Love Letter From The Future

Chapter 225: Rinella’s Destiny is Her Own (18)

Chapter 225: Rinella’s Destiny is Her Own (18)

The initial meeting always carried a palpable awkwardness, casting a shadow over the group's atmosphere.

Particularly, the Saintess, Senior Elsie, and Seria struggled to adapt themselves to Percus Manor, their expressions subtly tense.

In contrast, Ian, Leto, and Celine were the only ones with calm expressions.

It was unsurprising for Ian, who was returning to his family home after a long time, and Leto and Celine, who were intimately familiar with the surroundings from childhood.

It would have been stranger if they had been uncomfortable.

Seeing Ria refrain from immediate criticism, contrary to Ian's concerns, brightened him up even more.

After exchanging brief greetings, Ria led the group forward, her tone polite.

"Fortunately, there are some rooms available in the manor, and I sincerely hope you would consider staying here. Of course, it may not compare to where the esteemed guests have been staying, but..."

"It's okay, Sister."

The Saintess, as always, spoke with her customary benevolent voice.

Ria's golden gaze briefly flickered toward the Saintess.

"I have also assisted Brother Ian and stayed at an orphanage. Originally, I did not come from such a noble family. So, there is no need to worry too much."

Hearing that, Ria responded with a slight smile.

"...I see."

Observing Ria's reaction, the Saintess smiled contentedly, subtly casting a glance at Ian, as if trying to brag about her social skills.

Ian erupted into laughter, as though saying, ‘She wouldn't be my sister if it ended just like this.’

"However, there is one concern that weighs on my mind. Ideally, as a Saintess, you should stay in the temple... However, I was afraid the old temple might be uncomfortable. Perhaps the Percus family was overly ambitious."


Ria's smoothly delivered words caught the Saintess off guard.

The Saintess, not one to overlook underlying intentions, was someone who had honed her instincts through a life entangled in political intricacies and constant diplomatic maneuvering.

The source of the Saintess's confusion lay in her inability to comprehend why Ria was unexpectedly trying to keep her in check.

Ria Percus was a merchant.

And for a merchant, one of the most valuable assets was connections. Holding the highest position in the Holy Nation, the Saintess was a commodity that no merchant could afford to overlook.

Even establishing a slight bond could yield enormous profits.

Having dealt with numerous merchants before, the Saintess had anticipated something similar from Ria. Moreover, Ria had treated the group with utmost politeness.

However, Ria's current demeanor was different.

Unexpectedly, Ria seemed hostile towards the Saintess.

The Saintess, who had been considering how to appear more favorable to Ian's younger sister, found herself feeling unjustifiably upset.

"If that’s the case, perhaps it would be unnecessary to arrange accommodations for the Saintess, as it might hinder her charity work. Later, I can escort you to the temple separately..."


While the Saintess was lost in thought, Ian sighed and had to step in to end the conversation.

Ria's chilly gaze shifted towards Ian.

He wore a wry smile and shook his head.

"They are my guests."


She responded with a somewhat insolent attitude towards someone she should not disrespect, like her esteemed brother.

She just scoffed once.

However, to the surprise of everyone present, Ria complied with Ian's words without protest.

"Then, Saintess, you can stay in this room. And next..."

As Ria politely guided the group through the manor, Elsie walked uneasily, tightly clutching Ian's sleeve.

Her footsteps were unusually rigid.

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say it was probably the most tense moment in her life.

Elsie, with a bewildered expression, held onto Ian's sleeve tightly.


"Senior Elsie, please, don't use that title."

Ian spoke solemnly, but Elsie's whispers sounded unusually nervous.

Elsie took a few deep breaths, trying to calm her racing heart.

"W-What should I do? Master, what if your family doesn't like me?!"

"Would there be such occas—?"

Ian wanted to reassure Elsie, but his words trailed off in uncertainty.

To be honest, he wasn't entirely sure either.

A daughter from a noble family declaring herself as a pet?

This was not simply a matter of preferences; it was a question of how to accept such a presence. Ian's awkward expression only served to heighten Elsie's anxiety, causing her to breathe even more heavily.

On the other hand, Seria, who had heard many stories from Celine beforehand, appeared somewhat dumbfounded.

"Senior Ian, is she... your sister?"

"Yeah, my younger sister. She is two years younger than you guys."

Meaning she would come of age next year.

Despite Ian's answer, Seria's voice held a hint of skepticism as she whispered.

"B-But... compared to what I heard from Ms. Haster…she seems too..."

"Polite, right? She has proper manners, too. "

Thinking it might be somewhat impolite to ask further, Seria's complexion shifted slightly. After hesitating for a moment, the girl nodded.

Ian stifled a bitter laugh.

"Just wait and see. That's how she usually is with others."

It didn't take long for the somewhat short but seemingly endless manor tour to conclude.

"...Finally, this is the room I'm staying in. If there's anything uncomfortable, please call for a servant anytime."

Ria's demeanor remained calm as she concluded her words.

It was a flawless tour guide performance.

Occasionally, she subtly emphasized certain points in peculiar places. However, with proper etiquette, she confidently omitted unnecessary explanations about the manor's layout to ensure clarity.

However, Seria noticed a glaring omission in her explanation, prompting her to tilt her head in confusion.

"Uhm, Ms. Percus?"

"Yes, Lady Yurdina."

If it were an academy, they might converse on equal terms, but this was not an academy.

Naturally, being one of the Empire's five major noble families, Yurdina deserved even greater treatment. This understanding led to the differentiated use of ‘Ms.’ and 'Lady' as honorifics.

"It seems like you haven't introduced Senior Ian's room to us."

Their motives aligning for once, this question prompted nods from both the Saintess and Elsie.

This unusual agreement stemmed solely from their shared desire to spend time with Ian; not knowing the location of his room would indeed put them in a difficult situation.

Each woman harbored her own reasons for seeking this information.

Ria paused, as if pondering Seria's question, before emitting a shallow sigh.


She chimed, flashing a charming smile.

"I moved Orabeoni’s room a little while ago."

"...What? That's news to me.”

"I'll guide you to that place now."

Although Ian responded dumbfoundedly, Ria was unfazed by his reaction.

The group exchanged puzzled glances but had little choice but to follow Ria's lead once again.

Only Ian displayed a reaction that seemed to say, 'Here we go again.'

The initial atmosphere of curiosity within the group swiftly shifted.

Ria not only descended to the manor’s lobby but also led them outside, further heightening their uncertainty.

Their confusion was so evident, that one could see question marks hovering over their heads.

Despite their doubts, Ria's confidence remained unshaken, leaving the group no option but to follow her lead.

Upon arriving in the backyard, they were greeted by a sizable pit.

Judging by the amount of scattered soil, it seemed to have been made recently. Ria, with a shovel in her hand, plunged the blade into the ground with practiced ease.

With a broad smile, she announced.

"Here, this is the new room for you, Oppa."

The group was left dumbfounded by her cheerful voice.

Ian, Celine, and Leto exchanged resigned sighs, the atmosphere now devoid of any semblance of courtesy.

Ria pointed directly into the pit, prompting Ian to cup his face and request her to spare him the embarrassment.

"Ria, please... not in front of the guests..."

"...In front of the guests?"

Ria's smile faltered at Ian's words.

Her lips trembled slightly as she retorted.

"Oppa, do you realize the trouble I've had to endure because of you? Do you want me to read aloud the conquests inflicted upon me by the Imperial Treasury Department?"

"The thing is that... Ria."

Ian let out a deep sigh.

"I'm sorry. But there’s really no other way..."

"Don't be ridiculous," Ria snapped, her smile vanishing as she tightened her grip on the shovel handle.

With a resounding thud, the shovel blade pierced the ground once more, sending a spray of soil into the air.

Ria's trembling escalated into a full-blown scream as her fiery gaze pierced the air with unbridled fury.

Her blazing golden eyes shot a glare into the air.

Following that, a sobbing scream erupted.

"...I-I said don't be absurd!"

Without hesitation, Ria rushed toward Ian.

As if this were a familiar scene, Ria's hand gripped Ian's hair, and amidst the bewildered group, she shed a few tears, pulling at his hair erratically.

"D-do you know how many years I have worked tirelessly to build this trading company? And now it's bankrupt! H-how will you take responsibility for that... my three years! I stayed up every night to nurture this business! All for you, Oppa!"

In Ria's current state as she pulled on Ian's hair and whined, there was no trace of her previous grace.

Tears glistened in her usually cold, golden eyes.

Even Ian appeared accustomed to his younger sister's hair-pulling antics in such situations.

He winced in pain and attempted to justify himself.

"W-what else could I do! If not, the world would be doomed...."

"What kind of nonsense is that!"

However, Ria's following scream cut Ian off.

Soon, dizziness overcame Ria, a clear indication of her heightened emotions.

The group watched, perplexed, as Ria's demeanor shifted drastically.

It felt like witnessing a complete personality change.

"World would be doomed?! Why should someone like Oppa get involved in such things? It's dangerous, you know! D-do you really want to get scolded?! Also, h-how will you take responsibility for my trading company...!!!"

Eventually, tears streamed down Ria's cheeks.

"Take responsibility for my life! You have to feed me for the rest of my life! Ta-take responsibility for my life!"

As the two siblings argued, the group exchanged blank gazes, turning to Leto and Celine for insight.

Celine had already averted her eyes, visibly uncomfortable, while Leto merely shrugged with a faint smile.

"They are always acting like this."

Meanwhile, Leto's gaze shifted between the deeply dug pit and Ian, whose hair was being yanked.

"...Perhaps it's because... um... she cares for her brother deeply?"

It was truly a bewildering statement.


In the end, my salvation from my sister’s grasp came much later.

Thankfully, I could reinforce my pores with mana, ensuring that the number of torn hair strands was insignificant. I found solace in this fact as I sat in the cluttered reception room.

Meanwhile, Ria sniffled while dabbing her eyes with a handkerchief.

Actually, the situation shouldn’t have warranted such sadness, but it seemed to have been her strategy to evoke my sympathy. After all, Ria had always followed me around since childhood.

I couldn’t feign ignorance of her underlying motive. Yet, as an older brother, there were times when I had to give in.

As I sat there absentmindedly, I noticed Senior Elsie casting tearful glances at me from the adjacent seat.

"A-a-are you o-okay..."

"...He’s okay."

Surprisingly, the response came from elsewhere.

Once her tears subsided, Ria regained her composure.

"I know everything about my brother, you know. So, I know there's no issue with him. I've done this a few times before. That’s why I know."

"...Is that something to brag about?"

I slouched into the backrest, timidly expressing my rebellion. Thankfully, after a casual attempt to tidy my hair, I appeared presentable enough.

As the situation began to calm, I couldn't ignore the lingering question on my mind.

"Ria, where did our parents and Hyung-nim go?"

Ria responded with a puzzled glare, questioning the relevance of my inquiry. So, with an even greater sense of bewilderment, I pressed on.

"Guests have arrived, yet the head and heir are nowhere to be seen. It's strange, isn't it? Why are you the only one in the manor?"

"...You didn’t hear?"

Ria furrowed her brow, casting alternating glances between me and Senior Elsie.

In that moment, a sinking feeling settled in my chest.

It was a kind of intuition.

Senior Elsie, too, regarded Ria with a mixture of doubt and apprehension.

In a somewhat perplexed tone, Ria explained,

"The Rinella family's mage corps is supposed to arrive today. So, they went to greet them. It's a formal exchange between families... Didn't Oppa call them?"

Did she think I would do something like that?

At that moment, Senior Elsie and I were practically in a state of retreat.

I immediately slapped my forehead with the palm of my hand in frustration.

The connection with the Rinella family seemed to persist even within the Percus /genesisforsaken


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