Love Me, My Omega!

Chapter 150 - 145

The couple's big day is finally here. Everybody is excited about their marriage and so were they. Although they felt excited for it, their nervousness overpowered their excitement.

Justin feels like he's gonna gag as he waited for the ceremony to start.

Tristan, who's currently waiting at the altar, feels like his heart would stop beating from nervousness.

What seemed to be a day to look forward to felt like something that would kill them from nervousness instead.

"Hooo... I got this..." Tristan said as he blew his breath on his hands to warm them up.

Aside from feeling cold from nervousness, the wind that blew in their wedding venue made him feel even colder.

'Why did I even choose to have a garden wedding? I should have thought that it would get cold by the time we get married,' Tristan thought to himself as he blew his breath on his hands some more.

As someone who gets cold easily, he found he wind very cold even if it was only slightly chilly.

After a few more minutes, their wedding ceremony finally started.

Tristan waited at the altar with a racing heartbeat and a shaky breath. He felt nervous yet excited at the same time as he waited for Justin to arrive.

They did not see each other since morning, so he badly wanted to see him. Aside from that reason, he also wanted to see him because he's never seen him in his tuxedo before.

A music suddenly played and everybody who will be walking in the aisle started walking. Tristan watched his little boy carry a pillow with the rings on in and he also watched Chesca throw flower petals on the ground.

The music changed and a soft and calming music suddenly played. That was the sign that the bride will now be entering.

As Tristan waited for Justin, he made sure to keep his eyes straight so he wouldn't miss Justin when he steps in.

The moment he saw Justin enter, he felt as if the world stopped turning. Everything was in slow motion and the only person he could see was him.

The nervousness he felt was replaced with awe, and his body that felt so cold earlier became warm.

His heart was filled with so much happiness that before he even knew it, tears started rolling down his cheeks unconsciously.

'I never knew I'd feel this happy in my entire life...' he thought to himself as he stared at Justin with his mouth gaped open.

Justin looked so beautiful in his white tuxedo. His fair skin looked brighter because of the color he wore and also because of his hair and eyes that looked so well with it.

For some reason, even though he looks the same as usual, he became more beautiful in Tristan's eyes.

His jet black straight hair looked so shiny and silky, his icy blue eyes looked enticing, and his pink lips looked so kissable.

He looked bewitching.

Without knowing it, the alpha has already held his breath as he stared at the breathtaking man before him.

Justin, on the other hand, felt his heart racing crazily as he looked at Tristan, who was waiting for him at the altar.

The alpha looked more strikingly handsome in his eyes with his black tuxedo that emphasizes his broad shoulders.

He looks like someone out of a magazine. He looks like someone who was sculpted carefully by the gods.

His light brown hair was fixed with cleanly, pushing it a bit backwards, and his...

His crying face looked adorable.

Justin forced himself not to giggle but smile instead. He wanted to laugh because of how Tristan is crying, but he knows that if he starts laughing, it would ruin the whole mood.

'Why is he crying? That's so cute,' Justin thought as he walked in the aisle.

Without knowing it, he, himself, started tearing up. Before he coild even cry, he made sure to swallow his tears because he doesn't want his eyes to look puffy on their photos that will be taken later.

'I'm so... happy...' Justin thought as he stared at Tristan, who was still crying.

A few more steps and he'll finally reach to where the alpha was. Every step felt like an eternity.

In every step that he took, Tristan's hard pounded heavily with it.

The moment that he was now before Tristan, the alpha immediately offered his arm to him.

"You look gorgeous," Tristan whispered as he smiled at him. Justin reached his hand for his face and wiped his tears with his thumb. "And so do you," he whispered back.

They walked in front of the priest and the ceremony finally began.

After several minutes of listening to the priest talk, they finally came to a point in which they will say their vows.

"The moment I saw you, I've never taken my eyes off of you. You are the reason why I, a man who dies not believe in fate and love, is standing in front of an altar to marry you, the love of my life. You, my darling, are the main source of my happiness and I'd want nothing more than to spend a lifetime with you," Tristan said as his voice trembled.

"Justin Vincent Alvarez, you are my rest, my calm, my peace, my whole, my everything, and my dearest darling. I'm standing before you to show and profess my undying love for you," he continued as he smiled with a gentle expression on his face, reflecting how much he loves him.

"I, Tristan, take you, Justin, for my lawful wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part," Tristan said as he looked directly into Justin's eyes.

Justin wanted to tear up from listening to everything Tristan said earlier. However, he knows he doesn't have tume to cry because it was now his turn to say his vow for him.

"Before you came into my life, I initally did not want to have a lover anymore. However, you suddenlt came and changed it all. You gave me happiness that I've never gotten from anyone else, you made me feel so loved, you made me feel so calm and safe with you, and last but not the least... your arms made me feel at home," Justin said with a shaky voice and breath.

"It is not an exaggeration to say that you are the greatest love of my life, Tristan Lee, my alpha," he continued.

"I, Justin, take you, Tristan, for my lawful husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part," Justin said after him as he looked him in the eye.

After that, the ring bearer, Chester, walked towards them so they could take the rings.

"Do you, Tristan, take this man to be your lawfully wedded wife?" the priest said as he looked at Tristan.

Without hesitating, Tristan immediately responded.

"I do."

"Do you, Justin, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" the priest said as he turned to Justin.

Without second thoughts, Justin responded to him.

"I do."

And with that, the two of them exchanged rings with each other.

"Wear this ring as a sign of my love for you..." Tristan said as he tried to put the ring on Justin's finger.

His hand started trembling that it became harder for him to put the ring on his omega's finger.

Justin giggled softly at Tristan and that was when the alpha became calm again.

The ring slid on his finger and a satisfied smile was pasted on Tristan's lips, finally able to put the ring on Justin's finger.

"Wear this ring as a sign of my love for you," Justin said as he held Tristan's hand and slowly put the ring on his finger.

They exchanged smiles with each other as the priest said some more words after that.

"And with that, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride," the priest said with a smile on his face.

Justin and Tristan looked around and saw the expectant faces of those who attended their wedding.

Hannah and Daryl, who councidentally sat next to each other, were both in tears since Justin and Tristan exchanged their wedding vows.

Carl, who was sitting on Hannah's left side, could only sit there and watch her cry her eyes out while wiping her tears with her boyfriend's handkerchief.

Lucas, who was sitting on Dsryl's right side, could only pat Daryl's back as he cried.

"There, there..." Lucas said as he handed him his handkerchief because Daryl's was already very wet from his tears.

As Justin and Tristan looked at them, they couldn't help but giggle.

As they faced each other, their hearts started thumping so loudly as they prepared for their kiss.

Tristan swallowed hard as he stepped closer to Justin. He gently cupped his cheeks and whispered, "I love you... I love you so much..."

"I love you more..." Justin whispered back with a smile on his face.

Tristan moved his face closer to his and whispered, "No fair... I love you more..."

The alpha's soft plump lips made contact with Justin's, and from that kiss that they shared, they're now finally a wedded couple.


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