruit juice paper drink from the shelf.

''Add a little water to the juice. It isn't god for her health since she is pregnant'' Ronald recommended.

''It is so good to have a doctor in the house'' Uncle Max said and they laughed.

''Everyone'' Lucy walked out of the kitchen, 'how about we go to the beach after breakfast?''

''Grandpa's party is tonight. There is still a lot to do, Lucy'' Kristine reminded her.

''Don't tell me you are afraid your boyfriend will be snatched away from the girls at the beach?''

''You'' Kristine felt a touch and turned to see Ronald holding her hand.

''I'm all hers. No one can change my mind'' Ronald said.

''The more I listen to you speak the more I like you. That is how a man should act'' Uncle Max said and gave Ronald a thumbs up.

''So, we are going or not?'' Lucy asked impatiently.

''Let's go'' Kristine said confidently with a daring gaze.

''Okay, we can leave after breakfast'' Lucy said and turned back to the kitchen.

''Kris, the drink is ready'' Nelson handed her the drink.

''Thanks, Nelson'' Kristine took the drink and went away.

''These two are like cats and dogs. I hope the two of you don't end up hating each other because of them'' Uncle Max said.

''Don't worry, we are cool, right George?'' Ronald looked at him.

''Yes, sure'' George replied. Since last night, he hadn't said much to Ronald. His mind was cloudy and he wasn't sure how to start a conversation with him. He didn't want to lose his pride more than he had already, no thanks to Lucy.


Chloe was busy sorting out some documents when her phone rang. Seeing the incoming call from Kristine, she smiled and answered, putting it on loudspeaker since she was alone in the office. Her boss had gone out for a family dinner with his fiance.

''Hey, girl. How are you doing over there?'' Chloe asked and realised Jenny and Brenda were also online.

''Girls, we are going to the beach later on. What should I do?''

''How did attending a party end up being going to the beach?'' Brenda asked as noise came from her background.

''Are you working?'' Jenny asked her.

''Oh, I'm fixing a sink in the male's washroom'' Brenda answered.

''Brenda, are you a pervert? Aren't there men to work on it? What are you doing in a male washroom? What if someone comes in?'' Kristine said.

''So, what if someone comes inside? The sinks are connected and it's making the female washroom leak. I am just fixing it. besides, all the men left for outstation today''

''Just hurry up and get out of there. It's gross just thinking about it'' Jenny said as she stirred her soup. She was preparing side dishes to store in the fridge.

''Back to you, Kristine. What are you going to do? Can you wear a bikini and show your scar?''

''I can't. You know I have always been conscious of that scar. It is also the reason why I never slept with Ray. I was afraid he would find me ugly after seeing that deep cut''

''Ray, that damned man'' Brenda cussed. ''Just tell them you are not going?''

''But, how did you end up going to the beach?'' Chloe asked.

''Lucy suggested it and everyone said yes. I didn't want to be the odd one. She was daring me and I couldn't let her win''

''So, like an idiot, you agreed?'' Jenny asked.

''Wait. Jenny, you actually said something savage for once in your life. I just saw you in a new light'' Brenda said.

''Thank you, Bee'' Jenny chuckled.

''In any case, the scar is something you couldn't have kept forever. Maybe you should tell Ronald the truth. He is a doctor; he will understand''

''Tell him? I can't. he just told me he liked me last night. What if I ruin it'' Kristine confessed.

''What?'' Brenda screamed.

''Holy cow'' Chloe chuckled.

''Whoa. Kristine, you are setting a record with your love life'' Jenny added.

''Agreed'' Brenda said.

''So, tell us. what was your answer?'' Chloe asked excitedly.

''I told him to let me think about it''

''What is there to think about?'' Jenny asked, ''I would have said yes already girl''

''If she said yes so fast, she would have sounded and looked desperate. Now that we are certain that he likes you, take your time and get to know him first. No need to rush'' Brenda said.

''Brenda is right. He likes you, so take your time. There is no need to rush'' Chloe placed the documents in her hands different on the table and stood up.

''Whatever, I would have said yes'' Jenny said.

''That's why you are still single. You say yes immediately and then break up with them saying you don't feel the spark anymore'' Brenda said.

''You know we are drifting away from my problem, right?''

''Right'' Chloe said.

''You either tell Ronald about your scar or you don't wear a bikini'' Brenda said.

''And while you are not wearing a bikini, other girls will wear and it will take a man with good self-control and will to not look at them. The beach is a place to watch naked women for free'' Jenny said and the line went quiet before Kristine spoke.

''You know Jenny, have you been reading behind our backs, because you are suddenly full of wisdom''

''Kody has been sending me free E-books of the pieces he works on''

''That explains it, but when is he coming back with that girlfriend of his?'' Chloe asked.

''Next month, I don't know. That's what he said''

''And we drifting away from Kristine again. Kris, you were being fooled by Lucy. She did that intentionally knowing that you could never expose your body because of the scar'' Brenda said.

''But, I don't really see anything wrong with the scar. It doesn't take anything from you. You still got it together, Kris'' Jenny said.

''Jenny is right. You are still beautiful. I can't talk for long, I need to attend a meeting in place of my boss''

''Oh, go ahead, bye Chloe. I will leave you all to do your work, bye''




Brenda hung up. She put the phone away and removed the hose connected the two sinks and looked at the damaged part and heaved.

''Found you finally?'' she said and heard one of the still flashed and tensed up. ''Who is there?'' she turned at once coming face to face with Robyn who looked at her nonchalantly. ''Why are you coming out from there?'' She pointed at the still and asked.

''This is the male washroom. What did you think I was doing there? eating?'' he asked her and went to wash his hands at the other sink.

''A woman in the male washroom doing repairs. There are so many sides to you that I don't know about'' Robyn said and turned to look at her flushed face.

''I didn't know there was someone inside. I thought everyone had left for outstation'' she stuttered.

''Give me the tools and get out of here. what if it was another man who was inside? You are so bold for your own good'' he said and snatched the hose from her hands and bent down to look at the damaged part.

''That place needs to be cut off and the sealed up with all glue'' Brenda said to him.

''I know. Get me a cutter first'' he said and Brenda quickly picked the cutter for him. In that manner, he kept commanding her and she was picking tools for him until they finished sealing the area.

Brenda sighed and smiled, 'finally down'' she said.

'Right'' Robyn agreed, 'next time, don't come into the male washroom to do repairs. The men will do it if you just alert them'' he turned to look at her. she seemed to be in a good mood as she smiled and her dimples went inside her cheeks making her beautiful. Robyn felt like pinching her cheeks, he subconsciously murmured, 'beautiful''

''Huh?'' Brenda frowned, coming back to her senses. She looked around and picked her tools bag, ''wait. Why were you commanding me just now?''

''It's amazing how you are hailed for your smartness but you sometimes act like a kid''

''What? You what is wrong with you?''

''Nothing, I just find that side of you cute'' he said and started to walk out.

''Cute. That's the word I hate the most. Me and cute don't go together. never use that word for me''

''Are you going to sleep there?'' he asked and Brenda glared at him before going out and he chuckled.


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