Love The Psycho

Chapter 240: Amazing rumors 3

Chapter 240: Amazing rumors 3

''I don't know when it started. Maybe, it started in the elevator when you recognised me first. Maybe it might have started the moment I saw you talking passionately about perfumes in your mother's office but I don't really care because you are the only woman on my mind. I can't think of been with anyone else but you. You are so passionate about your work, you look people. You are brutally honest but that is your charm. I love it when you are honest with me and even when it hurts me''

''Alex, we are in the midst of people'' Jade tried to stop him.

''I don't care. You are wondering why I suddenly came here? Actually, a rumour broke out about us back at the city. They aren't the best because everyone thinks that I am with you because of your family, but that is not true. You know the kind of person I am. You are the one person I can never lie to because you always seem to see through me. I love you, Jade and this has nothing to do with your family. I love the kind of person you are; how real you are to me. I love everything about you, Jade. Will you be my girlfriend?''

''Whoa, this is probably the most romantic confessions I've seen before'' Amber whispered and Ever nodded in agreement.

''Alex I''

''Jade, I won't leave here without getting an answer from you''

''Does he realise he is confessing to her in front of her older brothers?'' Jayden turned to look at Channing.

''Such a bold youth. I like him'' Channing said.

Four ladies who were also on camping and happened to pass by saw Alex's confession and clapped their hands making everyone turn to them.

''Accept him!!'' one screamed.

''Come with me'' Jade said bashfully and pulled Alex away from everyone's sight.

''I hope she accepts him. He was so honest'' another lady murmured.

''I will ask them for direction first'' one in blue pants and black jacket said and walked to Ever and Amber.

''Hi, can you show us the way to the resort? We came to camp but got lost. We are staying at the resort''

''We will show you the way'' Channing said and walked to them, ''let's go and show them the way, Amber''

''Huh? Oh, let's go'' Amber came back to her senses and started walking away with Channing and the four ladies followed.

''They are all gone'' Ever and turned to Jayden.

''Come and sit down, first''

''Jay, why do I feel that Channing was using the excuse to show the ladies the direction to be with Amber?''

''You are too smart for your own good'' he said and they chuckled.


''You'' Jade sighed speechlessly.


''Don't tell me you like me again. I am already flustered by your impromptu confession''


''What were you thinking? Couldn't you have waited for me to return to the city first?''

''I couldn't control my actions the moment I thought about you. I didn't want you to see those rumours and think that I was taking advantage of you''

'Alex, if you repeat this kind of stunt again, I am going to break up with you'' she said to him.

''Huh? Wait, does that mean you accept me?''

Jade pulled him closer and wrapped her arms around his neck, ''how could I not accept you after such a bold confession?'' she said and kissed him.


Walking back after showing the ladies the way, Channing and Amber kept stealing glances at each other silently until Channing spoke first.

''It's that the kind of confession you want?''

''Huh, you mean the one Alex did? No, I only admire his boldness but it is not my style''

''Then, what is your style?''

''A quiet and heart fluttering one'' Amber said and Channing stopped walking and turned to face her.

''Like this?'' he stepped closer to her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

''Huh? You you are too close''

''So, you don't want me close to you? Or am I moving too fast?''

''Channing, I am not so innocent. In fact, I can be quiet straightforward when I'm in a relationship. Can you handle that?''

''I am neither one to be slow in a relationship. Though, this could be considered my first real attempt at being in a relationship. So, are we official?''

''Yes, we are official'' Amber wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.


''Things must be going on well for them. Are they not going to come back?'' Ever looked towards the direction as she asked Jayden.

''let them bask in their new found love. Here, eat this'' Jayden deboned the roasted fish for her.

''Thanks'' she ate it and looked at him, ''this is so good, Jay''



''Let me taste it'' he said and leaned closer, taking her by surprise as he kissed her. She moaned and he took the chance to go deeper, taking the fish into his mouth before letting her off.

''Gross. Why did you do that?''

''Because I love you'' he was about to leaned in again when they heard footsteps and turned. They saw Alex and Jade walking towards them with their hands locked together.

''You are back?'' Ever stood up looking at them.

''I'm sorry for my impromptu behaving'' Alex apologised.

''So, are you two in a relationship now?'' Jayden asked, standing up.

''Yes, we decided to be together'' Jade answered.

''We too'' Amber said as she stood at a distance with Channing.

''What? So fast?'' Ever exclaimed. 'Does that mean we are all a group of couples on camping?''

''Yes'' Channing replied.

'This is going to be some mad breaking news of our parents hear of this'' Ever said to Jayden, 'right Jay?''

'Yes, but, I think they might be expecting something like this to happen sooner or later between us''

'You two didn't finish the fish, right? Alex has never tasted fish from this island. Come and have some'' Jade said, pulling Alex over to occupy two empty sits.

'Isn't this change too sudden? Does she want to feed all the fish to her new boyfriend?'' Amber asked looking at Jade.

The rest joined them to roast the fish and together they chatted into the night.


The next day, Jade had to leave for the city with Alex because of the rumour that had erupted. August Maijune had called her that morning to ask her to return so that they will set things right. it was now left with Ever and Amber. Jayden and Channing had left to the sea in a boat with Papa Jones whom Ever had introduced to Amber and Channing.

Ever and Amber reached the food truck of Mama Jones and saw Chichi busy cleaning the tables.

''Chichi'' Ever called her and the girl rushed to them happily.

''Sister Ever, you are here''

''How is my Chichi doing?'' Ever tussled the girl's hair.

''Chichi is doing well. who is this pretty sister?''

''She is my best friend and cousin, Amber. Amber, this is Chichi, I told you about her''

''Hi, Chichi. Ever told me amazing things about you''

''Really?'' they went over to sit on the empty chairs.

''Where is your mother?'' Ever asked.

''She went back home to get some supplies. We got a lot of costumers yesterday and they are returning again'' Chichi explained.

''Then, we came at the right time. What should we help with?'' Ever asked.

''Let's wait for my mother to get here first, oh there she is'' Chichi pointed at a distance and they saw Mama Jones coming towards them. She was holding a bag of food ingredients and Ever rushed forward to help her.

''Chichi's father told me that you were coming today. He said he was going fishing with Jayden and another boy''

''Yes, we came to help you today'' Ever placed the bag inside the open truck kitchen.

''Who is this beautiful girl?''

''She is my cousin and friend, Amber''

''Hi Mama Jones, it's nice to meet you''

''You are so beautiful. I guess people from the city are all beautiful. We got four girls from the city who came out to eat here. They were beautiful and had food character''


''Could it be the same girls you showed them the resort yesterday?'' Ever asked Amber.

''Perhaps. They were nice people''

As they were chatting the group of four ladies walked to them and Chichi saw them first.

''Oh, the four sisters are here''

Amber stood up and looked at them, ''Oh''

''We meet again'' one of them said and smiled.

''Yes, we meet again'' Amber smiled.

''I am Chloe, this is Kristine, Jenny and Brenda'' the first lady did the introduction.

''Hi, I am Amber and this is Everest''

''Nice to meet you. Are you here on vacation?'' Ever asked curiously.

''Yes, more like a healing sort of vacation'' Chloe explained. ''I see you were able to get together with him'' she said to Amber.

''I did''

''Girls, you came early. I haven't even started cooking yet'' Mama Jones said to them.

''Don't worry. We can chat with Ever and Amber over here'' Chloe, the more extroverted one said and they sat around the table.

''Are you all from the city?'' Amber asked them.

''Yes, we are from the city''

''This is our first time coming to this place'' Jenny added.

''Yes, and we don't regret it, right Kris?'' Brenda said, trying to engage Kristine who seemed gloomy.

''Yes'' Kristine smiled.

''You don't seem so cheerful like the rest. I just find it pitiful because you are so beautiful''

''Actually we are here for Kristine. Bad breakup'' Jenny explained.

''That man who broke up with you must be blind. I could go gay for a woman like you'' Amber said and they laughed. They atmosphere turned cheerful afterwards with all of them chatting happily.

In all, it was a wonderful experience for them.


Interviewer: It's this the end?''

Ever: End of what?

Interviewer: I feel that this story is going to end here. That's why I asked.

Amber: No, this isn't ending here.

Jade: Yes, our story and our lives are going to continue but we hate to say goodbye so we are leaving you with the continuation where you will be entertained with the lives of the four beautiful ladies you just met.

Ever: It was nice sharing our lives; sad and happy moments with you. As we go on to create happier moments, we want you to move unto a more exciting journey.

Interviewer: So, tell us something, Kris, are you happy to share your life with us?

Kristine: Yes, I am and I know you won't be bored by it.

Chloe: We are going to take you through an exciting journey.

Jenny: A journey that you can't help but root for us.

Brenda: Don't leave us. Let's meet in a new month and begin our moments together.

Interviewer: I can't wait to see what happens.


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