Love Letter From The Future

Chapter 230: Rinella’s Destiny is Her Own (23)

Chapter 230: Rinella’s Destiny is Her Own (23)

On that night, a small festival was held at the Percus manor.

The event was more of a 'banquet' than a festival, as it mainly involved serving drinks and food to the guests who came to the manor.

It was a world where even commoners knew how to treat each other respectfully.

For nobles like the Percus family, there was no need to say anything. Bestowing favors upon the leading figures in a noble society was not a rare occurrence.

However, there was a specific reason why tonight's banquet was called a 'festival.'

It was because of the scale of the visitors.

On the day of my return, the people from my hometown who had some connection with me would gather in small groups. The number alone was enough to be called a 'crowd.'

It was all thanks to the Percus family, who frequently mingled with commoners without making any class distinctions.

From Mr. Hans, the blacksmith, to the mischievous Ned and even his younger sister May, all sorts of people came looking for me.

Even though the Percus manor was large, it had its limits.

With dozens to hundreds of people arriving, the manor alone couldn't handle the reception. Therefore, during the whole day of my return, several long tables were set up in the Percus Manor’s courtyard.

With so many people laughing and talking, the lively sound echoed in the courtyard.

It was like a scene reminiscent of a festival.

Just because a son that left home had come back, was such a grand welcoming ceremony necessary?

I often wondered about it every time I returned home, but I wasn't someone who would make a big deal of it; I would rather go along with all of these.

The more people welcomed me, the more my heart swelled. Before I knew it, I was wandering around the courtyard, getting and drinking alcohol.

In the corner of the courtyard, smoke rose constantly.

The smell of delicious meat wafted through the air. Today's menu was a whole pork barbecue, and it seemed that Ria, in charge of the territory's finances, must have went all out on expenses.

Perhaps that showed how confident she was about extorting the amount of money from the Imperial Princess.

I ruffled the hair of the boy next to me, who was hastily eating pork.

At first glance, he looked like a mischievous little kid. His name was 'Ned,' and next to him was a girl with a tense expression.

The girl's name was 'May.' She was Ned's younger sister, but their personalities were completely the opposite.

While Ned was lively and mischievous, May was quiet and timid.

So, Ned often said he had to look out for his younger sister.

Since they became orphans during their childhood, my father, feeling sorry for them, hired Ned as an errand boy for the manor.

Even then, Ned energetically raised and fed his younger sister.

I wondered what had happened since I left, but they seemed healthy every time I saw them. I asked Ned with a playful voice.

"Ned, are you still practicing?"

"O-of course, Great Master!"

After swallowing the pork he was eating, Ned jumped up and boasted to me.

Normally, Ned would always use the honorific 'Young Master' to address me. However, when talking about training, he turned into a different person.

He often said he wanted to become a knight to protect his younger sister.

Also, since I was the person closest to a knight in the Percus territory, it was inevitable that he would regard me as a 'Master’ and show admiration.

I actually watched his training a few times.

Fortunately, he still seemed to be continuing it.

Internally, I thought it commendable, but outwardly, I had to maintain a somewhat indifferent expression.

Once you slacked in your training, everything was over for you.

Even when you're exhausted, struggling, and feel like you might die, or when you're so sick of it that you never want to see it again, the path always lies just beyond where you have collapsed.

I didn't hold back on giving advice to ensure Ned didn't slack off.

"Ned, you know, right? Except for injuries, there's no reason to take a break from training. And a great knight..."

"Doesn't tell lies, right?"

Since it was a phrase I had mentioned several times before, Ned immediately predicted my next words.

I affectionately ruffled his hair again to praise him.

Ned giggled and burst into laughter.

"I trust you now! You know, I have heard about your recent performance, Young Master!"

The outburst made the surrounding area quiet.

Dozens of pairs of eyes turned towards me at once. May, clinging to Ned's side, flinched and trembled.

It was because so many people's attention was focused on us.

However, Ned, whose lack of tact was both his advantage and disadvantage, nonchalantly asked me without caring much.

"Are the rumors true?! That, that... you defeated a horned monster at a hunting festival attended by many nobles, conquered an evil Demonic Human tormenting children! Also, you rescued the Imperial Princess, who was threatened by the villain from the Dark Order! Ugh...!"

From what I heard, it seemed like Ned was so excited about it.

He spoke as if referring to characters from a heroic tale, not ordinary knights.

However, behind those splendid records, there were invisible bloodstains left for no one to see.

I didn't have much time left for another chance.

The holy relic received as a reward from the Imperial Family was my last hope.

After that, even if I sold the entire Percus territory, I wouldn't be able to save my life. What kind of reaction would Ned show if I told him such things?

Of course, I never said such words.

Ned was still at an age where he could dream a little more.

As always, I put on a vague smile.

"Well, what do you think is the truth?"

Surprisingly, the answer came from elsewhere.

It was Senior Elsie, who had come running with quick steps, stood right in front of me and straightened her shoulders.

She acted in a very pompous manner. Perhaps even if she received such praise herself, she wouldn't be this delighted.

There was a slight sense of unease in my eyes. Senior Elsie's words felt more threatening than a time bomb.

Especially in terms of social reputation.

Although Senior Elsie's declaration of 'master' hadn't reached this countryside area yet, if such a situation were to repeat, it would be a big problem.

I wanted to avoid being called trash, especially in my hometown, where my family was staying.

Whether or not Senior Elsie knew my feelings, she triumphantly placed her hands on my waist.

"Master... no, I mean, Sir Ian accomplished something remarkable. Had perhaps even the Emperor himself bestowed a holy relic on him? Especially Gilford, that stupid old man who...!"

Senior Elsie's usually outstanding eloquence came to a halt.

It was because she realized the atmosphere around us suddenly chilled.

It might be understandable for those who first encountered her bold speech with her doll-like appearance. Honestly, I felt the same way when I first met her.

However, the reason Senior Elsie faltered was because my father looked at her with surprised eyes.

After clearing her throat a few times, she continued with a more modest tone.

“That elderly bastard! Even death is too kind for him. When he backstabbed us... Ah, no, I mean, when he betrayed us, Sir Ian alone went to rip off that monkey basta— I mean monkey cub’s head! And he even smashed… I mean, he completely disposed of that worthless skull without leaving even a trace of a corpse, showing such brutality!"

No matter how I thought about it, 'the brutality' didn't sound like a compliment, but I intentionally chose not to point it out.

Since the audience’s eyes were twinkling with excitement, I had to go along with it.

I sighed deeply and shook my head in resignation. Despite my reaction, Senior Elsie ignored it and embraced my arm.

Like a pet showing affection to its owner, she nuzzled her head against me.

Senior Elsie's soft cheek felt nice.

Sweet words flowed from her lips.

"I-indeed, my master is... so cool..."

It seemed that the act of me smashing the corpse’s head had left a deep impression on Senior Elsie.

Her abstruse sensibility was still hard to comprehend.

However, as Senior Elsie clung to me, I felt a cold gaze from somewhere.

There, a tall, middle-aged man stared at me with folded arms.

It was Sir Reynold.

Only then did I realize that this was a banquet with over fifty spectators.

Lately, I hadn't noticed Senior Elsie so actively sticking to me. However, considering the appropriate distance for noblemen and women of that time, it seemed inappropriate.

It wouldn't be strange if someone mistook us for lovers.

Indeed, the gazes from the people in my hometown, who had been murmuring, had become even more peculiar.

Surprised, as I was about to distance myself from Senior Elsie, a shovel came between us.

Senior Elsie and I distanced ourselves instinctively. Her bewildered gaze was fixed on the woman holding the shovel.

Ria stood there with a charming smile.

"...Lady Rinella, neither of you has reached a point where marriage has been formally discussed. No matter how special your relationship is, please exercise restraint in such places."

Senior Elsie's gaze became intense.

If it were according to Senior Elsie's temperament, it wouldn't have been strange for her to burst into tears while unleashing all sorts of curses. However, she had just taken notice of me before.

That was the end of it.

After hesitating for a moment, Senior Elsie turned around with a sulky expression.

"Uh, well... ah, all right."

Senior Elsie's dejectedly turning away made her back figure particularly pitiful.

Having briefly felt sorry for Senior Elsie, I glanced at Ria.

Ria only snorted coldly.

I couldn't help but ask her, dumbfounded.

"...Why are you carrying a shovel again?"

“Well, because they say they need a pit to put charcoal firewood in. Did you think roasting a pig is an everyday thing?”

I was about to scold her, suggesting that such a task could be assigned to the laborers who do miscellaneous tasks. However, I quickly shook my head.

Because I knew that digging was Ria's only way to relieve her mental fatigue.

Ria let out a deep sigh and wiped the sweat with her sleeve.

Glistening with moisture, the damp hair revealed an alluring beauty. If only I could present her out to the world, there would be a line of eager men ready to claim her, but the problem lay in her personality.

And Ria started flaunting that temperamental side today as well.

"Ned, don't get your hopes up too much. Rumors often contain exaggerations."

At Ria's dissuasion, Ned jumped as if to deny it.

There was a desperate desire not to lose the hero of his childhood, which was evident in his eyes.

"...But, that noble young lady just now clearly said so!"

"Do you believe those words? Lady Rinella has a close relationship with my brother. She also just came down to visit her friend's hometown, so she might be biased."

While saying this, Ria swept her rebellious hair under her ear with a mischievous expression.

"Logically, it doesn't make sense. My brother was just an academy mid-ranker until recently. How could someone like him make explosive progress on the continent in just a few months? Fufu..."

Laughing sarcastically, Ria suddenly let out a shout.

"...Don't be ridiculous!"

With her golden eyes glaring fiercely at me, I sighed and avoided her gaze.

Another round of nagging began.

Perhaps I couldn't make time for just the two of us this afternoon, so her anger wasn't completely vented.

"It's dangerous, you know! It doesn't make sense. Demonic Human and the Dark Order, you say... all those were only monsters from myths! B-but why does my brother have to be involved in such things?"

However, Ned seemed unwilling to back down.

The little guy stammered, presenting a lame excuse.

"B-but it might be real! Young Master had been training so diligently for a long time..."

"...Huff, Ned."

It was a regretful voice.

With a twisted smile, Ria delivered the final blow to Ned.

"It's unfortunate, but there are walls that can't be overcome by effort alone... And my brother is not so exceptionally talented. Do you understand now? No matter how much effort you put in for a hundred or a thousand days, reaching the level of an 'expert' is an extremely challenging feat!"

Ned collapsed, unable to refute those words.

With a satisfied smile, Ria glared at me and spoke.

"Do you understand, Oppa? Don't involve yourself in unnecessary dangers from now on. Stick to our place and live a simple life..."

However, Ria's voice gradually trailed off.

The clattering sound of horseshoes echoed through the Percus manor's courtyard.

At first, it was faint, but the sound became clearer. Everyone could see that a new guest had arrived.

However, the banquet started a while ago.

No one could think of anyone who hadn't yet come. Ria and I turned our gazes towards the source at the same time.

In that place, an unidentified figure wearing a hood deeply pulled down was approaching on horseback.

A sharp metallic sound resonated with every move, revealing the person’s armored state.

It was at least a knight.

Several gazes met in mid-air in the stillness that settled over the courtyard.

Me, Celine, Senior Elsie, the Saintess, and even Seria.

No one could guess where he came from.

Sir Reynold also showed no reaction. Instead, he silently observed me as if to say he would wait and see how I would handle the situation.

The horse stopped in front of the manor.

It was clear the rider had come here on purpose.

The people from the countryside, unaccustomed to seeing knights, showed a somewhat uneasy demeanor. However, I would have probably felt the same way when I saw someone like that hooded knight.

The moment I took a step, with my hands on my waist…

A deep blue streak split the world like the Milky Way.

There was no time to react. The strike that appeared so unexpectedly crashed like an illusion. However, the aftermath was evident.

A blast of wind blew through, shaking the surroundings.

Some people screamed and flopped down. It exploded, tearing apart the ground marked by rows. I gritted my teeth as the sound of the wind, mixed with dust, echoed around me.

Was it the Dark Order?

The opponent was undoubtedly an Expert. Otherwise, that knight couldn’t have displayed such divine prowess.

In that moment when I had steeled myself, gritting my teeth and drawing my sword...


Along with the cheerful voice, the hood was removed.

An incredibly beautiful woman appeared from within. The previously obscured view felt somewhat brighter at once.

The female knight with impressive beauty and blue hair approached me with excitement.

"A-as you said, it worked! I think I understand the technique you taught me, if not perfectly!"

I was left speechless.

The knight who was now holding my hands with both of hers, expressing continuous gratitude, looked familiar. It didn't take long for me to recall her name.

She was a daughter of the Lupermion family who used to escort the Imperial Princess.

Perhaps only now did she realize that the atmosphere had become strange. She was taken aback and took a few hesitant steps backwards.

Then, she cleared her throat and bowed politely.

"...I am Irene Lupermion from the Imperial Guard. I apologize for causing a disturbance during your enjoyment."

The unfolding events coming one after the other left not just me but everyone speechless as well.

Even the usually proud Ria had a bewitched expression as she stared at Dame Irene.

Irene Lupermion, a member of the Imperial Guard.

Her initial nonchalant demeanor clearly indicated that she had reached extraordinary levels. Not to mention that she was a member of the renowned Imperial Guard.

And, above all, her surname ‘Lupermion.'

"The Blue Wolf of the East..."

The nickname someone muttered was, in fact, a representation of one of the five major noble families of the Empire.

The Lupermion was guarding the eastern part of the Empire.

Unexpectedly, one of the family members greeted me as ‘Teacher’ and respectfully introduced herself.

It was not something many could accept as a reality immediately.

It was obviously the case for Ria and Ned, and moreover for me as well.

Sensing the unfavorable atmosphere, Dame Irene looked visibly flustered. After hesitating for a while, she abruptly bowed her head to the ground.

"A-as you said, I have arrived! Teacher!"

It was a moment in this small countryside territory where a force beyond imagination had /genesisforsaken


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