Love Letter From The Future

Chapter 243: Rinella’s Destiny is Her Own (36)

Chapter 243: Rinella’s Destiny is Her Own (36)

"The Yurdina family’s knights are known for their fierce temperament."

Despite inviting me to the military post, Seria still felt the need to warn me.

Then, the rhythmic clattering of hooves reached my ears, signaling the approach of horses.

The Yurdina family's soldiers were stationed near the border of the Percus Territory. The distance was too great to travel on foot.

So, Seria and I opted to ride horses, something we hadn't done in a while.

Footwork and riding were areas where I had some proficiency. I took pride in my abilities in the saddle.

Seria, raised in the northern region, renowned for its cavalry, was even more adept at riding than most cavalrymen.

Thanks to that, our conversation flowed smoothly as we rode.

"Northerners have an unyielding sense of pride. They never bow their heads unless they personally acknowledge someone. It doesn't matter if you're noble or commoner... There’s a chance that they'll try to test you, Senior Ian."

"Even if I am their young lady's guest?"

"Yes, actually... I haven't been fully acknowledged by my vassals either."

Seria's bitter smile spoke volumes.

It didn't seem like she was trying to scare me with exaggerations.

Then, the answer was clear.

Her blunt words likely reflected the truth.

Despite being an illegitimate daughter, Seria was still part of the Yurdina bloodline. It was surprising that even she struggled for recognition.

In terms of skill, Seria was certainly not lacking.

In the end, I could only swallow nervously.

The test from the Yurdina family might be more daunting than I had anticipated.

"It might be a bit difficult to gain their full cooperation."

"Yes, maybe... Still, I was thrilled when my sister first assigned me to command the soldiers."

I studied Seria's expression.

Her eyes were dreamy, as if she was recalling a proud and happy moment.

I smiled faintly before asking her again.

"...Is she giving you the opportunity to gain acknowledgement from your vassals?"

“Perhaps so, but it also means my sister trusts me that much.”

Seria's voice overflowed with affection and faith.

It was understandable.

Most nobles who ascended to the head of the family wouldn't share power with their siblings.

Sharing the same bloodline meant having two sides of the same coin.

It could result in either a trustworthy ally or a traitor aiming to usurp the family head's position.

Once the coin was flipped, there was no need to flip it again.

Trustworthy family members could be easily gained, but losing the position as the head of the family was final.

Some lower-ranking nobles did maintain close relationships with their siblings, like the Percus family, which had a harmonious household.

However, this wasn’t the case for high-ranking nobles.

They grew up in an environment fostering competitive relationships with their siblings from birth, as seen in Senior Elsie's household.

Yet, Senior Delphine handed over military authority, the most crucial aspect of power, to Seria.

High-ranking nobles only handed over military authority to their siblings in one instance:

When they had absolute confidence that the other would never betray them.

Take Sir Reynold from the Rinella family.

Despite being Count Rinella’s younger brother, he was entrusted with leading the Mage Corps.

It would’ve been impossible for Sir Reynold, an Archmage who had reached the Sixth Circle to have led the Mage Corps without Count Rinella's initial trust.

The same held true for Seria.

The thousands of soldiers under her command were by no means a small force. Such a transfer of command required more than ordinary trust.

Although Seria once harbored feelings of inferiority towards her sister, her love for her surpassed that.

Therefore, it wouldn’t be strange if she was moved to tears.

"...I will definitely live up to my sister's expectations. I'll also gain acknowledgment from my family's knights."

I could feel Seria's strong determination in her murmuring voice.

Their overflowing sisterly love was heartwarming, yet I couldn't shake off a subtle ominous feeling.

Seria loved her sister deeply.

What would she think of us if she learned about my relationship with Senior Delphine?

The older sister she respected so much was a damsel who kept begging me to spank her.

Just the thought of it was dreadful.

Being called 'Master' by Senior Delphine was already problematic enough, but if Seria were to witness any more intimate scenes, I doubted I could emerge unscathed.

However, there was one question that gnawed at my curiosity.

Who would Seria choose to stab with her sword: me or Senior Delphine?

Seria was devoted to both Senior Delphine and me, trusting and following us implicitly.

While it seemed likely that she might lash out upon discovering our secret, I wasn’t sure whom she would ultimately target.

Nevertheless, the fact that a future where no one would get stabbed was not visible made this situation feel truly bleak.

In the end, one of us—either me or Senior Delphine—would have to bleed.

Lost in such ominous thoughts, I decided to ask Seria, just in case.

"By the way, Seria."


Unaware of my inner turmoil, Seria tilted her head cutely.

Seeing her innocent, rabbit-like demeanor, my heart softened instantly.

Because of that, my true feelings slipped out without thinking.

"There were several incidents involving the Saintess and Senior Elsie last time... Are you okay with that? You used to hate it when someone was sticking close to me, didn’t you?"

This question had been lingering in my mind for a while.

Seria immediately looked astonished and waved her hands frantically.

"Wh-whut... Um, what are you talking about!"

Clearly, she had accidentally bit her tongue once.

It was a sight that I hadn't seen in a long time. I suppressed the laughter that was about to burst out.

I felt as though I could almost see an illusion of steam rising from Seria’s flushed, red face.

"H-how could I ever desire to stay by your side like that, Senior Ian! I-it's a misunderstanding! Misunderstanding!"

"...Well, I see."

Although her statement was hard to believe, I decided to act like I understood for now.

Otherwise, I feared Seria might fall off the horse.

After her fiery speech, Seria finally calmed her heavy breathing with a gasp.

She seemed out of breath from the sudden exertion.

After a while, she managed to settle her breathing.

Once her spirit had dampened, she finally revealed her true feelings.

"...I-it's okay now."

With her face flushed and head lowered, Seria looked incredibly beautiful.

It reminded me of a scene where a cluster of flowers dropped its petals.

Well, it was like that, at least until I heard her cold voice following afterward.

"Because those bitches in heat will stop once I take care of them later...."

I absentmindedly admired her aquamarine eyes that had lost their light, but soon, I averted my gaze in silence.

Her statement reaffirmed my thoughts.

I swore that I would never let Seria catch me having an affair with Senior Delphine.

A bead of sweat trickled down my forehead as I rode on horseback.


As Seria mentioned, the people of the northern region were renowned for their unrestrained temperament.

Of course, they also bore fierce and rugged appearances.

However, they were more similar to straightforward individuals who highly valued loyalty. In that regard, they resembled the people of the Ten Southern Kingdoms.

Those who highly regard martiality always welcome visits from strong individuals

I was no exception to this custom.

As soon as I arrived, there was an immediate commotion at the military post.

Soldiers cast curious glances my way whenever I passed, and even knights acknowledged me with waves and nods.

Fortunately, at least the senior knight temporarily commanding the soldiers maintained an air of dignity.

"Welcome, Young Master. I am Alex, and I am doing my utmost to assist the Yurdina family."

The elderly man in sturdy armor exuded strength and sternness.

At first glance, it seemed like he had never resorted to any underhanded tricks in his entire life.

After acknowledging Seria with a respectful nod, I shook hands with Alex without hesitation.

"It's an honor to meet you..."

Then, I felt a firm, crushing pressure during the handshake.

With him wearing gauntlets, it felt as though my bones might shatter. However, before that could happen, I managed to endure by channeling my mana.

Despite his formidable grip, Sir Alex's expression remained impassive.

Although I felt an urge to draw my hatchet right then, I restrained myself.

Instead, I responded by applying pressure to Sir Alex's hand.

The gauntlet creaked as the metal plates shifted under the strain.


Sir Alex emitted a sound that was somewhere between a groan and a sigh before finally releasing my hand.

He briefly glanced down at his hands and then casually averted his gaze.

The power struggle we had just engaged in seemed to be as routine as a simple greeting.

"...I will guide you to your accommodations. Please follow me."

The situation was so absurd that I couldn’t help but let out a forced laugh.

My gaze naturally shifted towards Seria. She wore a wry smile, as if she had expected this.

"They are quite unique people, aren't they?"

"Very much so."

I had little choice but to follow behind Sir Alex with as much courage as I could muster.

But the ordeal didn't end there.

While exploring the military post alongside Seria, a heavily armored young knight appeared in front of me.

He pounded his chest and shouted,

"It's an honor to meet the rumored hero, Young Master! Would you mind if I test your skills?"

Cheers erupted from the surrounding crowd.

I couldn't tell if he was teasing me or making a genuine request.

Seria managed a strained smile.

Just by looking at her, it might seem like Seria was maintaining her composure, but I knew better.

Had this situation dragged on, we would have seen Seria explode.

The spectacle of her respected senior becoming an object of public amusement seemed to displease her greatly.

A bleak smile flickered on Seria's lips for a split second.

Seeing the shadows vanish from her eyes as she moved her hand toward her waist, I had to act immediately.

With a thud, the young knight's body floated in mid-air.

It was a moment when not only the victim but also the spectators' eyes widened.

A gleaming white light suddenly pierced through the air.

It was a speed that defied reaction. The thrown hatchet immediately converted its momentum into sheer force.

Had he not been wearing armor, the knight would have been struck down and killed instantly instead of merely being sent flying.

As the hatchet rebounded and twirled mid-air, I extended my hand.

The hatchet immediately redirected its course, returning to my grasp.

At the same time, the young knight crumpled to the ground.

A metallic clatter reverberated as fragments of armor scattered.


Seeing the young knight coughing became proof of the impact he had endured.

All eyes now fixated on me.

Seeing their wide-open eyes, I felt a strong urge to curse at them.

Had Seria intervened, the outcome would've been far less peaceful.

There would've been bloodshed, no doubt.

Unaware of my thoughts, Seria just looked at me with glistening eyes.

"W-Wow, that was so impressive, Senior Ian!"

Word soon circulated of a lunatic's arrival at the military post.

Regrettably, the lunatic in question was me, not /genesisforsaken


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