Love The Psycho

Chapter 238: Amazing rumors

Chapter 238: Amazing rumors

Jayden helped Ever to put her luggage into the car booth while she chatted with her mother and father who came her to see her off. She had told them not to but they insisted. It made her feel like she was going to another country and not just a weekend camping.

Kash watched Jayden with eagle eyes as he kept the luggage inside the car and turned to face them. ''My eyes are on you?'' he said and glared at Jayden who simply smiled.

''Jayden, take care of Ever while you are on the camping trip''

''Big sis, wait, don't go yet'' Cody ran out of the villa holding a bag. He stuffed the bag into her hands and whispered into her ears, ''I brought you a camping gift, you can thank me later''

''What is in that bag?'' Kash asked and Ever quickly kept it behind her and smiled.

''Dad, the others are waiting, we can't delay them''

''Take care of yourselves and be careful'' Julieta said and waved her hand at them.

Jayden opened the door for Ever to get inside before he went over to the other side. Ever waved at her family as Jayden drove out.

''Your parents do not know that we are together yet, right?'' Jayden asked after he drove out of the villa.

''Oh, I haven't gotten the time to tell them yet. What about you?''

''Jade knows but my parents are not aware. I wanted to ask for your permission before telling them''

''Let's tell them when we return. We have family dinner next week'' Ever decided quickly. She didn't want to keep things away from her family anymore. She had made up her mind already and was ready to take the next step with Jayden.

Meeting Amber and Channing at the highway, Jayden pulled over and they got down and walked to them.

''You are here? Whoa, the air seems different now that you two are back together again'' Amber said.

''What about you two? Still testing the waters?'' Jayden asked and turned to look at Channing. Amber's face turned red as she looked away and Ever smiled.

''I didn't know you two were already progressing so fast?'' she whispered the question into Amber's ears.

''It's not like that. We are just, you know, getting to know each other'' Amber flushed after saying that.

''Where is Jade?''

''She said she was going to pass somewhere before coming'' Channing answered.

''Somewhere?'' Ever asked and they heard a horning sound ahead and looked towards there. they saw Jade's car driving towards them. She pulled up and got down running towards them.

''Guys, guess what I bought''

''You didn't bring that thing along, right?'' Amber asked and they all started shaking their heads.

''That's what I brought'' she said and opened her car booth. A giant inflated balloons that had speakers in them popped out of the booth and a loud music could be heard.

''I thought you got rid of that balloon, already, Jade'' Ever said. This balloon was Jade's first music box that she bought and sent it on their first camping trip. The music from it was so loud that people thought they were clubbers. Because the place the went for the camping for a noise free zone, they ended up getting kicked out of the place.

''Neo Island is our own place. I brought Lydia out to have fun after laying around for so long. She is bored''

''You better know when to play that thing or I am getting rid of it''

''What a party pooper, Lydia, uncle here is such a bad person, right?''

''Let's get going or we will arrive there late'' Channing said and held Amber's hand towards their car.

''Let's go'' Jayden said to Ever.

''I am the only single dog around here'' Jade murmured and went towards her car.


Alex walked into the company and noticed a lot of the workers looking at him. He ignored them and went to the elevator but as soon as he got there, he realised that the people inside all kept quiet and were stealing glances at him while looking at their phones.

Alex took out his phone and decided to go into their chatroom and his face changed the moment he did. There were a lot of pictures of himself and Jade and there were malicious comments sprouting from all sides in the chatroom. He quickly pressed his floor and waited anxiously for the elevator to get there.

Because he was at the top floor he had to wait for a while and when it finally reached the floor, he dashed out of the elevator and went straight to the office of August Maijune and knocked.

''Come in'' August Maijune said and looked at the door. Alex went in panting for breath.

''Professor Mai, the news is not true'' he tried to explain. While in the elevator, he had read the comments and noticed that most of them were more about him and how he wanted to climb the ladder using the daughter of his boss. They were demeaning comments that were full of hate and malice.

''You are here?'' August Maijune stood up from her chair and went to the couch at the other side. ''Sit down, Alex''

''Professor Mai'' Alex attempted to explain.

''I didn't know you were one to always pay attention to what other people say, Alex''

''I just didn't want you to misunderstand me. I don't have any ulterior motives with Jade''

''You have worked with me for so long, do you think I don't know the kind of person you are? I must say, waking up to this kind of scandal isn't the best for my family but that aside, I don't really care about what other people say. I only believe in the actions of people''

''Thank you for believing me, Professor Mai''

''Did you really break-up with your girlfriend?''

''Yes, but it has nothing to do with Jade. We were going to break up sooner or later because she never liked my parents. I have always been honest about myself and my feelings. I don't engage in meaningless conversation or friendship. I take time to become friends with someone but when I finally do, I am always loyal to them. I admit, my feelings for Jade are impromptu but it doesn't mean that I am not genuine about them. I don't also like Jade because of her family background. What appeals to me more about her is her intelligence. Jade is smart and someone who understands me. She never judges me nor looks down upon me. She was the first person to believe that I am become someone greater other than you, Professor. I know we don't belong to the same world, but, I really care about Jade and it has nothing to do with all the rumours going on in the chatroom. I don't know who wants to mess with me, but I promise to get to the bottom of this and find out who is behind this''

''Jade is out of the city. She might act tough but she is actually a fragile child and I don't want her to see these kind of rumours about herself''

''I will take care of it, Professor Mai''

''But, I really didn't know that you and my daughter were hanging around lately?'' August Maijune joked around with him.

''I recently moved to a new place and wanted Jade to help design the place for me. She is helping me a lot''

''So, you really like my daughter?''

''Yes, I really do but Jade is not convinced so I am working hard to win her favour''

''Actually, when I read the news this morning, I somewhat felt at peace that she had a dating rumour with you than with another man. I trust you and I've know you for a long time. It won't be bad to have a son in law like you''

''Then, I will work hard at it''

''Then start by catching the one messing with you first''

''I will get on it'' Alex bowed before her and went out. August Maijune smiled and thought about how Jade's reaction would be if she found out about this, since she was out to have fun, that could wait till she returned.

Meanwhile, Alex went to the laboratory and ran in on some few of his colleagues discussing about his dating rumour. When they saw him entering, one of them asked.

''Alex, how does it feel to be a male Cinderella?''

''A male Cinderella? It isn't that bad but, you should be careful of what you say in front of me'' he said and walked into the inner laboratory where his office was located.

Alex took his phone and made a call to an unknown number, ''I need help, elder brother. I want you to find out the source of something for me. Yes, I will send it to you immediately''

Alex finished sending the pictures and forwarded the entire messages in the chatroom to the number before taking his private phone. He scrolled down and stared at the number of Jade for a while before deciding to call her.

The call connected after a few beeps and he asked straightaway, ''where are you right down? I will be there as soon as possible''


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