Love Rival Romance System

Chapter 34 - Revelation

Ch34: Revelation

She blurted this out and, as if she could no longer look at them straight in the eye, she instantly ran off.

Jiang Yang was stunned. He quickly climbed off Qin Xu and chased after her. He was afraid that she would say something ridiculous to his parents. Jiang Yang didn’t know what he should say to try and clear things up, but he couldn’t help but have a bad feeling.

However, Jiang Yuan only ran out to the living room and plopped onto the sofa angrily.

Jiang Yang looked around and asked subconsciously: “Where’s mum and dad?”

Jiang Yuan glared at him and instantly exploded: “Who are you calling?!”

Jiang Yang immediately realised his mistake and quickly tried to salvage the situation: “I was referring to your mum and dad. Where did aunty and uncle go?”

Jiang Yuan pouted and didn’t accept that explanation of his. She only indifferently said: “Went for a walk.”

Jiang Yang breathed a sigh of relief. He remembered that his mother, afraid that his father would develop a beer belly due to lack of exercise, would often drag him out to walk a few laps at night. Calming himself down he explained: “I was just joking with him.”

Jiang Yuan didn’t believe him: “Are you bullying my brother?”

“Absolutely not.”

“Really? But I head that my brother and you don’t have a good relationship.”

Jiang Yang frowned. School at only started for a month and the first years have already heard about this? He couldn’t help but feel amazed people’s ability to spread gossip. At the same time, he found it very troublesome. He could only toughen himself up and explain: “Those are all just rumours. My relationship with your brother is good. We’re....friends.”

Jiang Yuan looked at him suspiciously before saying meaningfully: “Is that so? But your relationship also can’t be too good.”

Qin Xu who followed Jiang Yang didn’t hear the first part of the conversation and felt a little surprised when he heard her say this. Earlier, he was just getting beaten and now she’s worried that their relationship is too good? What is this nonsense? Do they look like good brothers? Also, why can’t their relationship be good?!

Qin Xu complained internally and felt dissatisfied.

What went through Jiang Yuan’s mind, however, were outside of their expectations. Based on the scene she just witnessed, what are their positions? Her brother is being pressed down by Qin Xu? Or is Qin Xu riding him? Based on their heights, Qin Xu seem to be more gong-like but if you consider their personality and temperament, her brother seemed to a little more on the scary side. Mutual gong is also pretty good.......

The two involved naturally had no idea that Jiang Yuan had already imagined various scenarios in her mind.

When it was time for them to take a shower, they didn’t bring along clothes with them and Jiang Yang consequently had to pull out something for Qin Xu, or to be more specific, Qin Xu’s body to wear.

Because of the body switch, things had become confusing. Originally, Jiang Yang should be disgusted and unwilling to lend clothes for Qin Xu to wear but despite the fact that he is using the other person’s body, it was natural for him to wear his own clothes. As for Qin Xu, in Jiang Yang’s body it looked like he didn’t seem willing to wear his own clothes?

Everything was a mess.

He couldn’t be bothered wasting his time on this and randomly pulled out a loose pair of shirt and shorts and planned to go shower. Qin Xu remembered that the wound should not come into contact water and took the initiative to ask: “I’ll help you wash your hair?”

Jiang Yang frowned. He reflexively didn’t want to and didn’t feel the need to trouble someone else with doing something he could manage on his own.

“Do you have a plastic ear cover?” Qin Xu asked.


“The ones that cover your ears and prevent water getting in.”

“Can’t I just be a little more careful?” Jiang Yang carelessly uttered this and suddenly remembered that every time he washed his hair, he would make a mess everywhere and it would often get in his ear. Thinking of the delicate ears of his, he couldn’t help but complain, “So troublesome.”

He stepped into the bathroom and turned around to look at Qin Xu. Expressionlessly he said with a faint voice: “Come here.”

Qin Xu immediately understood. In a few steps he followed him into the bathroom and proceeded to close the door.

Jiang Yang thought for a moment, took off his shirt and sat in the bathtub. He leaned his head out past the edge of the tub making it easier for Qin Xu to help him with rinsing his hair.

Perhaps because it is his own body, or perhaps it was because he still felt a little bad for Jiang Yang, Qin Xu’s actions were rather gentle and attentive. At the very least, it is better than his usual casual and wilful attitude.

Warm water fell onto his black hair and the soaked strands of hair stuck against his forehead. As the water droplets rolled down, Qin Xu would quickly reach out to block it and prevent it from touching the ear.

Qin Xu used both hands to massage his scalp until the shampoo foamed up. In a small voice he couldn’t help but say: “I feel like your attendant.......”

Being served like this, Jiang Yang felt very comfortable and was enjoying the treatment. He heard those words and smirked: “That’s right. I am your young master, so you must attend to me well. Otherwise don’t even think about getting this month’s wage.”

Qin Xu was a little surprised. He had only said that on a whim and this guy actually accepted it so quickly. Qin Xu was speechless and inexplicably felt bitter inside. He felt as if he really had sold himself to this unscrupulous guy here.

Jiang Yang felt the movement on his head slow down and said: “Your strength is too weak.”

Qin Xu impatiently retorted: “Fuck you. Are you treating this as a professional shampoo service?”

Jiang Yang raised his eyebrows, opened his eyes and their eyes met, “Brother, you’re washing your own head here. Do you still want to complain about this?”

Qin Xu froze. Ah, he had forgotten about that.

Seeing that the other person had resumed with washing his hair meticulously, Jiang Yang smiled secretly and suddenly felt that ‘this is your body’ was pretty good to phrase to use. He could take advantage of it and use it to order the other person around.

Only after rinsing off all the foam, Qin Xu retreated out and allowed Jiang Yang to wash up. When he was done, he entered the bedroom wearing a loose set of shirt and shorts with half-dried hair.

Qin Xu saw him come out and put his phone down. With a sense of responsibility to his own body he said: “Sit down. I’ll help with applying the medicine.”

Jiang Yang naturally sat down at his desk. Although his ears couldn’t touch water, they should still clean it. He carefully wiped it down, used an alcohol-soaked cotton pad and then applied the medicine around the piercing.

After Qin Xu earnestly finished this, he didn’t immediately walk away. He continued to pinch his ears and appreciate it with a narcissistic smile: “As I thought, Lao Zi has become more handsome.”

Jiang Yang was speechless. His ear was being pinched by him and he couldn’t help but find it itchy. Feeling more and more uncomfortable, he felt his scalp go numb. He ruthlessly swatted his hand away, “That should be enough. I have never seen someone as narcissistic as you.”

Qin Xu wasn’t embarrassed at all and said frankly: “They would have to reach my standard before they can have the privilege to be like this.”

Jiang Yang “....”

He rolled his eyes at Qin Xu and said in an annoyed manner: “Enough. Hurry and go wash yourself up.”

Qin Xu laughed: “No, it’s washing you up~”

Jiang Yang raised his leg and kicked him, “Fuck you.”

Qin Xu laughed heartlessly: “Back at you.”

Ten minutes later, Qin Xu had also finished washing up. Bringing out a faint mist along with him, he walked out with his hair still dripping with water. The moment he saw Jiang Yang playing a game, he couldn’t help but want to join in.

Jiang Yang said with a cold expression: “Dry your hair.”

Qin Xu was to lazy to move so he replied shamelessly, “You help me.”

It was just drying hair, but Jiang Yang understood that guys temperament. If he lowered his guard and gave him an inch then that guy wouldn’t hesitate to take a mile.

And so, Jiang Yang didn’t spare him any attention. At most, he just threw a towel over his head.

Qin Xu complained: “I helped you earlier and now you don’t want to help your own body? It’s too unfair!”

Jiang Yang said: “I can help you. I’ll take a selfie of you picking your nose and share it.”

As he said this, he raised his chin and wiggled his pinky finger while smirking.

Qin Xu: “..........” He was taken aback by how despicable he could be and for a moment was at loss for words.

After a few seconds.

Qin Xu succumbed and used the towel to roughly dry Jiang Yang’s hair to the point that it was messed up into a birds’ nest.

Jiang Yang sat on the edge of the bed and suddenly remembered something. He asked: “I saw some marks on your shoulder. Did you get tattooed before?

Qin Xu tapped on his phone and didn’t raise his head: “That’s right. A very cool dragon.”

“Why did you remove it?”

At this moment, Qin Xu was forced looked up, “At that time I thought tattoos were very cool, so I also went and got one on my entire shoulder. When I got home, my dad found out and gave me a beating. I just happened to be in the middle of my teenaged rebellious phase so the more he didn’t want me to do something, the more I wanted to. I didn’t want to get rid of it even if I died.”

“And then?” Jiang Yang was curious. What would make him get rid of it after even refusing to do so even when he got a beating?

Qin Xu said: “After that, my dad got into a car accident. The other party was in the wrong, but he wouldn’t admit it so my dad and him got into a very big argument. In the end he turned to me and yelled at me. I took off my shirt..... When they saw my tattoo, they lost their momentum and very obediently paid up.”

Jiang Yang couldn’t help but laugh.

As he said this, Qin Xu also felt very helpless and wanted to roll his eyes, “Afterwards, my dad even bought me ice cream as a reward and praised me. He then took me to get the tattoo removed.....”

Qin Xu said this with a regretful expression. Jiang Yang saw this and thought internally that it must’ve been his teenage rebellious phase and he probably is still going through it even now. He imagined father Qin who he had not met before and felt that he could probably guess where Qin Xu’s temperament came from.

Jiang Yang listened to his story and couldn’t help but feel the edge of his lips rising. He secretly chuckled and was soon met with Qin Xu’s glare of dissatisfaction. Despite trying to keep it in, he still heard the soft sounds coming out from within his throat. Qin Xu couldn’t help but regret sharing that black history of his.

Qin Xu thought for a moment and his eyes suddenly lit up. It wasn’t fair for only himself to be embarrassed, he should also make the other person embarrassed as well.

Qin Xu deliberately brought his fist to his lips and coughed a couple of times to attract Jiang Yang’s attention. And then ——— He suddenly pulled up the pyjama pants until the bottom edge reached the root of his thighs.

“Look, black and white~”

On Jiang Yang’s body, there was a clear dividing line just above his thigh. As he usually wore shorts, the exposed skin had tanned into a wheat colour, but his thighs remained extremely pale. Like jade, it was smooth, delicate and pale to the point that it was almost transparent.

Jiang Yang saw this and his expression instantly darkened. It was as if he was angry about the fact that his secret was revealed. He pulled down the trouser legs, and said coldly: “You’re annoying!”

Qin Xu blinked innocently, “I was just a little curious. It’s as if you had just finished military training. Why?”

Jiang Yang replied impatiently: “Shut up.”

Qin Xu obviously didn’t take heed, “I answered all your questions earlier. You shouldn’t be like this when it’s your turn to answer.”

“None of my business.” Although Jiang Yang’s expression wasn’t great, the tone in his voice softened significantly. This was probably because he felt that he was overreacting.

“Then how about this? You keep quiet and I’ll guess. You just have to tell me if I’m right or wrong.” Qin Xu said this excitedly and proceeded to hold his chin with his hand and act as if he is in a detective game, “To reach a disparity of this extent, it definitely means that it is something that requires a long time of sun exposure, but we had out military training over a year ago and even wore long pants at that time. Even if its recovering from the tan from that long ago, the disparity shouldn’t be this great either. I think you probably tanned yourself on purpose. Also, the fact that only the exposed skin is wheat coloured proved my observations. You probably thought that you are too pale and tried to tan yourself deliberately right?”

Jiang Yang kept his mouth shut and did not speak.

Qin Xu understood that he had guessed right but what was the reason?

He squinted his eyes and smirked: “Is it because it’s so pale and tender and you think it’s not manly enough?”

Jiang Yang continued to keep quiet and act as if he was temporarily deaf.

In the end, Qin Xu summed up his observations. While rubbing his chin he said: “It’s no wonder. When everyone would go out, you would always go and stand in the sun. Are you the type that will just turn white if you don’t tan yourself often?”

At this moment, it was as if Jiang Yang was suddenly triggered and he looked up and glared at him angrily. He then could only release a deep breath of misery and bend his head down. The hair that was messed up by Qin Xu created a fluffy look at the top of his head and at this moment he looked like a pitiful dog with ears drooping down on the side.

Qin Xu found this amusing and couldn’t help but reach out and rub the top of his head. The slightly damp black hair was smooth and silky, and as the strands passed through his fingers, it felt very good to touch. For a moment, he was reluctant to remove his hand. However, Jiang Yang is naturally not an obedient puppy that would let you do as you please. Very fiercely, he swatted away his hand and didn’t allow him to continue touching his head.

Qin Xu laughed: “You have a condition that many girls are envious of and look at you, you’re wasting it’s potential!”

Jiang Yang sneered: “If you like it, I’ll give it to you.”

Qin Xu waved his hand, “I appreciate the thought, but I can’t afford to accept something so priceless.”

The two continued to play games on their phones, and the situation could be considered to be calm.

After a while, Qin Xu couldn’t help but add a comment, “But, after earning some money later on, can’t you just get professional tanning? You can tan the whole body, chose the colour you want and even have it done evenly throughout.

“Asking for death.”

Jiang Yang said this coldly through gritted teeth. His fingers then quickly tapped away on his phone and, with a special move, he cleared Qin Xu’s blood and send him straight back to the novice village.

Qin Xu: “.............” Crying without tears, he looked at Jiang Yang pitifully.

With a cold expression, Jiang Yang quickly picked up the dropped equipment including a very rare gear.

Qin Xu felt like he was just robbed of something important and he quickly asked him to return it back.

Jiang Yang expressed that he did this to teach him a lesson. If you are distracted while playing a game, you would die very pitifully. Seeing that he got a rare gear, he won’t charge lesson fees.

Qin Xu continued to pester him so he added: “Stop chattering. If you want it, come and kill me.”

Very cruel.

But Qin Xu wasn’t as good as Jiang Yang at this game and he relied on Jiang Yang earlier for most of their wins. Qin Xu could only give up and watch his rare gear get taken away.

Jiang Yang watched him look unhappy and felt refreshed inside.

They continued playing for a while and soon it was time for them to go to sleep.

Jiang Yang pulled out a bamboo mat from inside the closet, laid it out onto the floor and planned to let Qin Xu sleep there.

But when he was only halfway through laying it out, mother Jiang walked in and saw ‘Qin Xu’ bending down making his bed on the floor. Without a second thought, she immediately smacked her son on the head and scolded: “How can you let your friend sleep on the floor and even let him make the bed himself? What have I been teaching you?!”

Qin Xu raised his head innocently and sent a glare in Jiang Yang’s direction.

Mother Jiang decisively said: “You two boys can just squeeze and sleep together on the bed. Don’t make things so troublesome.”

Qin Xu heard this and quickly said: “That’s right. Qin Xu you should just sleep with me.”

Jiang Yang supported himself with his knees and stood up. He revealed a smile to mother Jiang and turned his head back to an angle where mother Jiang cannot see his face and glared at Qin Xu — Sleep your big uncle!

Mother Jiang had the greatest authority, so they could only helplessly accept her final decision. She returned the bamboo mat back into the closet and even nagged at the boys to stop playing games and to go to bed.

Jiang Yang shrugged his shoulders and gave Qin Xu a look. What else can we do? Let’s finish off one more round and then go to sleep.

They laid in bed and turned off the lights. In the darkness, only the faint moonlight fell through the curtains and partially illuminated the room. If you opened your eyes, you could only see the faint outlines of objects in the room.

The bed wasn’t big so with two men sleeping it is very cramped. The distance between the two were less than an arms length. In the quiet darkness you could clearly hear the other persons breathing and if you turn your head slightly, you could see their faint outline. Their profile, illuminated by the faint glow of the moonlight, appeared gentle and soft, completely different to their temperament during the day. You couldn’t help but want to reach out and touch it.

Qin Xu rested his hand on the blankets and suddenly spoke up: “I can’t sleep on an unfamiliar bed. I haven’t sleep here before, what should I do if I can’t sleep?”

Hearing him suddenly speak up, Jiang Yang was surprised. He then sneered: “Can’t sleep on an unfamiliar bed? You? Didn’t you sleep pretty well on the first night of school? Slept like a dead pig.”

“How do you know? Are you watching me sleeping at night?” From Qin Xu’s voice there was a hint of laughter. It was clear that he was asking for a beating.

“Have you forgotten about the systems task?” Jiang Yang said.

“.....Oh right.” Qin Xu’s voice became dull.

As if he was suddenly dissatisfied he grumbled, “Not talking anymore. Let’s sleep.”

Jiang Yang: “..........???” Who was the one who started talking first?

That someone who had said earlier that they couldn’t sleep on an unfamiliar bed fell as sleep in less than ten minutes. As for Jiang Yang, because he is not accustomed with sharing a bed with someone, he suddenly found himself unable to fall asleep.

He stared at the ceiling in frustration. After staring at it for a while, he wanted to turn over but, taking into consideration the fact that he shouldn’t wake the other person up, he lightened his movements. He turned over and just happened to come face to face with Qin Xu. He slept deeply with his head on the side and pressed into the pillow.

Jiang Yang saw this and felt annoyed inside. He couldn’t sleep yet this guy over here is sleeping so comfortably. For a moment he remembered back to when he was tasked with covering Qin Xu with a blanket. It was the same at that time too. He was being tortured sleeplessly by the system, yet that bastard remained sleeping peacefully.

Thinking this, Jiang Yang pouted and bad intentions bubbled up inside him. He reached out and pinched his face. He saw that the other party didn’t have any reaction and continued to pinch his nose. Holding it for a while, Qin Xu who could no longer breathe comfortable started to frown and grumble. It was as if he was about to wake up.

Jiang Yang quickly released his hold and closed his eyes. Pretending to sleep, he acted as if he didn’t do anything.

Qin Xu woke up muddleheaded and only opened his eyes for about two seconds. Seeing that there was nothing amiss, he smacked his lips and continued to sleep.

Jiang Yang, after hearing that there were no more movements from his end, snickered quietly. He felt his mood improve and after turning back over he started feeling sleepy.

Just as his consciousness started to fade, he vaguely felt a hand reach over to his waist and hold onto him like a pillow. Jiang Yang subconsciously threw the arm off and continued to sleep but not a second later the arm returned. This time Jiang Yang had completely fallen asleep, so he didn’t react.

The next day they were to wake up and wash up.

After all, it was someone else’s place, so Qin Xu didn’t dare to act too rude. He rolled around a few times and got up around nine o’clock. During that period, he even acted spoiled while holding onto Jiang Yang and was almost beaten up by him.

Leaving the bathroom, he became more spirited and made Jiang Yang sit down and let him apply the medications onto his ear.

Jiang Yang watched him take care of his ear seriously and carefully, and suddenly recalled the pain that he went through yesterday. In fact, it actually wasn’t too bad. If was just that his body was suddenly stimulated for an instant and his brain instinctively reacted.

He thought this and asked: “Qin Xu, are you actually afraid of pain?”

Qin Xu was stunned for a moment and he didn’t control the strength of his fingers well. Jiang Yang trembled in pain and quickly held onto his ear.

“......It’s okay.” Qin Xu said.

Jiang Yang glared at him and felt the pain on his ear. What kind of fool would believe that?!

Qin Xu felt a little helpless: “Come here. I’m almost done.”

Jiang Yang stared at him and eventually shuffled over unwillingly.

“And you still get tattooed?”

“Can’t help it. For the sake of being cool I can endure the pain.”

Jiang Yang scoffed. He didn’t believe those words of his. If his eyes would tear up from an ear piercing then he would’ve cried out when he got the tattoo.

Qin Xu finished up and then turned around to clean things up. He then said: “If I say that I am afraid of pain, would you comfort me?”

Jiang Yang rolled his eyes: “You wish.”

Qin Xu sighed, “I see, so it’s useless even if I’m in pain.”

He didn’t try to act pitiful and only said those words in an unconcerned manner. This only made it seem as if he was only trying to act tough on the outside. This made Jiang Yang remember that his parents were often not home so even if he wanted to talk to them about something, he didn’t have the chance to. Being in a cold and empty house the whole day, it really is a little........

Jiang Yang stalled for a moment and fell silent. He’s not good at comforting people but he understood that although children would be comforted if they cry, a man would care about too much their reputation and would hide their emotions instead. This was what Qin Xu is doing now and he didn’t know what to do.

For a moment, it was quiet.

Jiang Yang suddenly stood up and moved in front of him. He grabbed Qin Xu’s shoulder and patted him on his back, “Have some confidence in yourself. This is nothing.”

He then naturally released his hold and walked to the door, “Let’s go have breakfast.”

Qin Xu was momentarily stunned. Watching his leaving back, he couldn’t help but smile. The corners of his lips curved up and a warm smile appeared on his face.

After eating breakfast, the two notified mother Jiang and went out. They intended to go to Qin Xu’s place to pick up some things and then heading directly to school from there.

Because their bicycles were parked in Qin Xu’s place’s parking lot, the two walked for a bit and decided to take the bus.

They walked down a small road in the residential area while continuously bickering back and forth.

Qin Xu stepped back and avoided Jiang Yang’s fist and noticed something from the corner of his eyes. He quickly grabbed Jiang Yang’s wrist and pulled him over while pointing enthusiastically: “Look, there a husky.”

To be more precise, they could only see the husky’s head that poked out through a small hole in the wall. It hung its tongue out and looked out to the world outside. That silly look made onlookers couldn’t help but want to bring it out to the outside world and play.

Jiang Yang saw this and his lips curved upwards. He pointed at the couplet stuck onto the wall above the husky and joked: “Doesn’t it look like the scene where monkey brother is sealed under Wuzhi mountain? If you remove it, it would jump out and join you in your journey to collect Buddhist sutras.”

Couplets were usually stuck the two sides of the door to repel evil spirits and attract good luck but there was actually one stuck onto the plain cement wall with nothing but a hole that allowed the husky to stick its’ head out of.

Jiang Yang had only said this casually as a joke, but Qin Xu thought that it was a good proposition and was eager to try it out. He walked over and really had the intention to tear off the couplet.

Jiang Yang was shocked. He really didn’t expect this guy to actually do something so ridiculous. He quickly held him back, but that person was too excited and very quickly escaped from his grip. Jiang Yang didn’t want his own body to do something so stupid, so he quickly ran up and held him in an embrace to stop him from advancing any further.

Qin Xu tried to push away the arm that was wrapped around his waist while Jiang Yang held onto him tightly unwilling to let go. This scene looked like something that came straight out of a dog-blood romance drama.

Let me go! I am no longer the same person as that time! I don’t love you anymore!

No! I won’t accept this! I don’t believe it! You’re lying to me!

An aunty who was on her way back from grocery shopping saw this and a light flashed through her eyes. She smiled a little but didn’t say anything. Her expression however was filled with meaning —– Young people these days.

The aunty gave them a deep look before turning around and moving on with her day.

Jiang Yang and Qin Xu looked at each other silently before quietly retracting their hands and then moved on as if nothing had happened.

They soon reached the main road.

After walking for a while and they about 200m from the bus stop, they unexpectedly ran into an acquaintance.

Not far diagonally ahead of them a man was grabbing onto the hands of a tall girl in a black dress, intending to drag her away.

Qin Xu furrowed his brows, “Is that Wu Tong?”

Ever since they saw Wu Tong with her suspected boyfriend, Jiang Yang and Qin Xu had gradually increased the distance between them and they returned to the relationship of ordinary classmates.

Jiang Yang also looked over and his expression wasn’t very good, “That guy isn’t the same guy from last time. He obviously doesn’t look like anyone good.”

Indeed, the man looked a little fierce and bad-natured. His eyebrows were fierce and he gripped onto Wu Tong’s hand in a rough manner that was certainly not an appropriate treatment for girls.

The boys saw the man drag Wu Tong into a small alleyway and immediately followed behind them

As soon as they walked over, they saw the man pressing Wu Tong against the wall. One of his hands was even pressed against her chest. The two boys almost exploded in anger. What is this?! He actually dared to do something like this to a girl!

The two could no longer sit still and angrily rushed forward wanting to kill that bastard but the words they heard in the next second made them doubt everything that they knew.

The man said: “Why are you wearing a skirt again? Don’t you find it very strange? You’re obviously a man!”

Jiang Yang & Qin Xu: “.........???”

Man? What is he talking about? Is there a problem with my hearing?

Jiang Yang and Qin Xu froze and looked at each other in surprise. For a moment they felt as if their three views were broken.

Their mind went blank for two seconds before Qin Xu finally recovered his senses. He couldn’t help but interrupt: “Sorry to interrupt but what do you mean by Wu Tong being a guy? Is this what I think it means?”

The man’s expression darkened as he looked back to see which bastard dared to interrupt. He responded impatiently, “Who are you guys?”

When he saw their faces properly, the man instantly understood. Turns out they’re classmates from the same school, those infamous school idols. He sneered as he released his hold of Wu Tong: “Just right, your admirers are here.”

He looked towards Qin Xu and nodded, “That’s right. It is just what you think it means. He is well and truly a man.”

Wu Tong straightened up and calmly patted away the dust. There were no signs of panic despite the secret being exposed. Only the usual quiet and calm demeanour had changed into one that was very cold. There was an inexplicable dark tone concealed within the words that was spoken next.

She, no, to be more accurate, he, looked at the two people standing in front of him indifferently and said with a low and magnetic voice, “Do you have anything to say?”

To be honest, Jiang Yang and Qin Xu were both shocked to the point that they were at loss for words. Suddenly finding out that the goddess that they had be pursuing for so long was actually a man, what else can they say? They were already scared out of their wits okay?

“If you’re not saying anything then I’ll treat it as you not having any questions.” Wu Tong looked at the two coldly. There was a hint of threat in his gaze, “Don’t you dare tell the others about what you’ve overhead today.”

He didn’t say explicitly what would happen if they did, but it was clear just through his gaze that they would be dead meat. The two couldn’t help but curse inside: Fuck! Where did my gentle goddess go? Even if I have given up on her, you can’t just suddenly tell me that he’s actually a man! What if I didn’t know about this earlier and ended up continuing pursing after a man. How shameful is that!

The two youngsters who loved to play games naturally knew what a renyao is but they had never come across the term ‘crossdressing master’. Now that they had finally encountered someone like this, their weak three views were in danger of being broken.

(KK notes: 人妖 = male playing as female character)

The three people stood there in a deadlock as the chief culprit responsible for exposing the secret stood to one side acting as an outsider eagerly watching the events unfold. He felt that it was very interesting watching their three views get shattered.

He looked at Jiang Yang and Qin Xu and they similarly looked back at him. After looking at him several more times, they recognised the man as Xu Jun from class 13. With a hedgehog like spiky hair, knife like eyebrows and dark eyes, it looked as if he walked around with a villain BGM playing constantly. You couldn’t help but think that he is dangerous and would retreat to avoid provoking him. However, their assumptions were only half correct. For someone like Xu Jun, if you don’t provoke him, he would just ignore you but if he is irritated he would explode like a live bomb to the point that he doesn’t even care about his own wellbeing.

Compared to real life, Jiang Yang and Qin Xu came into contact with him more through the game. Xu Jun loved to farm in the game and enjoyed playing a character called Arthur. He would relentlessly rush forward to the front of the team and never played with the thought of retreating. He would rush up and attack without hesitation and, if his teammates were being overwhelmed, he would use his own flesh and blood to protect them. To summarise, although this person is someone who is very short tempered, he is someone who is very straightforward and passionate to the point that you couldn’t help but find him a little cute.

The author has something to say:

Jiang Yang & Qin Xu: Shocked! The girl that they had pursued for so long turned out to be a comrade who also has a rod! Three views shattered and no longer able to be pieced together!


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