Love The Psycho

Chapter 207: Not a like but far from dislike 1

Chapter 207: Not a like but far from dislike 1

D-City police station.

Jade and Ever sat in front of the detective quietly. No matter how many questions they asked them, they were still quiet.

''Young ladies, don't you have guardians? Call them to come and pick you up''

''We are orphans'' Jade said indifferently.

''They are liars. They clearly told me they are friends of my boss' ex-girlfriend'' the secretary said as she sat at a distance. Jade turned and looked at her and she culled back, shutting her mouth.

''If you don't call your guardians here, you won't be able to leave this place''

''Officer, as she said, we are orphans. Considering that this is our first crime, can't you let us off?'' Ever said and looked at the officer innocently.

''What you did is wrong. How could you send a drunk man away against his will?''

''Officer, that drunk man cheated on our friend. We only wanted to prank him a little. We didn't know that his secretary will call the police. Officer, don't you find it suspicious, this secretary acted like she cared about her boss but she was the first to run away and leave him''

''That's not true. You threatened me'' the secretary turned to Jade.

''Jade, what do we do? It seems we won't be able to get out of here that easily'' Ever whispered to Jade.

''Where is your phone, call Channing. He is the only one who can get us out of this place. My phone is out of juice''

''Okay'' Ever took her phone and quickly dialled Channing's number. When the call connected, she spoke at once, ''Chan, can you come and save us?''

''Ever, if Jade asked me to save her, I won't be surprised but you?'' Channing said over the phone as he played cards with Jayden whose attention peeked at the name of Ever, ''alright, I will be there''

The call ended and Ever looked at Jade,

''Chan is coming to pick us''

''I hope my brother wasn't with him''


''Jinx' they both said at once.

'Are your guardians coming to pick you up?'' the officer asked and Ever nodded.


A while later, Jade and Ever walked out of the police station with Channing and Jayden behind them. After a long silence, Jayden looked at Jade saying, ''speak''

''Can you not tell''

''No, I will tell mom and dad about it'' Jayden responded, cutting her short.

Jade nudged at Ever and gave her a sign to speak up.

''En, well, can you not tell my parents about this?'' Ever said and looked at Jayden who opened the door of the backseat when they arrived at the car park.

''Get in'' he said to Ever. Ever nodded and quickly got in. He got in afterwards and Channing also opened the passenger door for Jade and got into the driver seat himself.

''Chan, can you tell Jay not to tell our mom? I don't want to go back to States alone''

''He isn't so heartless; he won't tell them. If he does, Ever will be implicated, do you think he has the heart to watch Ever get scolded by her parents?'' Channing said.

''At least, someone got the facts right'' Jayden said and Ever looked at him. Their eyes met and she looked away feeling awkward.

''How is Amber doing?'' Channing asked.

''She is probably still sleeping. You should take her out to shop some time. Ever and I are quite busy lately, letting her be alone when she is already heartbroken is not right'' Jade said to Channing.

''How about we go camping this next monyh?'' Channing suggested.

''Call'' Jade lifted her hand in agreement.

''Call'' Ever said after hesitating for a while. She didn't want them to miss having fun because of her.

''Call'' Jayden also added. The atmosphere in the car became less tense as they started chatting and laughing with the ladies narrating what they did to Andy.

''Whoa, you girls are quite daring. Especially, Ever. I was surprised to see your call. You hardly call except messages from the group when we are chatting. But, now since, you and Jayden seem to be good, I can add him back right?'' Channing said and Ever bit her lips.

''When did you two start talking to each other? Why wasn't I aware?'' Jade asked and turned back looking at them.

''Right now. We decided to become friends, right Everest?'' Jayden said and looked at her who was shocked by his statement. When did she say they could be friends?

''Ever doesn't look like she is aware you and her decided to become friends?''

''We spoke at the hotel today'' Jayden added and Ever nodded not wanting to insist on anything.

''We decided to become friends, just friends'' after saying that Jayden looked at her and his lips curved into a subtle smile.

''Oh, just friends, huh?'' Jade said meaningfully looking at Jayden who remained calm.

''That's good. We can all have our usual chats like before. This time, I will pick the place for our camping'' Channing said.

''No, Chan. The last time you picked a camping place, I came back with mosquito bites. Ever and Jayden will look for the camping place this time'' Jade said.

''Huh? Why?'' Ever asked.

''You two work in the hotel business, you know a lot of places, right Chan?'' Jade asked and pinched Channing.

''Yes, you are right. we will leave the camping site to you guys''


''Leave it as such. We will start looking for a camping place tomorrow after work'' Jayden said and looked at Ever.

''Oh, okay'' Ever said and looked outside the window. Jade turned and gave her brother a wink and he smiled.


A few days later..

''Huh? You want me to accompany the CEO to Neo Island?''

''Yes, Miss Ever, we received a call that the pastry chef fell ill while catering for the needs of the government officials on their annual meeting in Neo Island, even though today's needs has been catered for, we don't have anyone to make deserts for them tomorrow. You are the only one I can trust with that kind of work, besides the reputation of our hotel is at stake here''

'But, Mr, Haven, you can let Miss Benita go instead of me''

''I can't let Benita go there because of the issue last time. I will her take over here while you go there''

''Okay, I will go''

''The CEO will be notified immediately, you can go and get your bag and leave with him when he is ready''

''Are we going alone? I mean the CEO and I alone?''

''Yes, go on and get ready''

''Yes, thank you'' Ever sighed and exhaled out as she walked towards her office. Her shoulders were slumped weakly as she walked. The F and B manager took out his phone and made a call after he made sure that Ever was out of sight.

''Hello. Sir, it's done, you are welcome'' he hung up and sighed. It was hard working for the boss. He had gotten a call early in the morning from the CEO asking him to do him a favour, as someone who loved to curry favour with his bosses because of the nature of his job, he quickly agreed to do it. The work was simple.

''Get Ever to go with the CEO to Neo Island''

Mr. Haven didn't know what business those two had but he knew his place very well. He would never talk about what didn't concern him, his job was to get Ever to go with the CEO, as to why, he didn't care about that. after all, for the CEO to ask him for help, it meant he trusted him and he wasn't about to break that trust. He was not a kid and knew that their boss must have his eyes set on their pastry chef.

Thinking about how he unknowingly became a matchmaker, he smiled and went back to his duties.


Ever picked some few necessities she always kept in her office and put them in her bag. Since they were going to spend the night there, she needed to also get some new set of clothes, but thinking of how she was going to ask Jayden made her uncomfortable. He must hate her right now because of how harsh she was during the family dinner.

Ever took her phone from her bag and dialled her brother's number.

''Sis'' Cody answered on the first ring.

''Cody, how fast can you get to me? I need help ASAP''

''Why? Do you need tampons?''

''Gross, that's not what I want. I need you to get my backpack and pick a few clothes into it for me''

''Sis, are you traveling? Don't tell me you are finally tired of everything and have decided to escape?''

''Cody, be serious. I am going to Neo Island for work with my superior, we are spending the night there''

''You are spending the night alone with elder cousin?'' Cody said almost screaming.

''Cody, I am not in the mood for jokes, just get me those things and be here in less than 15 minutes. If you don't keep your mouth shut and get here on time, I will take back my iPad from you''

''On it, sis'' Cody said and hung up.

Ever looked at the phone. Were all siblings like this? Her brother loved to mess with her at every opportunity. She really felt like exchanging siblings.


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