Love Letter From The Future

Chapter 233: Rinella’s Destiny is Her Own (26)

Chapter 233: Rinella’s Destiny is Her Own (26)

The Saintess’ sudden intrusion caught me completely off guard.

I couldn't mask my awkward expression as the tearful Saintess clung to me.

Anyone in my position, with a woman entering their room unannounced, hugging them and sobbing, would be perplexed. Especially when her question was, ‘Have you grown tired of me?’’

It felt like dealing with a clingy ex-lover.

Managing that alone was challenging, but there was an added complication.

It was the sensation of the Saintess's body in my arms.

Her voluptuous form pressed against me, imparting a soft sensation.

Despite my dulled senses from the intoxication of the alcohol, the Saintess's graceful curves stirred my numbed nerves.

It was an undeniably erotic physique.

Internally, I made the cross sign and prayed that my patience would endure this ordeal.

Immanuel, may the Heavenly God grant mercy.

"Saintess, what are you saying? Why would I get tired of you, Saintess?"


The Saintess protested tearfully.

Whether it was the alcohol or genuine emotion, tears streamed more freely from her eyes.

"After the last time you touched my chest... Y-You have been distant! I've been waiting!"

"Wait, what..."

I glanced around the room urgently at the Saintess's revelation.

Since it was my room, there couldn't possibly be anyone else. Though I sighed inwardly with relief, I felt even more bewildered.

What in the world did the Saintess want to say?

However, if I didn't calm her down immediately, there was a risk of her making more dangerous statements. So, I swiftly sought to console her.

"What do you mean, tired of you? How could I ever get tired of you, Saintess? Uh... I mean, your holy power is exceptional."

"Don’t you like my 'Holy Power Pouch'?"

As she said this, the Saintess subtly pushed her breast against me.

Feeling the pleasant firmness against me, I couldn't help but gasp.

"No, why is the conversation heading in this direction!"

"T-Then do you not like it?"

Tears welled up again in the Saintess's light pink eyes as she gazed up at me.

It felt like I was on the brink of madness.

But if the Saintess started crying now, I would be in serious trouble.

A man and a woman alone in a bedroom, with the woman in tears.

Furthermore, the woman was the Saintess of the Church of the Heavenly God.

Not only would my reputation be jeopardized, but the Heretic Inquisition could be invoked if the Saintess wished. The memory of her joking about 'the Heretic Inquisition' suddenly flashed in my mind.

Feeling cornered, I resolved to continue soothing the Saintess.

"No, no! It's fine! I like it. Of course, I like it. Honestly, who would dislike it?"

"... I-is that true?"

Finally, color returned to the Saintess's cheeks.

Seeing the expected reaction, I decided to push it a bit further, spurred on by the intoxicating effects of the alcohol.

"Of course! Otherwise, what's the point of wishing for it, right? You have no idea how much I've longed to touch it... Actually, I still do."

A smile spread across the Saintess's face at my words.

Her glistening eyes hinted that she was somewhat satisfied. In turn, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Dealing with a drunkard was undeniably draining.

Now, all I needed to do was to coax the Saintess enough.

After a few more drinks, she would inevitably pass out like a marionette with its strings cut. Then, I could call Yuren, and he would handle the rest.

However, my hopes were shattered by the Saintess's unexpected actions.

"...Then prove it!"

She didn't even wait for me to ask what.

The Saintess tightly shut her eyes and flung herself onto the bed. With outstretched arms, she beckoned me, saying.

"I-if you like it that much, here, do whatever you want!"

Why was she acting so clingy?

I sighed, running a hand over my face, but I couldn't suppress the subtle impure thoughts that stirred beneath the sigh.

Truth be told, it was tempting.

Who wouldn't be tempted?

She was a woman whose beauty rivaled a masterpiece crafted by the divine. Moreover, her body seemed to embody every fantasy a man could conjure.

From her nape to her chest, waist, hips, thighs, and even her feet – every curve was perfection.

If one were to say it was a body designed to ignite lust, it wouldn't be an exaggeration.

Especially now, with her so drunk.

If I didn't comply with her wishes, she might burst into tears again.

Alright, it was nothing more than a feeble excuse.

However, when dealing with a drunk person, even such a flimsy justification sufficed.

I swiftly placed my hand on the Saintess's delicate wrist as she lay before me. Startled, she drew a sharp breath, but I moved to hover over her.

The sweet scent of her skin teased my senses.

The Saintess's eyes widened, and she gasped. With each breath she took, the aroma of alcohol mingled with her allure.

Her smooth skin lay exposed before me.

Unlike her earlier tears and agitation, the Saintess now seemed incredibly tense, eagerly anticipating the impending encounter.

As if determined not to be outdone, she held her breath.

Merely silencing the Saintess for the moment was insufficient.

So, I whispered into the her ear.

"...Can I really do as I want?"

The woman's eyelashes fluttered like a gentle breeze.

The Saintess couldn't respond immediately.

She only merely moved her lips, flushed with color, in silent thought.

Regardless of the answer she gave, I had no intention of listening to it.

After waiting in silence for the Saintess's decision, she finally exclaimed with her eyes squeezed shut.

"D-do whatever you want!"

I released a heavy sigh.

She was a woman prone to making startling declarations.

It seemed shock therapy might be necessary.

So, I seized the Saintess's ample breast with my hand.

"Huh... uung?"

Just that simple touch caused the Saintess to squirm slightly, emitting a soft moan.

I was actually taken aback by that unexpectedly sensual whimper.

Surprised herself, the Saintess covered her mouth with her remaining hand, avoiding my gaze as she mumbled excuses.

"I-it's because I was surprised... just surprised."

"Shall we continue, then?"

The Saintess offered no verbal response.

She simply nodded shyly.

I felt a faint satisfaction seeing the typically sharp-tongued Saintess become so compliant. So, intentionally, I applied more pressure with my hand.

"Huh, ung... huuh?"

The Saintess's supple flesh yielded and shifted under my touch. The resistance I felt through my hand proved its elasticity.

Each subtle struggle from the Saintess was a tantalizing sight.

Lewd thoughts naturally surfaced in such a situation.

At some point, the Saintess's breathing grew ragged. I wasn't sure, but perhaps I was as well.

I merely pretended not to notice.

Her delicate, pink-tinted eyes gazed up at me.


Her voice trailed off, infused with flattery, as if she were melting away.

Amidst some unknown emotion, the woman's once-stiff demeanor softened under the influence of alcohol, swaying in the moonlight, the heated atmosphere enveloping us.

It was an unmistakable surrender.

Initially, I thought I should restrain myself, but even my resolve began to falter.

The Saintess was undeniably beautiful and alluring.

I hadn't touched her all this time because I regarded her as a fragile flower on the cliff, not because I lacked desire for her.

In fact, I merely ignored it, fearing I might become ensnared if I let my guard down.

Under the influence of alcohol, everything seemed blurred—

Whether it was willpower or self-restraint.

Reasoning and the boundaries between the sexes.

Even the allure of the woman's body.

Once more, the Saintess pleaded.


Once again, I found myself wavering.

Was it really appropriate to do this under the influence of alcohol?

I couldn't even distinguish between desire and impulse.

As I hesitated, the Saintess's eyes, tinged with light pink, betrayed her anxiety

The moment I saw it, there was a pounding emotion in my chest.

After a fleeting pause, our faces drew nearer.

I couldn't even understand the sequence of events, as this was entirely uncharted territory for me.

Driven solely by instinct, our lips met.

It was a tender kiss, accompanied by the heady aroma of liquor, warm and moist.

It was a sensation potent enough to cloud the mind.

The Saintess offered no resistance, displaying a submissive demeanor, yielding to my lead.

Therefore, the weight of responsibility for our actions rested squarely on my shoulders.

Though the Saintess was the temptress, I was the one who made the choice.

Our gazes intertwined without the need for words.

And just as our lips were on the brink of meeting in embrace...


A tearful voice pierced through the haze.

It felt achingly familiar, this trembling tone. Anticipating the impending interruption, I let out a resigned sigh and rose to my feet.

The Saintess's eyes widened in shock as she turned her gaze towards the door of my chamber.

Standing there, with teary eyes, was Senior Elsie.

In that moment, I snapped out of my daze.

Right, what was I trying to do?

The weight of my responsibilities loomed above me.

In my quest to save the world, every moment was fraught with peril, leaving little room for romance.

Yet, I was at a loss for words as Senior Elsie stood there, stunned.

"Um, Senior Elsie? Actually, let me explain..."

Senior Elsie squeezed her eyes shut and turned away, on the verge of fleeing, tears streaming down her cheeks.

In her hand, she held a small flask emitting the sweet scent of honey.

She must have come looking for me, concerned about my hangover.

Feeling sorry, I reached out to stop her, but then I hesitated.

This was the second time Senior Elsie had found me in a strange atmosphere with the Saintess.

As I watched her sobbing, like an abandoned puppy, my earlier heated emotions cooled.

I let out another deep sigh.

The Saintess, perhaps out of bewilderment, remained silent.

"...I will explain it to Senior Elsie. You should rest for now."

While that, I attempted to rise.

But before I could, a determined glint flashed in the Saintess's light pink eyes.

Her legs swiftly encircled my body, a move so fluid I couldn't resist.

Come to think of it, among the Holy Nation’s secret techniques was one involving the use of legs.

Once again, my upper body fell forward, enveloping the Saintess's body.

Caught off guard, I struggled to find words as the Saintess spoke with a seductive smile.

"...Think only of me now; you’re not allowed to think of any other women...."

Her whispered words sent a shiver down my spine.

"Only me. That's what we agreed on, right?"

We had never made such a promise.

Yet, I found myself unable to resist the Saintess's allure.

The situation had already spiraled out of control, adding fuel to the flames of my already blazing desires.

Above all, the way the Saintess said so caught my attention.

I could sense a subtle tremor in her voice that hinted at unease.

Our eyes met once more, and against the backdrop of the moonlight, a tense atmosphere began to take shape.

"...Hey, you wench!"

The abrupt yell shattered the tranquility of the night, reverberating through the manor from the front door.

It was an incredibly loud sound.

At this rate, the noise might even reach the venue where the banquet was being held.

Startled once more, I rose to my feet, and the Saintess mirrored my surprise.

Standing at the doorway was Senior Elsie, brandishing a kitchen knife with an electric charge crackling along its edge.

For a moment, I was dumbfounded. I hadn't anticipated Senior Elsie's return armed with a kitchen knife, especially her use of lightning magic on it.

Nevertheless, she continued to shout with determination.

"W-Won't you back off from my Master??! You big cowtits!"


The Saintess sprung to her feet at the insult, her eyes ablaze with a mix of shame, anger, and irritation.

"A-are you finished now?!”

"Yeah, I'm done! For someone who has nothing but big boobs... how dare you covet my Master?!"

Several thoughts suddenly crossed my mind.

Ah, right, we were all drunk.

Listening to their argument, I stumbled over to the drinks and poured another glass, downing it in one go

Only then did the throbbing in my head begin to dull.

"Ha, cowtits? T-then, what are you? You don’t even have any 'boobs.' Can someone like you seduce Ian?"

"...M-My Master isn’t someone who will get seduced just with that kind of boobs!"

"Pfft, ahaha... But didn't you barge in on Ian and me twice already? Why don't you take a hint and leave the room like last time!"

I let out a deep sigh instead of refilling my glass.

"Both of you, let's stop this... People can hear you."

The murmur of the crowd outside was gradually drawing closer to my bedroom.

I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks with embarrassment.

The incident seemed to be fueling Senior Elsie's increasingly erratic /genesisforsaken


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