Love The Psycho

Chapter 224: Pure recipe for love 2

Chapter 224: Pure recipe for love 2

Ever looked at the walnut pancakes in her lunchbox and lost her appetite. It was true she didn't know a lot of things but today was her first day at school. how could those girls say such things in front of her? She was there when the homeroom teacher was complaining to the Principal about her results but she didn't think news about her was going to travel so fast.

She stood up and picked the lunchbox and went out. Looking at the hallway before getting closer to the trash bin, she opened the lunchbox and was about to empty its contents in when a hand snatched the lunchbox. She looked up and saw Jayden staring down at her.

''Haven't you heard of the saying 'throw food away and the deity will let your generation starve for a century?', why would you throw a perfectly good food away?''

''I'm not hungry''

''So? You are going to throw the food away because you are not hungry? Whatever the one who is hungry?''


''Me'' he pointed at his nose and she chuckled. ''Oh, you are laughing? That's a relief''


''I was trying to make you laugh and I succeeded. Come with me, let's go and join the others and eat. This is now mine since you were going to throw it away''

Without waiting for her reply, he held her hand and walked with her towards the school's cafeteria. She smiled as she followed him.

When they arrived at the cafeteria, they saw Jade, Amber and Channing already at a table and they walked over to them.

''Ever, sit here'' Jade said, pulled Ever away from Jayden. He looked at his empty hand and frowned slightly before joining Channing. They already had food on the table.

''Whoa, you guys bought a lot of food?'' Ever asked as she looked at the table.

''Yes, we wanted to celebrate you joining our school. Though we are in different classes, you don't have to feel left out. After all, we are one big family'' Amber said excitedly.

''That's right. if anyone dares to bully you, just call Jayden or me. we will make them pay for whatever they do to you'' Channing chipped in.

''Okay, the food is getting cold, let's eat everyone'' Jayden said and placed Ever's lunchbox in front of himself.

''What's that?'' Jade asked and attempted to take the lunchbox and Jayden pulled it away closer to himself.

''This is mine, don't touch it''

''Isn't that Ever's name on it? Ever, is the lunchbox for you?'' Jade turned and faced Ever.

''Oh, but I gave it to him. It's nothing special. I made walnuts pancakes. I'm not sure if it tastes good''

''Let me have a piece of it. Let me tell you, my taste buds are exceptionally good'' Jade bragged.

''This is mine. If you want some, then Ever will make it for you tomorrow. No one is eating what's mine'' Jayden said.

''Jade, I will make some for everyone tomorrow. I also make special cookies for you'' Ever tried to appeased Jade.

''Cookies? Then, I will forgive you but you must make them for me okay?''

''I will''

After their chattering, they ate their food.


''This is the best pancakes I've eaten before. I think I just fell in love with walnuts'' Jayden said as he stood in front of Ever's classroom door with her.


''Make sure you prepare a lot of them tomorrow or I will take everything and not share with the others''

''Oh, I will make a lot of it''

''You said you made them yourself?''

Ever nodded her head.

''You have a talent in cooking. Keep it up''

Ever saw their homeroom teacher going into the class.

''I have to go; the teacher is going inside''

''Let's meet during second break. Thanks for the food'' Jayden placed the lunchbox in her hands and walked away. She smiled and turned into the classroom through the backdoor.

''Next week, we will be having inter-class competition. I need everyone to prepare. I know you people are the bottom in the entire school, but you still have to do your best since this will involve showcasing of talents. Now, here is what will happen. You all are supposed to group yourselves into four. Each group will decide on something you will do, the things you can participate in are; cooking, football, swimming and track-and-field events. Each group will decide on what to compete on and then we will compete with the other classes on that day. Is that clear?'' the homeroom teacher announced.

''Yes, Mrs. Sharon'' the class responded.

''I will leave to use this time to get yourselves into groups. The class representative shall make a list of all the groups and the members and bring it to me by the close of today''

She finished saying and the students started to getting up from their desks to join their friends. Ever sat on her desk quietly looking at them when the teacher took notice of her.

''Everest France, what are you doing? Are you not joining a group? This project is a crucial part of your assessment. You shouldn't take it lightly'' she said and Ever stood up. She walked to the first group and the members all turned their faces away from her.

The teacher sighed and shook her head as if tired of everything Ever was doing. She was getting impatient with Ever.

''Our group is full'' one of the students said when she saw Ever looking towards them.

Ever stepped back and clasped her hands together nervously as she lowered her gaze waiting for the scolding of the teacher.

''Ever, I understand today is your first day in this school, but you need to make friends. look, everyone is avoiding you on your first day in school, I can only imagine how your days here will be like''

''Miss Sharon, I am Ever's friend. She will join my group'' a boy with curly brown hair said and looked at Ever with a sheepish smile.

''Peter, your group is made up of boys alone. You are taking part in the track-and-field events, with her weight, what kind of event will she participate in?'' one girl from another group and the class erupted into laughter.

''Maybe she is going to be serving them refreshment and wear cheerleading outfit and cheer them on'' another chipped in and they laughed.

Ever bit her lips until it cut and the blood smeared on her lips as she spoke, ''does treating me this way make you feel good? You all are just showing how low you are. What did I do to you? I just came today and all of you are avoiding me like the plague. Miss Sharon, I didn't ask to be put in this class, so can you stop looking down on me? I might not be good at studies and all that, but I am good at other things''

''What?'' Miss Sharon frowned and massaged her temple speechlessly.

''Oh, the new student knew how to talk? I thought she was mute?'' one of the girls who gossiped about Ever previously said making the class to laugh again.

''What are you good at, Miss France?'' Miss Sharon asked and the class quietened down and looked at Ever. ''Tell me. if there is something that you are really good at, I will change my opinion about you if not, you will just remain a wallflower in my eyes''

''I am good at. I am good at.'' Ever struggled to continue.

''Maybe she is good at seducing men, because I saw her with Jayden during lunch time. She was even with his group of friends'' another girl chipped in.

''Miss France, what exactly are you good at? Tell me''

''Ever is good at cooking'' Peter said suddenly. He had previously seen the walnut pancakes she brought and they looked tasty. He even saw Jayden eating them during lunch, so he guessed they were good enough since the almighty picky eater Jayden who always complained about the school's food ate what Ever brought.

''Who isn't good at cooking? I can make fast noodles'' one girl joked.

''Ever, is that true? Can you cook?'' Miss Sharon asked studying her reactions.

''Ever, you can do it'' Peter flashed her a smile.

''Yes, I can cook''

''Okay, I will give you a chance to prove yourself. At the competition, you will prepare any dish you are good at and present it as an individual candidate. If you win, I will acknowledge you. Are we good?''

''Yes, Miss Sharon'' Ever replied.

''Also, you are mistaken about something. I am not just against you alone. I am against everyone in this class but that is because I hate been labelled as the homeroom teacher of the loser class. Are we clear about that?''

''Yes, Miss Sharon''

''Good!!'' Miss Sharon nodded her head and left the class with her cane and books. Peter went over to Ever and pulled her over to their desk since they were sitting opposite each other.

''How did I do? I helped you out right?'' he asked as if waiting to be praised.

Ever looked at him not knowing what exactly what to say to him. He tried to help her alright but now she felt she was in a lot of pressure now because of his words.

''Oh, you helped me a lot. Thank you''

''I am Peter''

''I am Ever''

''I know'' he said and smiled as he stared at her.


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