Love Me, My Omega!

Chapter 20 - 20


Why is Justin staying at Daryl's house? No, how do they even know each other?

I feel so restless. Maybe it's because I know that my brother used to like him before. Haaa...

The tall gates opened and I drove inside. I stopped the engine when my car was already in front of the front door and I got out of my car and gave my keys to the guard. "Please park my car," I said and headed inside immediately.

"Hey, you're here!" Troy said as he smiled from ear to ear. "Where's Justin?" I asked as soon as I got closer to him. "He's in his room. Do you want to meet him?" Troy said as he raised his brows. "Yes," I answered briefly.

Troy went upstairs and I went to the living room to sit as I wait for him. "Hey." I turned to my brother, Terrence, and saw him holding a bowl of ice cream. "Hey," I said as I nodded at him. "Why are you here?" He asked. "It's a secret," I said and winked at him as I smiled. "Whatever." He walked away, and I could only chuckled because he looked pissed.

"Why... Why are you here?" I turned to the direction where the voice was coming from, and I saw Justin standing behind Troy. "You know my brother?" Troy asked as he glanced at Justin. '"Uh... Yeah, I do," he replied and smiled a little.

He looks... uneasy.

Is he uncomfortable that I'm here, or is he uncomfortable that he's here in this house?

He started walking towards me and I stood up as I waited for him to get a little closer. "You're really here," I said and smiled at him.

The tiredness I felt from the past few days suddenly vanished. It's like I'm feeling energized just because he's around.

He nodded slowly, looking very awkward, and whispered, "Why are you here?" He looked very uneasy as he looked at me. Ah... Am I the reason why he feels uncomfortable? "Oh... Um... I heard you were here so..." I scratched the back of my head. Why is it so awkward?

"Come on, what's with you two? Did something happen between you guys?" Troy said as he looked at us. I glared at my brother as if telling him to keep quiet.

The atmosphere felt more awkward because of Troy. Well, how could I ever tell someone that we had sex? Especially when he also liked him before. Haa...

"Leave us alone for a second. We have something to talk about," I said while still glaring at him. He frowned. "Fine. Keep your secrets, then." He left us alone with Terrence, just like what I told him.

I faced Justin and saw that he was spacing out. "Justin?"


Troy Lee... Tristan Lee...

Are they siblings?! Oh my god. I can't believe I had sex with Troy's brother. No way.

"Justin?" I looked at him when I finally snapped back to reality. "Oh my god." I covered my mouth when I said that aloud. What the hell is wrong with me?!

"Huh? Why? What happened?" He asked, confused. "It's nothing," I said as I shook my head.

We were quiet again.

Why is it always like this when I'm with him? This is so awkward, argh.

"So..." I looked up to see his face when he spoke. "Why are you staying here?" He asked.

Should I tell him or not? Well, it's not like he'd actually care if he knew. We're still strangers. "Just because of personal reasons," I said and smiled awkwardly.

"Oh, I see," he said and smiled. "Do you want me to give you a tour in the house?" He asked without erasing the smile on his face.

Well, that would be beneficial for me. After all, I will be staying here for a while. I was planning to ask Daryl to give me a tour, but he left earlier to meet with his alpha boyfriend, Andre.

"Sure," I said and smiled.

We started walking around, and as time went by, I started to feel comfortable around him. Well, the thought of me expecting to have his baby was still on my mind, but I just shrugged it off. That was just me expecting things. He had nothing to do with my expectations.

But... I really do want a child. Just... not now, I guess? The thought of having a baby makes me happy.

But if I actually had his child, how would he react? Would he feel happy? Having a child with someone who's basically a stranger to you wouldn't make you feel happy right? Maybe he already has someone he likes. I would just get in the way between the two of them if he actually does have someone, and I don't want that.

Argh! I should stop thinking about this. I hate myself for being like this. I'm always contradicting myself. Last time, I didn't want to get pregnant, but now I make it seem like I want to. And I even thought that I shrugged these thoughts off! Haa...

"And this is the garden," he said as he looked around. "It's very beautiful," I said as I smiled.

There were plenty of flowers in the garden, especially pink roses. This place smells good. I kinda feel like if I stayed here longer, I'd start smelling like roses too, haha.

"It is."

I looked at him and saw that he was looking at me. "H-Huh?" He chuckled and said, "It is. It is pretty. The garden is beautiful."

I felt my face heat up. Did I misunderstand him? Ah, this is so embarrassing! "Oh..." I laughed it off to hide my embarrassment.

By the time we got back inside the house, it was already almost lunch time. We waited for the food to be prepared, and when the food has already been cooked, we ate together with the others.

"It's kind of weird seeing your face, bro," Terrence said as he looked at Tristan who was seated next to me. "Just tell me you miss me. I know you do," Tristan said to his brother and winked. Terrence rolled his eyes and continued eating.

I bit my lower lip to contain my laughter. They're so cute when they're together. How come Tristan isn't like that when it comes to Troy?

We finished eating, and as I was about to head back to my room, Tristan suddenly stopped me. "Hey, um..." I raised my brows and tilted my head a bit. "Yeah?" His eyes were looking everywhere. "You, um... You wanna hang out with me after you finish your classes on Monday?" He said as his cheeks started to turn red.

I bit my lower lip, trying to stop myself from smiling. No way... Is he asking me out on a date?

Do I have time on Monday? Well... the only thing that I actually need right now is an internship, but I doubt that a company would actually take me in. After all, I've been searching online for so long, yet I still haven't found one.

"Sure. It's a date, then?" I said as I smiled at him. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to try to go out with someone again. My past relationships weren't bad too, so I don't really have trauma when it comes to romantic relationships.

Should I give it a go?


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