Love The Psycho

Chapter 255: A good man

Chapter 255: A good man

Ronald was applying some ointment on Kristine after she went in to change. Brenda and the others rushed into the house anxiously.

''Where is that son of a bitch? I am going to beat him to a pulp today'' Brenda said looking around the hall.

''He is gone'' Mrs. Kate said and looked at them, ''sit down. The police came and sent him away''

''Kris, darling, how do you feel?'' Chloe looked at Kristine's face.

''You must have been so scared. that beast should just rot in jail'' Jenny added.

''He had the guts to come here and assault you? Whoa, is he tired of living?'' Brenda tussled her hair.

''It's alright. Thankfully, Ronald and I came in time. Kris too protected herself well'' Mrs. Kate smiled.

''What did the police say? Aunt, we have to let that man spend a lot of time in jail'' Chloe held Kristine's hand.

''Ronald said he will handle it. You girls just arrived and must be tired. Go and wash up. We will order out today''

''Aunt, how about you let me cook?'' Ronald suddenly said and the women turned to look at him. They all had puzzled looks on their faces. ''There are ingredients already. It will be a waste to not use them and order out. I have decent cooking skills''

''Ronald, you don't have to do that''

''I don't mind doing anything that has to do with you'' he replied and the women looked at each other and smiled.

''You really care about Kris. Since you care about her so much, when do you want to talk about marriage with me?'' Mrs. Kate asked.

''Mom'' Kristine flushed. She glared at her mother.

''What? He clearly likes you. A man wouldn't do this for a woman he doesn't care about. Is that not right?'' Mrs. Kate directed the question to Ronald and the hall turned dead silent.

''We will order out'' Kristine said and stood up, ''I will see Ronald off and we will go out and eat. You can go and wash up first'' Kristine said and took Ronald's hand, ''let's go''

''Did I say something wrong?'' Mrs. Kate asked as Kristine literally pulled Ronald out.

''You didn't say anything wrong. we all have been wondering his exact feelings towards Kristine'' Jenny said.

''Does he really like Kristine?'' Chloe looked at Brenda who smirked.

''I knew it. That man was luring our Kris deeper with that friendship faade. He clearly likes Kris'' Brenda added.


When they got to the car, Kristine clasped her hands together and said nervously, ''I'm sorry about that. my mother can be quite blunt''

''Must you apologise for this?'' Ronald asked and stepped closer to her and she blushed. ''I was quite pleased with that question though. It sounded sweet in my ears''

''Huh? What do you mean?''

''Kristine, you will find out later. Until then, let's continue to move at your own pace. But, make sure you let me know when you finally fall for me'' Ronald smiled looking at her.

''I you should go now'' Kristine said and turned to go and he held her hand making her stop. She turned to ask him a question and his phone buzzed.

''Let me answer this first'' he said and brought out the phone with his other hand while he still held unto her hand. He answered the call while looking at her face. ''Hello. Yes, I called because I need you to go to the police station and do something for me, but I will handle it myself. Nothing much, some idiot wanted to mess with a person I care about. Oh, a pretty woman that I've taken a fancy to recently. What to do, she isn't so mesmerised with me yet. Big sis, I will call you later, bye''

Kristine continued to blush looking at him. She pursed her lips.

''Don't think about anything else and get a lot of rest. I will call you later on'' Ronald hugged her before going to his car. Her body tensed up as she watched him drive out of their apartment.

Kristine fanned her face before going inside. She saw that Chloe and Brenda were already out, ''where is Jenny?''

''Still dressing'' Brenda said.

''Kris, why did you stop Ronald from answering my question?''

''Mom, must you be this way towards him? He is just my friend who agreed to be my fianc and go with me to T-Town. Asking him such questions will pressure him''

''Whoa, you seem to care about him'' Brenda folded her arms and cocked a brow at her.

''Because he is my friend, okay?''

''I wished I had such a handsome friend or maybe a handsome co-worker I can have a love-hate relationship with'' Jenny walked out saying. She stopped in front of Kristine and Brenda and looked at them, ''aunt, these two wenches are blessed with handsome guys and they don't even realise it''

''You don't talk about me okay?'' Brenda said and sat down.

''Tell me about it, Kris. Did Brenda dear also get herself a handsome man?''

''Aunt, he is my enemy'' Brenda said and glared at Jenny.

''Aunt, you know the clich stories of people who begin their romance by hating each other, right? There is this super handsome man at her workplace that she has that kind of relationship with. You should have seen how they were bickering a few days ago. They were so adorable''

''And might I add, he is a friend of Kris' boyfriend?'' Chloe added.

''He is not my boyfriend. Chloe you''

''Right, he is not yet but he will be soon'' Jenny winked at Kris and gave Chloe a high give.

''We should go and eat'' Brenda got up from the sofa.

''She is trying to get out of the questions that you have, aunt'' Jenny said.

''Jenny, Chloe. Tell me everything about that boy. These two are too nave to recognise love when they see it staring at them'' Mrs. Kate said.

As they went out to the car, Jenny and Chloe started sharing their knowledge with Mrs. Kate. Brenda went over to the driver's seat and Kris joined her in the front seat while Jenny and Chloe joined Mrs. Kate at the backseat.


The day Mrs. Kate was leaving finally came and Kristine couldn't feel any happier. The past few days, all her mother spoke about was Ronald and it was beginning to give her a headache.

As they drove towards the airport, they chatted in the car.

''We will miss you, aunt'' Jenny placed her head on Mrs. Kate's shoulder.

''I got to spend time with you girls, but with what happened to Kris, I am worried for your safety. You are all currently single and there is no one to rely on except yourselves''

''Aunt, we are taking care of each other. What is there to be worried about? As for getting a boyfriend, it will come at the right time. We are not in a hurry'' Chloe said.

''That is true. What matters is that you find good men'' Mrs. Kate agreed with Chloe.

''When will you come again, aunt?'' Brenda asked.

''After Kris and Ronald comes to T-Town, perhaps. I still have some work and legal issues to sort out. Her uncles have become a lot greedier than before and grandpa isn't easy to deal with either''

''You should just forget of them, I told you to leave me out of this'' Kristine muttered.

''Hey, you wrench. Ronald is a doctor today but what if something happens tomorrow and he can't be a doctor anymore. You should prepare for the future''

''Mom, Ronald isn't my husband and also, why would he suddenly go out of work? He is a sort after surgeon. He is very popular too''

''By the way, I called him this morning. He agreed to meet up before I go''

''Mom, you called Ronald this morning?''

''Yes, we've become closer after talking about the stock market and other stuff. He even introduced a few people to me. they are people with good legal knowledge. I wonder what exactly is his identity. He has connection with a lot of important people. Kris, you got a good man''

''You didn't investigate him, did you?''

''No, do I need to go that far? You know I can tell if a person is good or not, right? You also took that trait from me. unfortunately, you fell for that idiot''

''Aye, let's not talk about that loser anymore. Aunt, because of him, Kris was able to meet a good man Ronald'' Jenny said.

''That's right'' Mrs. Kate nodded her head.

When they got to the airport, Ronald was already there with Robyn. The latter had insisted on joining him by saying he wanted a lift to the workplace.

When Brenda got down and saw Robyn, she frowned and stuffed her hands into her jumpsuit pockets and muttered, ''why is he also here?''

''Who? You mean the handsome architect?'' Jenny teased and Brenda glared at her.

The two men walked to them with smiles.

''Aunt, this is my friend, Robyn''

''He is the enemy of Brenda'' Chloe added quickly and Mrs. Kate smiled.

''Aunt, good morning'' Robyn said politely and Brenda rolled her eyes, finding his actions hypocritical.


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