Love The Psycho

Chapter 246: The man with good intentions

Chapter 246: The man with good intentions

After clocking off, Kristine and Jenny decided to pass by the KH Shopping Mall to shop for some few things they were running out of at the house. Kristine held the shopping basket while Jenny picked the things they needed into it.

''I think we are done here. Let's go to the snack shelves and pick a few snacks for Brenda. She called me earlier to requests for more snacks. Something like she wanted to take it to the office and keep in her drawer''

Kristine hummed a reply and they turned to go and Jenny's phone buzzed.

''That's my phone'' she said and removed it from her bag, ''It's Chloe'' she said and answered it, ''hello Chloe. Yes, we are together'' Jenny looked at Kristine saying, ''Is Brenda and Chloe on the line''

''Put it on loudspeaker'' Kristine said to her.

''Let's go over there, no one is there'' she pointed at a clothing session for kids and they walked over.

''It is alright to speak now?'' Chloe asked over the phone.

''Yes, go ahead'' Kristine said to her.

''So, Brenda has finished scaling the number down to five and I have contacted them to schedule a day suitable. I spaced the days so that there won't be a clash''

''Right, I confirmed the venue this morning. the first date will take place at sky hotel'' Jenny said and Kristine removed her journal to write down the address.

''Whoa! That means I won't be a spinster for too long''

''I was going rounds with my boss and picked a few clothes from the departmental stores for you to wear to the dates''

''Thanks, Chloe. You are a sweetheart''

''Alright, get home safely. We will discuss the rest at home'' Brenda said over the phone.

''Ok talk to you later. Bye'' Jenny hung up and turned to Kris, ''so what if your wedding was cancelled? Ray. If you think our darling will cry over you, then think twice.

''That's right. crying over spilled milk? That is a joke'' Kris added.

''Wait here, I will get the snacks and get back soon'' Jenny said and walked off to the snack shelves that weren't so far away from them.

''En'' Kris opened her bag to put the journal inside and the basket along with the contents of the bag came tumbling out of her hands to the floor. ''Damn it'' she bent down to pick the things.

''Uncle, look, go and help that lady while I search for a shirt for fluffy'' Ginger said to Ronald who was walking ahead of her. they were in front of Kristine and he didn't see her yet.

''Who?'' Ronald turned and saw her. he looked surprised but soon recovered and went to help her get the things.

He helped her to pack the things into the basket and Kristine thanked him as she stood up to collect the basket from him.

''Thank you?'' she recognised her.

''I told you, we might meet again''

''Are you a stalker?'' Kristine looked flustered as she asked him.

''I think you mean to say what a coincidence because I definitely didn't follow you all the way here, Miss. I came with someone to get some things and happened to see you again'' he smiled at her and Kristine frowned.

''You better stay away me'' Kristine walked away faster and Ronald chuckled looking at her reactions. He turned to go and saw a journal on the floor and picked it up. Looking at the name tag on it, he smiled.

''Kristine Amanfo. I am definitely curious about this woman''

''Who are you curious about, uncle Ronald?'' Ginger walked to him holding a few clothes and asked.

''Someone, are you done, Princess?''

''Yes, we can leave now. Let's go'' she held Ronald's hand and they walked away.


''Come on, where could I have left this journal? I just hope I didn't misplace or leave it somewhere Wait'', Kristine stood up from her bed and suddenly remembered the scene at the mall, 'oh no! I hope this weird man doesn't have it? It will be too much of an embarrassment. That's not right. If he has it, he couldn't have read it, right?'' she sighed and ran out of the room and started hitting on the doors of the others screaming, ''code blue, code blue'' she said and they all got out of their rooms.

''What code blue, Kris? It's pass midnight, do you think we are in the hospital for you to wake us up saying 'code blue'?'' Brenda asked massaging her sleepy eyes.

''What is it, Kris? Can't it wait till tomorrow?'' Chloe sighed.

''Hm, I'm so tired'' Jenny yawned as she said.

''My journal is missing. Someone took it'' Kristine announced.

''It's that the code blue? Let's talk about it tomorrow'' Brenda said and went back into her room and banged the door behind her.

''Yes, Kris, let's talk about the missing journal tomorrow'' Chloe also went into her room.

''That damn journal'' Jenny cussed and also went into her room.

''But, I wrote all of our plans inside it and it's in the hands of that man'' Kris said and the three doors in front of her suddenly opened and the girls came out again.

''What?'' they all said at once in perfect sync.

Moving over to the hall, they sat down on the dining table and Kristine narrated the who situation to them. right from the meeting at the restaurant to the mall incident.

''Why didn't you tell us this earlier on?'' Chloe asked.

''I didn't realise it was gone at that time''

''So, let me get this straight. That strange man overheard your entire conversation with your mother and he even said you shouldn't be fast to conclude your meeting like that. then, you met him again at the mall and now he has your journal'' Brenda cracked the situation down.

''Yes, that is it'' Kristine confirmed.

''It's this guy not a pervert? From all indications, that is the act of a pervert?'' Brenda concluded.

''Or maybe a stalker?'' Jenny guessed too.

''Wait, we have to tackle this situation wisely or else that man might blackmail Kris using that damn journal'' Chloe said.

''Chloe is right. he might have even read its contents already and is waiting to take actions soon'' Brenda added.

''What do I do?'' Kristine asked anxiously.

''Don't worry, let's wait for his call first. whatever he wants to do, we will make sure we outsmart him on it'' Jenny said and the other nodded their heads in agreement.

''I'm going back to bed'' Brenda stood up announcing.

''Let's rest and solve this tomorrow'' Chloe added.


Ronald walked out after putting Ginger to sleep and went into his room. His eyes fell upon the journal and he smiled before going to take it. A picture fell out of it and he picked it up.

''She looks photogenic. He said and a flash of images came to mind. He turned and looked at the picture again furrowing his brows, ''she is the one. She is the lady I saved before going to Neo Island. No wonder I found her familiar''

Ronald chuckled and sat on his bed looking at the picture.


Sky hotel.

The ladies arrived in Brenda's car and got down. Brenda gave the keys to the valet and they went inside. They reached the restaurant and Chloe saw the blind date already seated.

''He is the one over there, in black shirt''

''He is handsome'' Jenny commented.

''Look for a place and sit. I will speak to him first'' Brenda said and walked away towards the man.

''let's sit over there. we will be able to see him clearly'' Chloe pointed at a corner table and the three went over to sit. They watched anxiously as Brenda pulled out to chair to sit in front of the man.

''They just started speaking'' Kristine alerted them.

''What do you think they are talking about? Brenda looks so serious'' Chloe asked rhetorically.

''Hi ladies'' a voice spoke behind them and Jenny looked up seeing Ronald. She smiled and pinched Chloe. When the latter looked up and also saw him.

''You are?''

''I am a friend of Kristine'' Ronald said and added, ''I saw her from outside and decided to say hi''

Kristine who was concentrating on Brenda and the blind date turned when she heard her name.

''You'' she pointed at Ronald.

''Hi, we meet again''

''Kris, you didn't tell us you were friends with such a handsome man?' Jenny asked and looked at Kristine.

''He is not my friend. He is that man. the pervert who stole my journal'' Kristine said and the two turned and looked at Ronald again.

''A pervert? I didn't know I was already labelled and came to return your journal when I saw you here?'' Ronald looked at them.

''You definitely look too handsome to be a pervert'' Jenny said and turned to Chloe, ''right Chloe?''

''Yeah, I guess you are right''

''Can I have a word with you? I have your journal with me'' Ronald said to Kristine.

''I don't have anything to say to you. just give me the journal and scram'' Kristine glared at him.

''Kris, you should have a chat with him. Jenny and I will be waiting over there'' Chloe took her bag and turned to Jenny, ''let's go''

''Yes, have a nice chat with him. We will be over there if you need us and by the way, I am skilled with knife work, so remember that before you do anything'' Jenny warned him before leaving with Chloe.

''These girls are a bunch of traitors'' Kristine said as she watched them leave. Ronald pulled her a chair in front of him and sat down.

'''Sit down, Kristine''

''Why are you talking so casually with me?''

''I am older than you'' he said and Kristine pursed her lips and sat down. she stretched her hand towards him.


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