Love Rival Romance System

Chapter 25 - Soul Exchange

Chapter 25: Soul Exchange

Since they had cleared things up between them, Jiang Yang and Qin Xu had many occasions where they needed to cooperate and would occasionally huddle up together to whisper something. They didn’t bother explaining to the others since no-one would believe them anyway.

Although the two didn’t think much of it, to the others it looked like their relationship had suddenly improved significantly. At the very least, they no longer had to avoid the other person if they asked one of them to play.

For example, today Huang Shao and a few other boys were playing Tic Tac Toe. They drew lines on the paper and one person drew a circle while another person drew a cross. With only nine boxes, the game ended very quickly. Then they deliberately made the board bigger and proceeded to play it on a bigger grid

Jiang Yang and Qin Xu faced each other as they sat down and played. With their competitive nature, after playing a total of two games and each winning one of them, they refused to move and insisted on playing another game to determine the true winner. The others happily watched on and cheered as they competed.

While they were drawing the board up again, two girls walked over holding a piece of paper in their hands. The one walking at the front was Tang Ling Ling. She patted the girl next to her and said: “I accompanied you here. You should say it yourself.”

The girl gripped tightly onto the form in her hands and looked at Qin Xu who was currently immersed in the game. She opened her mouth and spoke up: “Qin Xu, do you want to participate in the relay race for the sports carnival?”

She took a deep breath and courageously said that sentence in one breath. She then waited for Qin Xu’s response. However, before Qin Xu could respond, he was interrupted by the others. Several boys grabbed the registration form and joked: “How can you leave this brother out of something like the sports carnival? Naturally we will aim for a string of gold medals and bring glory to our class!”

“Very good. You should sign up for the men’s 1.5km run, 400m, long jump, high jump, shot-put and every other event that’s on! Do you feel honoured to be selected to be out class representative?”

“That’s no a problem at all. However, isn’t each person is limited to three events?”

“Then you can do the 1.5km run, 400m and shot-put. Aren’t you happy that you’re doing the easy ones?”

“1.5km run tests endurance, 400m tests speed and shot-put tests arm strength. They’re all not bad so I chose to be in the cheering team. I’ll cheer for you all~”

“Go sit down!”

The boys heartlessly joked around and the girl standing on the side anxiously tried to speak to Qin Xu again only to find that her voice was too small and very quickly drowned out by the boys’ laughter.

Tang Ling Ling saw this and sighed helplessly. She then slapped Huang Shao on his back. The slap was quite hard and was quickly followed with a loud sound. He instantly cried out in pain and turned to yell at her: “Are you trying to kill me?!”

“You guys are too noisy. Qin Xu didn’t hear it.” Tang Ling Ling glanced at him briefly before asking him to get Qin Xu’s attention.

On the side, Jiang Yang and Qin Xu were focussed on winning. They quickly drew circles and crosses onto the grid and were completely unaffected by the surrounding noise.

Suddenly, Jiang Yang heard a mechanical sound in his mind: “Random task: Please win this game. Time limit is sixty seconds. If you lose, you will be punished.”

Similarly, Qin Xu also received a task, “Random task: Please let Jiang Yang win this game. Time limit is sixty seconds. If he loses, you will be punished.”

Jiang Yang immediately ignored it. After all, that was already what he intended to do. As for Qin Xu, he snorted and didn’t take it seriously. Don’t you realise that you should never back down in a competition? That is the biggest insult to the opponent!

Perhaps it was because their previous punishments were not too extreme, they didn’t feel too threatened. They continued to immerse themselves in the game until Qin Xu drew a circle and managed to form a line of five circles. He revealed a dazzling smile at Jiang Yang, “You lost.”

Jiang Yang obviously knew that. He tightened his lips and clearly did not look very happy.

However, in the next second a mechanical sound appeared in their minds at the same time, “Task failed. Starting the punishment: Soul exchange for three days and you cannot be discovered by the others. Please help each other to pass this test and get to know each other better.”

Hearing this, both of them were stunned. They couldn’t help but curse at the same time: “Fuck!”

The moment they spoke, the realised that their voice isn’t the voice that they were familiar with. They looked at their own faces in front of them and found it both familiar and strange. Inside, they felt extremely complicated.

Could it be said that they are too unlucky, or is the system just too powerful?

The two looked at each other before both sweeping their eyes in the direction of the door to indicate to the other person that they should have a chat outside. Jiang Yang prepared to stand up when a hand landed on his shoulder. Huang Shao leaned over and asked: “Xu brother, they’re asking whether or not you want to participate in the relays. Why haven’t you answered them yet?”

Xu brother?

For a moment Jiang Yang didn’t realise that he was talking to him and did not react. He subconsciously frowned and looked towards Qin Xu with a meaningful look – You should go and deal with your own problems.

Qin Xu grabbed his hand and said: “There’s still time until the registration closes. It’s no rush. We have something on so we’re going to head out first.”

Huang Shao had his arms on his shoulder so, with him suddenly leaving, he almost lost his balance. He watched the two walking away intimately with an arm around the other persons shoulders and wondered: “Where are they going? Are they going to the toilet together?”

His random guess actually turned out to be right. However, they didn’t go there to solve their physiological problem and instead went there to clarify their right of use of each other’s body. As it was almost time for class to start, the bathroom was empty and created a perfect setting for them to talk.

Apart from when he looked into the mirror, it was the first time for Jiang Yang to see his face at such a close range. Perhaps because the soul inside had changed, the entire temperament of his body had changed completely as well. His eyebrows were slightly slanted, his eyes dark and cold, and he had a look of complete confidence on his face.

Qin Xu also felt the same. His saw that his own face had suddenly become tighter and, because of the abrupt situation they had found themselves thrown into, the expression on his face was a look of irritation.

But this is not something that they should be paying attention to right now.

System: “Tasks will not be released when punishment is enforced. Please be at ease.”

They scoffed in anger and said in unison: “Do you think I’ll be happy about it and thank you for it?”

The system tried to appease them: “You two really understand each other.” It then quickly slipped away.

Jiang Yang managed to calm himself down and ponder over this situation. He frowned. Today just happened to be Thursday. If it’s three days, then that would mean that they would only recover their bodies on Sunday afternoon. In order not to be exposed, they would have to be very careful.

The more he thought about it, the more troublesome things became.

Qin Xu acted nonchalant and shrugged, “What are you afraid of? We’re desk partners and we also share the same dormitory room. We could just stick together and help each other out when we need to.”

Jiang Yang pursed his lips. It’s true that there is no point stressing over it. They could only take it on as they come, but he couldn’t help but be worried about Qin Xu. He instantly retorted: “You are using my body now. Do your best to imitate me and don’t mess with it.”

They had only just switched bodies and Qin Xu had not even considered that option. Suddenly hearing him mention it, he immediately smiled and started to tease him, “What can I do? Now that you mentioned it, I remembered saying before that you have a perky butt and forgetting to touch it. Now’s my chance to.”

As he said this, he stretched his hand out and reached behind him. Jiang Yang reacted very quickly, and, with a stern glare, he immediately blocked his attempt. It just happened that his arm ended up getting caught between his hand and his butt.

“Do you want to die?” Jiang Yang said coldly.

Qin Xu smiled fearlessly, “Xiao Yang Yang, did you forget that our bodies have switched? If I touch it, I’m using your hand to do so but with you blocking it like that, it’s my hand that’s having intimate contact with your butt~”

Jiang Yang’s face darkened, and he silently retracted his hand. At the same time, he grabbed Qin Xu’s hand and brought it to the front. Without releasing his grip he leaned over and threatened him: “Since you know that, then don’t mess around. I am now using your body.”

The implication behind those words was, I can do whatever I want with your body.

But the threat was futile. Qin Xu shamelessly laughed while stretching out his hands: “Come on baby~”


Jiang Yang couldn’t control himself and instantly moved to cover his face. Through gritted teeth he warned: “Don’t use my face to make such a wretched expression!”

Qin Xu insincerely said: “I forgot, sorry~”

He then turned and walked out of the bathroom. Once he was out, he turned back and revealed a dazzling smile to Jiang Yang. The smile was dazzling and warm and appeared very handsome but the words that came out of his mouth was not so beautiful.

He said: “Xiao Yang Yang, did you forget that we’re supposed to shower tonight?”

Jiang Yang: “........” He fucking really forgot!

Compared to that, this wasn’t a problem at all! What should he do tonight? If he helped him wash up, he would be using Qin Xu’s hands but if he let Qin Xu wash..... Fuck!

It was unavoidable. No matter which option he chose, everything would still be seen and touched! And he would even be forced to watch him touch his own body!

So to say, what is with this stupid system! Who created it? Come out! I promise I won’t kill you!

The author has something to say:

Qin Xu: I, Qin Xu, would rather starve to death, die outside or even jump out the window from here before I would deliberately lose to you!

Jiang Yang: I dare you to say it again.

Qin Xu in an instant: ..... Lose, lose. I’ll definitely lose!


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