Love History Caused By Willful Negligence

Vol. 1 Chapter 66: Chapter 66

Vol. 1 Chapter 66: Chapter 66

Translated by Naralara

Edited by Naralara

Shall we go see a movie?

He couldn’t quite understand how those words could come out at that time.?He was so confused that he seemed to have heard nonsense, and as Choi Inseop was about to shake off his thoughts, Lee Wooyeon abruptly spoke again.

‘Shall we go tonight??What time does the schedule end?’

Inseop was perplexed, but calmly informed him of the end of the schedule and asked where he wanted to go.?Then, Lee Wooyeon replied, “I should go see a movie.” In the end, Lee Wooyeon made a movie reservation through his cell phone.

“…?…?Are you okay?”

Inseop asked Lee Wooyeon as he stopped the car.?Even though he wore a baseball cap and glasses, anyone could recognize him at a glance because of his natural appearance.

“It’s a weekday in the middle of the night, so it won’t be very crowded.”

“…?…?.?There will be plenty, though.”

“It doesn’t matter. It’s not like I’m going to commit a crime..”


Inseop couldn’t answer that because it seemed like he was committing a crime.

“But is it really okay to park here?”

“It can’t be help.?The underground parking lot is being painted.”

He had to park the car in a nearby street parking lot because it was under construction today.?Inseop always preferred the underground parking lot because the parking lot above? attracted people’s attention even if they parked in a corner.?Besides, Lee Wooyeons car he was currently driving in wasn’t a common car model, so it drew more people’s attention.?Luckily it wasn’t a van because a van was a clear pointer that said, “There is a celebrity in here,” so that was not good..

Inseop parked the car in the far corner and got out of the car.?Lee Wooyeon, who followed, put a cigarette in his mouth and lit it.?After begging Inseop for his understanding, he slowly inhaled the cigarette smoke and exhaled it.?Even though it was a natural action like flowing water, his eyes went straight to his eyes.?Every time Lee Wooyeon pursed his lips and sucked the cigarette filter, the cigarette burned.

Cigarette smoke scattered into the air blurred Lee Wooyeon’s surroundings.?In the midst of it, Lee Wooyeon’s presence stood out clearly.

In-eop deliberately turned his head to the other side and waited until he finished smoking.

“I’m done. Let’s go.”

Lee Wooyeon threw the cigarette into the trash can.?Choi Inseop walked about a meter away from Lee Wooyeon.?It was a decent distance.?If he was too far away, he’ll notice he was conscious, and if he got too close he’d hear his heart pound.

As he walked down the underground street connected to the movie theater, Inseop deliberately tried not to look at Lee Wooyeon.?All the shops were closed and few people were walking on the street.?However, everyone passing by Lee Wo-yeon stopped and turned their heads to look at him.

“It’s been a long time.?Watching movie like this and not like a movie premier.”

“…?…?That’s right.”

“Would you like some popcorn?”

“Yeah, if it’s okay with you…?…?.”

Upon arriving in front of the theater, Lee Wooyeon took out his wallet in front of the canteen.?Choi Inseop said he’ll pay, but to no avail.?Lee Wooyeon also paid for the movie tickets, so Inseop felt very uncomfortable.

The theater part-timer who recognized Lee Wooyeon asked twice if he was really Lee Wooyeon in a surprised voice, and then gave him popcorn and a Coke. He asked for an autograph, but Lee Wooyeon refused because there was not much time left for the movie.

Lee Wooyeon said as he handed the popcorn to Inseop.

“You wanted to pay for popcorn, right?”


“Mr. Inseop.?Do you know how much income I earn a year?”

“I know the rough amount”

“So you want to pay for the popcorn even though you know it?”

Lee Wooyeon asked playfully while eating the popcorn that Inseop was holding.

…?he looks like a normal human being.

Inseop sighed and answered.

“Anyway, money is all the same.?The money of rich people does not mean that it is not valuable.”

“Say that to the people who tax my income.”

“It’s about consulting with a tax accountant…”

“Ha ha ha ha ha.”

Lee Wooyeon smiled cheerfully and handed out a ticket to the ticketing staff.?Again, the staff recognized him and greeted him.?Lee Wooyeon bowed his head slightly and said to Inseop.

“Come quickly.?It’s time for the movie to start.”

Inseop took the popcorn and followed Lee Wooyeon into the cinema.?It was still advertising, so it was bright enough to see the inside of the movie theater.

“…?…?Is there no one there?”

“There can be no one coming to see a movie like this at this hour.?Sit anywhere.”

Lee Wooyeon took a seat in the middle without even thinking about checking the seat number.?Inseop hesitated for a moment and then sat down next to him.?He didn’t even take off his coat, thinking that if the owner of the seat appeared, he would always have to get out of the way.

“No one will come.”


“I booked the whole thing.”

“…?then let me pay for the popcorn.”

When Inseop pulled out his wallet from his pocket, Lee Wooyeon burst into laughter.

“I’m just joking.?There is a couple coming in.”

Inseop showed a more relieved expression when he saw the other person.

“Are you afraid I’ll do something strange at the cinema?”


“How do you look at people??Oh, it’s starting.”

Lee Wooyeon leaned against the chair.?When the lights in the theater went out, Inseop took off the coat he was wearing.?When he put his clothes on the seat next to him and straightened his head, Inseop stiffened on the spot.

“…?…?This movie, …?…?Is it a horror movie?”


Lee Wooyeon replied refreshingly.

“Why…?…?.?…?…?Is this?”

“I think the time is right and there will be no one there.”

It was a late-night movie, so he booked it and wondered if anyone else would come to see a trashy horror movie.?Of course, he also thought about whether he should make Choi Inseop suck his dick if no one was there.

But above all.


Even though nothing had come out yet, Inseop was terrified and shuddered.?On the screen, the character was just walking down the hallway.

Lee Wooyeon smiled and ate the popcorn.?To him, the highlight was not the third-class horror movie.?Choi Inseop closed his eyes in a panic whenever something appeared on the screen.?However, as soon as there was a sound, he slowly opened his closed eyes, wondering if it was even more frightening.?But that didn’t last long.


Finally, the first character died.?Lee Wooyeon, who did not feel fear in the first place, looked at the screen with a blank face.?Choi Inseop, who was next to him, had a tired face like a person hanging upside down from a cliff.

“Is it scary?”


“Ah, over there, ghost.”

Lee Wooyeon pointed his finger at the corner of the screen.?When something suddenly popped out and attacked the character, Inseop threw the popcorn he was holding and bowed his head to the side.

Inseop’s trembling forehead touched Lee Wooyeon’s shoulder.?Lee Wooyeon’s smile was lifted.?He looked down at Inseop.?Even in the dark theater, he could see Inseop’s big eyes moving slowly.

Blood splattered on the screen and screams echoed again.


Inseop buried his head on Lee Wooyeon’s shoulder again.?With the other hand, he even grabbed Lee Wooyeon’s arm tightly.?It was something that Inseop would never do.?Lee Wooyeon wiped Inseop’s cheek with his finger.

Inseop, who was trembling with fear, was even more frightened and screamed at his sudden hand.?The couples sitting in the corner were already entangled like one body, so they didn’t even pay attention to them.

“Is it scary?”

When Lee Wooyeon asked, this time Inseop immediately nodded.?With eyes that look like they were about to cry.

On Inseop’s clothes, the popcorn he threw in surprise was scattered.?Inseop, who usually pretended to be an adult, threw that image away altogether.


Inseop looked at the screen again and buried his head.?Lee Wooyeon patted Inseop’s head with his hand.?Soft.?Choi Inseop’s hair and the skin on the back of his neck.

“Can I hold your hand?”

Lee Wooyeon held out his hand.


Meanwhile, Inseop hesitated for a moment.?But in the next scene, when a ghost came out and dragged the woman’s leg down the stairs, Inseop grabbed Lee Wooyeon’s hand.?Lee Wooyeon swallowed a laugh at the quick change.

Inseop’s hands were all wet with sweat.?Whenever a scary scene appeared, Inseop grabbed Lee Wooyeon’s hand as hard as he could.

It was an insignificant force.?When he clung to him with that, it felt strangely good.?It would be okay if he grabbed it a little harder.

Lee Wooyeon leaned on the chair and turned his head to look at Inseop.?A faint light from the screen followed Inseop’s face line, creating a dim figure.?Lee Wooyeon’s gaze moved along the faint light.

His gaze stopped at the small lips.?Feeling thirsty, Lee Wooyeon picked up a Coke.?Even though he put ice in his mouth and bit it, the thirst that tightened in his throat did not go away.?Choi Inseop gasped and hung on Lee Wooyeon’s shoulder.?If left as he was, he was going to hang around the neck.

“It’s okay.?It’s just a movie.”

Lee Wooyeon patted Inseop’s back and said.?Inseop gave strength to the hand that was holding Lee Wooyeon.?Each time the power to hold him back increased, Lee Wooyeon’s laughter grew stronger.

Throughout the movie, Inseop stayed close to Lee Wooyeon and held his hand.?The content of the movie was pathetic enough to bring tears to his eyes, but Lee Wooyeon had a very satisfying time.

The ending credits went up and the last OST of the movie came out.?In the meantime, Choi Inseop was exhausted like a person who swam alone in the Pacific Ocean.?The couple, who had been clinging to each other throughout the entire movie in front of them, went out before the lights were turned on.

“How was it??Was it fun?”

“…?…?Do you like this… I did not know.”

Lee Wooyeon looked down at Inseop’s hand holding him and smiled lightly.

“I know, right.?I didn’t even know I had this kind of taste.”

“…?…?.?…?…?I see.”

He couldn’t be truly angry with the person who paid and showed him the movie, and he didn’t have the strength left to do so.?His head was dizzy, his stomach was pounding, his hands were sweating…?…?.


Inseop was surprised to find that he was holding Lee Wooyeon’s hand and shook it off.

“Sorry, I’m sorry.?I’m out of my mind…?…?.?…?…?I guess I’m going crazy.”

As Inseop’s hand fell off, the warmth quickly cooled.?Lee Wooyeon looked down at his hand for a moment and then nodded to Inseop to leave.

Choi Inseop picked up the robe that was hanging on the seat next to him.?As he was about to stand up, he grabbed the handle of the theater chair and fell back down.?The whole time he was watching the movie, he was giving his body strength, so his strength was gone.

“Want to see it one more time??After this, it won’t be showing any more.”


“Is it because your legs are getting weak?”


Lee Wooyeon reached out to Inseop.

“I’ll hold you.”

“I’m fine.?Wait a minute, …?…?!”

He was going to tell him that he’ll be fine if he waited a minute.?If Lee Wooyeon hadn’t snatched his hand.

Before, he caught anything because he didn’t want to die in a crazy state but it was completely different now.?It felt like his hand was on fire.?Choi Inseop, led by Lee Wooyeon’s hand, went down the stairs of the theater, and was confused and did not know what to do.

“It’s okay, it’s okay.?It’s fine now.”

“You’re okay??If I let go now, even if you ask me to hold you next time, I won’t hold you.”

“…?…?I’m fine.”

Inseop thought that if Lee Wooyeon asked to go see a movie, he would refuse for whatever reason in the future.?Lee Wooyeon said yes then, and gently let go of his hand.?When the two came out of the theater, part-timers who had heard the news flocked to them.

“Can’t you sign it?”

“Please let’s take one picture together.”

It was the women who spoke to Lee Wooyeon.?Inseop took a step back from Lee Wooyeon.?Usually, he took on the role of stopping the fans from rushing towards Lee Wooyeon, but in this case, it was better to let Lee Wooyeon do what he did.

“I’ll sign it for you.”

Lee Wooyeon took the pen and signed it.?If nothing else was done, he would rather sign autographs.

“Can’t we take a picture together?”

In this case, Inseop had to step in.?He apologized to the crowd of part-timers, apologized, and said that he had to stop.

“I’m sorry.?I’ll see you again next time I have a chance.”

When Lee Wooyeon said goodbye, the female part-timers with regretful faces said, “I’m your fan, I’ll support you, I love you,” etc.

Because it was late, there were no people in the passage leading out.?Inseop followed Lee Wooyeon one step behind.

“Come over here.”

Lee Wooyeon pauses for a moment.?Inseop paused, then went and stood next to him.

“Honestly, I don’t know why they want autographs.?What good is that?”

“Just, …?…?That’s precious, isn’t it?”

“Really??Inseop, would you like me to sign it too?”

“It’s fine.”

Lee Wooyeon laughed.?Today, the sound of his laughter flowed lightly.?It sounded like a small pebble rolling against water.?It was a nice laugh.

Inseop didn’t want to be caught thinking of such a thing, so he walked with his head down.

While walking near the entrance, an ominous sound was heard.?Inseop frowned and said, “No way.”?Really, it was raining.

“…?…?The weather forecast didn’t say anything like this…?…?.”

They had to walk because he had the car parked in a nearby street parking lot, but it rained.?Inseop said while looking around,

“I’ll go to a convenience store and buy an umbrella…?…?.”

Lee Wooyeon took off the jacket he was wearing and put it over one shoulder.?He grabbed the jacket with the other hand and lifted it up.?He knew what his gesture meant, but Inseop could not walk under it.

“What are you doing?”

“…?…?just I…?…?.”

Lee Wooyeon grabbed Inseop and put his hand on his shoulder.

“Can you run?”


As soon as he heard Inseop’s answer, Lee Wooyeon grabbed his shoulder and started running.?The still cold rain hit my face.?However, Inseop was focused on Lee Wooyeon’s hand touching his shoulder, and didn’t even pay attention to the rain.

It took them less than 5 minutes to run to where he parked the car.?But to Inseop, those five minutes felt like five years.?As if the hair stood all at once on the shoulder that Lee Wooyeon touched, the senses became more sensitive.?His shoulder was tingling.?It was also hot.?He couldn’t look at the face of Lee Wooyeon next to hime.?He just wanted to get out of his range quickly.

When he arrived in front of the car, Inseop got out of Lee Wooyeon’s hand and sighed in relief.?But it didn;t take long for that sigh to turn into shock.


Choi Inseop opened his big eyes and placed his hand on the car’s bonnet.?It was the same when he bowed his back and checked.

“…?…?The wheels are…?…?, they have a puncture.”

“I can see that.”

Lee Wooyeon put on the clothes and answered as if it was not a big deal.?Inseop looked at the car, wiping the rainwater flowing over his eyes with his palm.?The front bumper, which was fine when he parked it, was dented because someone had hit it with a stone.

“…?…?I think we should report it.”

“Come in.”

Lee Wooyeon opened the car door and said.?He sat in the driver’s seat.?Inseop walked to the other side and sat in the passenger seat.

As he closed the car door and went inside, the sound of rain falling outside was heard.?Lee Wooyeon took out a tissue from the glove box and handed it to Inseop.?Even while wiping off the water, Inseop was worried about the crazy person who punctured all the wheels of the car and left.

“Aren’t you supposed to report it?”

“I’ve been in and out of the police station a lot lately.?This year, we have filled all the quota.”


“It doesn’t happen often, but it’s not unheard of.?I reported it to the police once in the past and passed it over, but in the end, she was released after paying a fine based on the fucking logic that she did it because she liked me so much.”

Lee Wooyeon took off his hat and threw it behind him.?He turned his head to Inseop, scattering his slightly pressed hair with his hands.

“Choi Inseop, please say something as a stalker representative. Why do you doing this crazy thing.”

Nearby cars were fine.?In the end, it meant that it was the work of someone who knew it was Lee Wooyeon’s car.?Inseop licked his lips, feeling a bit pricked, and muttered, “I’m sorry,” without realizing it.

“Ha ha ha ha ha.?Inseob didn’t even do it. Why are you sorry?”


“It doesn’t matter because the car can be fixed.?I am a hundred times more displeased with someone pulling my clothes or running into me to hug me.”

Lee Wooyeon was exceptionally cold-hearted towards the extreme fans who threw their bodies at him.?Fans knew that fact to some extent, so there was talk of keeping their good lines, but the stalkers eventually acted as he liked it.

Lee Wooyeon took off his glasses, put them in the case, and threw them in the back seat.?Inseop, who sat in the passenger seat, did not know where to look in the awkward atmosphere, so he wiggled his fingers quietly.?If he was in the driver’s seat, he would be holding the steering wheel.?…?…?It’s been a while since he rode in the front passenger seat, so he didn’t know what to do.

“I will call a taxi.?…?…?Could you lend me your cell phone?”

Inseop’s cell phone was managed by Lee Wooyeon, so he almost always left it at home unless he was working like today.?Lee Wooyeon shook his head.

“My phone battery is dead.”


He took his phone out of his pocket and showed him the power out screen.?Inseop exhaled a desperate sigh.

“How many spare tires do you have?”



Inseop, who was worried, opened the door of the passenger seat and tried to get out.?Lee Wooyeon reached out and closed the door at the same time as the door opened.

“Where are you going?”

“I will go out and call a taxi.”

“We’ll go out when the rain stops.?There is nothing urgent right now.”

Lee Wooyeon was right.?There was nothing urgent right now.?It was just that his heart was in a hurry.

Inseop leaned back on the passenger seat again.

“Aren’t you taking off your clothes?”


“It got wet.”

It was no big deal.?Still, Inseop was embarrassed for nothing, and blood rushed to his face.?He took off the coat he was wearing and left it open in the back seat.?After finishing all the to-dos, there was another awkward silence.

He felt like he had to say something?…?What should he say?

While Inseop was struggling while looking out the window, Lee Wooyeon suddenly opened his mouth.

“I think Choi Inseop is a very unlucky person.”


Not knowing whether being unlucky simply meant bad luck or a sign of dislike for the other person, Inseop blinked his eyes.

“It’s our first date, but the car has a puncture and we’re doing this.”

“…?…?was it…?…a?date?”

“Of course it is.?Did you think it was a reward for a manager who worked hard?”

Of course, he thought it was a little odd.?This was because right after he said that he would go to the cinema if he had a lover, Lee Wooyeon suddenly said that he would like to go see a movie next time.?However, since he was such a person who could not be figured out, Inseop quickly erased the thoughts that came to his mind.?More than anything else, he had always made up his mind that he would not have even the slightest expectation of Lee Wooyeon.

“…?…?I didn’t know.”

“Okay.?Now that you know, it’s okay.”


The air became even more thick.?Inseop was fiddling with his nails, thinking about which part of the day could be called a date.?…?…?none.?There wasn’t a single one.

Lee Wooyeon, who was sitting next to him, burst into laughter.?Only then did Inseop realize that he had been teased again and blushed.

“You wanted to go on a date with me?”


“Let’s do it next time.?A proper date.”

“…?…?I will decline.”

“Don’t say no. I’ll do it if you want to.”

For some reason, it felt good saying that.?Lee Wooyeon rolled the seat back and laid down on it.?He motioned for Inseop to lie down too.

“I’ll just sit…?…?!”

Lee Wooyeon tilted the passenger seat back.?Inseop sighed and lay down.

“It’s a nice sight to see because of a crazy stalker bitch.”

“Is that so…?…?.”

“How is it??It’s like lying with me and watching the rain fall through the sunroof.”

“…?…?It’s fine.”

Again the conversation was cut off.?Lee Wooyeon didn’t seem to care much, but Inseop’s mouth was dry because of the awkwardness.

He had to talk about something?anything, anything…?…?.

The same thought ran through his mind.?Choi Inseop suddenly remembered the words he had exchanged at the drinking party that day.

“…?…?What do you do with that letter?”

“Wha letter?”

“The letter you get once a month.”

“Postcard??I burn it.?I even tear it apart.”

Lee Wooyeon answered very neatly.?Inseop let out a sigh as well.

“Why? If it was Inseop who sends that postcard…?…?, …?did you sent it?”


“Did Inseop really send it?”

“I didn’t write it, but …?…?I sent it.”

He picked the content from Jennie’s diary, but it was written by Inseop, so what he sent was correct.?Lee Wooyeon let out a low laugh.

“You were a real stalker.?Choi Inseop.”

“…?…?It’s not that I wrote it, but…?…?That’s how it happened.”

“Why??Does that mean that friend wrote it??Jennie?”

When the name Jennie came out of Lee Wooyeon’s mouth, she felt strange.?Inseop nodded his head slightly.

“Writing a letter on behalf of a dead person.?Don’t you feel bad?”

“No, I never thought of that…?…?.”

He has never done it.?As he read Jennie’s diary, he felt sorry, regret, and guilt.?The thought of not being by her side until the very end, who was her best friend, tormented him the whole time.

“I want to do anything.?Anything I can do…?…?.”

Inseop believed that it was the only way he could atone for Jennie.?Lee Wooyeon turned his head toward Inseop.?His cold eyes narrowed slightly in the dark.

“Why do you live like that?”


“Why are you living like that??Does that mean that the dead will come back alive?”


Inseop’s heart fluttered as Lee Wooyeon went through his wounds with a casual voice.?The fact that nothing like this would change anything, he knew better than anyone.?However, he could not sit still in the pit of despair and sorrow.

“Actually, her death is just an excuse for you, and you’re just doing what you want to do.”


“You follow me because you want to, and you like me.?Isn’t it?”

When Inseop, whose face was red, tried to get up from the seat, Lee Wooyeon reached out and forced him to lie down.?Then he pulled the seat belt and fastened it to prevent him from getting up.

Choi Inseop covered his face with his forearm and turned around.?Lee Wooyeon knew that he had pierced Inseop’s deepest wounds.?Choi Inseop did not criticize anyone.?He was just constantly hurting and driving himself.?Lee Wooyeon didn’t like it very much.

“Sorry.?That was harsh.”


“It feels like a fucking shame to be involved with me because of a woman whose face I don’t even know.”

He wanted to uproot the existence of the woman named Jennie, who was deeply embedded in Choi Inseop’s life, as much as possible.?It also hurt Lee Wooyeon’s feelings to know that he would do anything for the woman instead of him.

“It’s just because you like me, you love me like crazy, so let’s just say that.”

Lee Wooyeon said.?Inseop could see that this was his own consolation.

“Like that…? I’ll do it.”

“It’s not like that, it’s true.?Because Choi Inseop likes me.”

Inseop’s face heated up again. His heart tightened because he was afraid that Lee Wooyeon would start to say that mischievous thing.?However, Lee Wooyeon looked up at the sunroof of the car that was pouring rain without saying anything.?That was it.?The sound of raindrops hitting the roof of the car gradually piled up between them.?Little by little, the sounds washed away the things that were not the present two.?Choi Inseop looked carefully at the face of Lee Wooyeon, who was lying next to him.?When their eyes met, Lee Wooyeon smiled softly.?In the sound of rain, Lee Wooyeon laughed like that.

For the first time, Inseop felt comfortable next to Lee Wooyeon.

The pouring rain ran down the roof of the car.?Inseop thought that the rain would not stop for a while, but he did not tell Lee Wooyeon.?Lee Wooyeon was there, too, with his mouth shut.?The cell phone in his pocket was simply turned on.

It was around 3:00 in the morning when the rain stopped.


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