Love The Psycho

Chapter 244: Finding a fake fiancé 1

Chapter 244: Finding a fake fiancé 1

''Home sweet home'' Jenny said and slumped on the sofa in their hall. They had just returned from their week long touring adventure in Neo Island.

''I'm so tired. Someone should massage my legs, they are getting stiff'' Brenda stretched her legs and Kristine pulled a plastic chair by her side and sat on it. She placed Brenda's legs on the laps and started massaging them.

''It's the pressure okay?'' Kristine asked and Brenda moaned.

''About right, this feels so good''

'Stop moaning like a pervert'' Chloe threw her a bottle of water and sat beside her.

''The pervert is the one who thinks about bad things when she hears someone moaning'' Jenny replied.

''Thanks Jenny'' Brenda said.

''I don't feel like going to work tomorrow'' Chloe placed her head on Brenda's shoulders.

''Sorry babe, but you have to go'' Brenda patted her head gently.

''Your boss will think you are ungrateful if you skip work tomorrow. He already did his best by giving you a vacation'' Kristine said to her.

''Whose phone is buzzing?'' Jenny asked after hearing the buzzing sound.

''It's not mine'' Chloe said taking out her phone.

''It's mine'' Kristine took out the phone from her bag and showed the caller ID to the girls, ''It's my mom''

''Everyone, remember your lines. This is the time to put in your acting skills to play'' Brenda said and they all sat up. Kristine took a deep breath before answering the phone, putting in on loudspeaker.

''Hello, mom''

''Kris, how are you and the girls?'' Kate Amanfo asked in a cheerful tone.

''We are all doing you. Mom, how are things back at home?''

''Everything is fine. Yesterday, grandpa asked me to tell you to bring Ray home this weekend. He needs to meet the entire family once before the wedding''

''Mom, I have something to tell you''

''Kris, what's wrong? You voice is down''

''Mom, I don't know how to break this to you, but I can't keep it any longer''

''Did something happen between you and Ray? Don't worry, couple fight and make up all the time''

''No, that's not it. Mom, the wedding isn't coming on. I called it off. Ray and I broke up'' Kristine closed her eyes as she said it. The other side was silent for a while before she heard her mother's voice again.

''You called off the wedding? You didn't call if off today, so why are you tell me that only after I called you?''

''I'm sorry mom, I didn't know how to tell you the news''

''How are you feeling? Are the girls with you?''

''Yes, they are with me. we went on a trip and just got back''

''Put them on the line''

''Aunt, this is Brenda speaking''

''Brenda, are you girls eating well?''

''Yes, aunt. Don't worry, we are taking care of ourselves very well''

''I heard you just returned from a trip''

''Yes, aunt''

''And you girls must have had a lot of fun, right?''

''Yes, aunt''

''Then, you should get back to work. The wedding has been called off, it is unfortunate but life must still go on''

''Yes, aunt''

''I know it must have been hard on Kris but since she has all of you, I know she won't mop around for long, so I am saying this to her. I don't care whether her relationship just hit the rocks but her cousin Lucy is coming to T-Town with her fiance, so if she doesn't want to be mocked, she should get a boyfriend and come and introduce to the family''

The girls looked at each other.

''Mom, what did you just say?''

''I said, your grandfather intends to distribute his assets on his coming 95th birthday, so if you want a little of his money, you need to bring along a man and introduce him as your fiance. The entire family hasn't met Ray, so its save to get another man to replace him. Let me warn you, you and your brother are my only hope in the family. You can't let the others take what your father worked hard for until his death. Even if you don't want anything, you can take the assets and keep them for your future''

''Mom, I thought you understood me. how can I get a fianc in such a short time?''

''That is for you to figure out. This is the least I can help you with, since the girls are with you, I believe they can help you. Chloe, are you there?''

''Yes, aunt, please speak''

''You have a wider network, arrange something and get Kristine to come along with a man on that day''

''Aunt, this''

''You might not be able to understand my actions right now, but you will be grateful I did something like this for you. I will visit you girls in a week's time. Make sure you get it done by then''



The line went off and the girls sighed. "What just happened?'' Jenny asked.

''My mom just happened. Isn't she even worried about my mental state after been dumped two months to my wedding?''

''A fake fianc in just a week?'' Chloe felt exasperated.

''Girls, let's not rush. Let's take out time and think this through. Who knows we might be able to work something out. The most important thing is to not let Kris lose her inheritance''

''And not lose to Lucy on that day'' Jenny added.

''Ah, Lucy, right. that bitch is going to be there, flanking her American boyfriend in your face'' Chloe sighed.

''One thing I know is, Lucy will not waste time telling everyone who cares to listen about her love life and all the luxury she is living in, how successful her man is and I will be with my broken heart. I never liked her'' Kristine placed her head on Brenda's laps.

''You two never really got along well'' Brenda said.

''You mean all of us never got along with her. she was the one who seduced my crush in high school. I almost got the boy to like me but she just had to intercept with her faade. Thanks to her, I am still yet to experience the feeling of first love'' Jenny frowned remembering the past.

'My mom is like a jinx in my life''

''Wait, I have an idea'' Chloe exclaimed.

''Tell us'' Brenda turned to face her''

''Do you remember, when we were in high school? We used to play this game of fixing dates for each other?''

''Yes'' Jenny replied.

''That was a lousy game that landed us into big trouble'' Brenda shrugged.

''But we still had fun'' Chloe smiled remembering all the times she played matchmaker.

''Chloe is right. we did have fun and moreover, it yielded results. Look at Martha and Anthony, they met because we hooked them up together and they are now married'' Jenny said excitedly.

''Jenny, are you kidding me?'' Kristine looked at her finding the suggestion ridiculous.

''They are right'' Brenda agreed with Chloe and Jenny. 'We have to use all the means possible Kris. Right now, you don't really have a choice''

''Okay, fine. Let's do this'' Kristine surrendered.

'So, is everyone in?'' Chloe asked.

''I am totally in'' Jenny raised her hand.

''Great. Chloe, you are in charge of making the list of available men. Jenny, you are in charge of setting up the meeting avenues, big sister here is in charge of scrutinizing the men. Everyone has a role to play''

''What about me?'' Kristine asked looking at them.

''Darling, you are in charge of looking your best from today till yous start attending dates to pick a suitable partner. Am I right, girls?''

''Jenny is right. don't stress yourself and make sure you get enough sleep. Sleep is important if you want to keep that natural glow on'' Chloe said and stood up, ''I still have a pack of natural face mask. I will give you the box''

''I will cut some cucumber for you to put on your face'' Jenny added.

''I will use some of the cucumber'' Brenda said.

''You never use anything on your face'' Kristine said.

''I'm going to start. My face feels dry, also, someone is really ticking me off a lot lately at work. I need to show him that I have feminine genes in me'' Her statement arose the curiosity of the girls and they circled around her. ''What?'' she asked them.

''You just said someone is ticking you of at work. Who is this person?'' Kristine asked.

''Male or female?'' Jenny also asked.

''This is the first time we are hearing that you are not the one ticking someone off with that explosive attitude of yours'' Chloe said and they nodded their heads.

''He is male. He was transferred over to my team last week. He wants to steal my title from me. can you believe he thinks he knows everything simply because he got a PHD and I still have a Masters? I can't let him win'' Brenda said and looked determined.

''Oh, so he only after your title and not you?'' Chloe asked.

''Me? Why would he be after me?''

''Nothing, I just feel that is a little weird that he is ticking you off. You know, some men only tick off women they are interested in'' Chloe explained.

''Don't jinx my life'' Brenda screamed at them and stood up, going to her room.


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