Love The Psycho

Chapter 209: Sharing a room together

Chapter 209: Sharing a room together

Ever opened her eyes and saw that she was alone in the car. She looked outside and saw Jayden chatting with the manager of Neo Island and she got down.

Hearing footsteps approaching, Jayden turned and looked at Ever as she walked closer and he asked, ''you are awake?''

''Oh, why didn't you wake me up? how long did I sleep for?'' she asked as she greeted the manager, bowing her head slightly.

''You slept the whole time, I got here 30 minutes ago'' Jayden said and turned to the manager, ''Mr. James, you know Miss France, right?''

''Yes, I do. We met briefly on the day of the inauguration of Neo Island resort a year ago. Miss France, thank you for coming despite the short notice'' the manager said and smiled at Ever.

'"Emergencies happen all the time. I'm glad I could help''

''You must be tired, show her to the room and let's meet in the office'' Jayden said to the manager and he stood there for a moment, hesitating before speaking out.

''Mr. Saint, there is only one room left. All the rooms are taken. Your secretary initially booked only a single room''

''Huh?'' Ever looked at Jayden who also had a confused look on his face.

''There is no other room that is empty at the moment?'' Jayden asked.

''No, sir''

''You go ahead and get the room ready, I will meet you inside later'' Jayden said and turned to Ever, ''I need to make a call''

Ever watched his back as he walked away towards the car to make the call. The manager bowed apologetically before going away.

Ever wasn't sure what he was saying on the phone but his face looked furious and he seemed to be scolding her. She wondered if his secretary intentionally booked a single room ahead so that they could sleep in the same room.

Jayden walked back to her and placed his hands in his pocket as he said to her, ''we have to sleep in the same room, Ever''

''Huh? But?'' Ever hesitated.

''It was a mistake Ann made. She thought I was coming here alone''

''But still sleeping in the same room will only spark rumours. I don't want to be labelled as someone who climbs into a higher position by sleeping with her boss''

''Really? Or are you simply afraid to spend the night with me? I thought we are friends? This won't be the first time we slept in the same room so what is it?''

''That time was different. We are just friends and in any case, this is different''

''What is different about this time? Unless you see me as a man?''

''No, I don't'' Ever retorted sharply.

''Then, is settled. We will sleep in the same room but I will sleep on the couch. This place is usually cold in the night; you don't expect me to sleep in the lobby or the office?'' Jayden looked at her, she had her hands clasped together and her face looked unsure. ''Let's go, I will get someone to bring the luggage inside. You must be hungry; I will get the kitchen to prepare something for us. You can eat and rest early, I will be working till late''


Coming out of the bathroom dressed in midnight blue sleepwear, Ever saw a tray on the table and went ahead to open it. It was abalone porridge made with fresh abalone. The aroma took over her senses and without wasting time, she sat in front of the table and started eating it. She soon finished the porridge and yawned feeling sleepy.

She stood up and went to take her bag only to realise to her dismay that she had forgotten to buy her digestive drink and cussed. She couldn't sleep without drinking it because then her stomach will rebel and she will end up with constipation. Her digestive system was weak, hence after eating, she would either do some exercise or drink a digestive drink to aid her digestion. She turned and looked at Jayden's luggage which stood at the other side of the bed. She remembered Cody told him about her digestive drink but she didn't know whether he bought them or not.

She walked slowly to the luggage and stopped just in front of it. It was bad manners to search through someone's bag when that person wasn't around, right? She asked herself. She didn't want him to misunderstand her in case he entered and saw her searching through his luggage.

She stood up and resigned against searching the bag. She would just take a walk down the rocks where part of the sea was closer to the resort, it was better than searching his bag when he didn't owe her anything. Ever walked to the porch and changed out of her bedroom slippers, sliding her legs into her sneakers and left the room.

Jayden managed to finish his work early. Because he hasn't visited the place since its inauguration, there was a lot of things he had to work on. His father had left the care of the hotels into his hands and focused on his own business.

One of the reasons why he hurried up with his work was to get back to the early and have a little chat with Ever before she went to bed, but upon opening the door and getting inside, he was met with silence and emptiness.

There was no one in the room. He checked the bathroom but didn't see her. He took out his phone and dialled her number but the phone rang inside the room. When he checked, he found the phone on top of the bathroom sink.

''Where did she go to?'' he asked more to himself as he walked out of the bathroom to the balcony which was situated at the back of the room. There, he saw a lonely figure sitting on a rock just closed to the water.

Jayden changed into a casual wear after taking a quick shower and went to look for Ever.

Massaging her shoulders as she sat on the rock, she saw a mosquito landing on her leg and she carefully slapped her hand against it. Taking her hand up, she saw the dead mosquito on her palm and grinned.

''Got you''


Ever heard his voice and turned and saw Jayden. In his hand that was stretched out towards her was her digestive drink in its small sized bottle. She took it and he sat by her side, opening a can of beer for himself, he started drinking.

''Thank you. I thought you didn't buy them'' Ever said to him after emptying its contents into her mouth. She placed the bottle on the rock beside her.

''I bought a box of it and I always go out with at least one in my pocket in case you needed it'' Jayden said surprising her. She looked at him. ''I know I'm handsome but still staring at me like that will make me think you still like me. You shouldn't stare at a man like that, especially if that man is an ex''

''Who is staring at you?'' Ever said and looked away. ''I was just wondering if that is the only one you brought'' she added, referring to the beer in his hand.

''Why? Do you want to drink some?''

''Would I be asking you if I didn't need one to drink some?''

''This is the only one I brought. We can share if you don't mind?''

''I mind; you can have it all''

''How is work at Saint hotel? Do you have any worries or things you wished to share about the services?''

''Are you doing a survey on me right now?''

''Yes, you've worked for two years there, so you are considered my senior. You know a lot of the things that are going on there better than me''

''Pay me'' Ever stretched her hand towards him, ''I don't answer survey questions for free''

''I already gave it to you'' he said and pointed at the empty digestive drink bottle.


''I am a cheapskate?''

''Yes, how much does this small bottle cost? You want to exchange that for useful information?''

''Alright, what do you want in exchange then?''

''I haven't decided yet. Just take it that you owe me one. When I want to cash out on in one day, you won't bail out on me''


''Okay, then ask you questions right away''

''What are your sincere thoughts about the upcoming competition? Are you confident that you will win?''

Ever turned and looked at him after hearing his question. His gaze was already on her the whole time. They stared at each other quietly and only the splashing of the water that hit against the rocks could be heard.

''No, I am not confident. In fact, I am scared that I might actually lose and not be able to do what I love doing and only knows how to; cooking'' Ever said softly.

''Should I help you?''

''No, I have been receiving help from people all my life, I want to do this on my own''

''Okay, but since we are friends, I hope you don't hesitate to ask for my help. I am just a call away''


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