Loser's redo: Transmigration in a novel

Chapter 213 The Biggest Enemy Is Oneself

The sky appeared frozen as the black dragon roared in an extremely loud voice. Shockwaves spread to the surrounding area, breaking much of the glass on the skyscrapers.

The people who were away from the area, Zick was Rampaging on. looked at the broadcast with their mouths agape.

While some worried about the people who were present there.

No one thought this broadcast to be faulty anymore, The Glazier Rex made an announcement just a few seconds ago.

The announcement was straightforward — everyone is to evacuate from Inure city.

The fact that a magical being such as a dragon appeared, made many feel an inexplicable emotion.

Everyone was angry at the Glazier Rex too, they had heard Zick speak.

Many sympathized with his anger, having one's family stolen and then even attacked by the person who stole their family, this action was just too much.

Thus, many could not even find a fault with Zick.

A woman who sat with both of her hands interconnected before her lips heaved a sigh: " Still, this does not mean it could kill the innocent in rage."

She sounded righteous, but the next moment a wry smile formed on her face.

"It does not seem like the republic can defeat this monster....Allen, prepare the teleportation gate, we will retreat the moment it seems like this thing is heading towards the Uverl district. ' She was Jeleve, a trader who was well known throughout the Republic of Threkert.

Some people even had plans of retreating from the republic.

Things were not at all looking good. The best Xespic, which was their pride, was played around by Zick like a toy.

It did not seem like the one near him could either.

An unmatched strength.

What to do when something that cannot be defeated appears?

It was simple, run away.

But even if something like that was not possible, there would not be any place that they could run to if the republic is destroyed.


Celwent, who began giving out orders anxiously, started contacting Zick.

The xespic that was staying motionless in the middle of the road, began glowing. The emblem on it shone the brightest.

A transparent screen began forming before it rapidly. Slowly, the chairman's image could be seen on the screen, he appeared calm, with slight anxiety present in his eyes.

Celwent flashed with resolution: "Wait, O mighty dragon. We did not know of your might, thus such an accident occurred. We do not wish to offend you!"

Zick roared with disdain: "I did not have any intention to kill mindlessly either, thus I was coming to meet you."

"But It doesn't matter anymore, you all will be punished for your deed!"

The spear around Zick began growing, giving rise to an ominous feeling within others.

Celwent clenched his teeth, his eyes began portraying more and more anxiety.

"Please reconsider! These innocent people have done nothing wrong!" Celwent's screaming reached Zick and the others who were watching from the broadcast.

Hesitation appeared on Zick's face upon hearing this. He began floating silently in the sky.

'It's working.' Celwent's face began beaming almost immediately looking at this.

What Zick was doing was very simple, he was handing over the leash to his non-existent weakness to Celwent.

He could not appear as an omnipotent being, this would just make the others despair.

Showing his weakness, on the other hand, could open up the way to strike up a deal with the other party.

This scheme had to be used carefully, as showing too many weaknesses or more specifically creating them, might lead others to find out the truth fast.

"....You are right, there is no meaning in killing them. But...." Zick looked at Celwent.

"There is no need for you to go yourself, we will present the culprit behind all this before you!" Celwent began speaking at lightning speed. He was able to deduce what Zick was going to say in an instant, his mind was working at full speed.

He performed a bow, showing an extremely apologetic face: "I am very sorry for suspecting an esteemed person like yourself as a criminal, causing me to order them to attack you...."

Zick flew down while slowly transforming back to his human form. He folded his hand and landed right before the hologram of Celwent.

"Bring me the culprit right this instant. And as for your sin, just an apology is not enough at all. You will have to offer something equal to your deed...Hmm, I will think of what kind of compensation you will have to offer in the future."

Zick, who appeared prideful, coldly looked at Celwent.

Celwent did not feel an ounce of shame or anger, even while Zick ordered him like this. He was the one with the greatest standing in the republic, but before strength, there was nothing he could do.

"No problem, please come to the headquarters and rest. We will bring the culprit before you as quickly as possible." Celwent had already sent an order to the car driver a second ago.

Zick nodded his head and entered the car with Arianell.

Celwent cut the hologram transmission and heaved a long sigh.

'I am sorry my old friend, but you will have to sacrifice yourself for the nation.' Celwent activated the mindxec, at his neck connected to a certain someone.

Celwent coldly opened his mouth: "Bring me everyone who was working at project X-gold. Make it so that they cannot speak a word."

"Yes, sir." The person on the other side responded.

Cutting the line, Celwent held his head worried. The power that he had sought and obtained was...So brittle.

That was the truth, strength that was gained through ruling with no power could vanish in a blink of an eye. It was nothing but an afterimage, that people drown themselves in.

A dream-like position, but it was unstable just like a dream. It could all be taken away with a single mistake.


Looking out of the car that was moving at high speed, Zick could see many people who were staring in the car's direction.

Most of the things that just happened had already spread throughout the republic.

Overall, their image of the dragon had improved by multiple levels, while to some Zick just appeared as an enemy that had to be dealt with.

Zick held enough power to destroy the whole republic, this threat destroyed the whole harmony in the society.

Everyone had to be treated as an equal, that was the main feature of republicanism. But what just happened inclined more toward monarchical society.

'They are all having mixed feelings for sure. But what do the worries of these ants have anything to do with me?'

No matter what these small characters do, they could never harm even a hair of Zick.

'If one wants to live his life with freedom, strength is absolute. Only by rising above the others, could I live my life to the fullest.'

Omnipotence was not the main part, it was the fact that Zick tried his best to attain it that mattered. Even if there was a time when his life came to an end, there would not be any regret.

Every person wants to live their life to the fullest, but many factors come their way, binding them to their freedom.

Moral, laws, or regulation, most of it all originate from themselves. Only by overcoming such virtual binding can a person soar to the sky, attaining what they want.

Zick looked at the night sky with firm eyes: 'I will give it my all, even if it means that in the end, I will attain nothing, I will still not give up.'

The biggest and first enemy in the world we face is oneself. Without any sacrifice, how could there be any gain?

Moving forward, discarding all that holds one back, just keeping only the wish that they desire in their heart, would they ever rise to the level of extraordinary.

'....Marching forward and forward, I wonder what awaits me at the end of this journey?' All that was in Zick's future were riddles again and again, but this just made a smile form on his face.

The future seemed...more and more interesting.


At a faraway place, on an unknown continent.

"Has the validity of this information been proved?" Women with silky blonde hair looked at the person who kneeled before her in the throne room.

"Yes, from the spy, this information has been proven to be true. May our head be beheaded, if this information is to be false, your highness." The information merchant kneeled with perfection, it looked like art with no fault at all.

"That is interesting...." The woman entered a long session of thinking.

The minister beside her brought his mouth near to her ear: "I suggest we should give this information to sir ice dragon."

A spark appeared in the woman's eyes: "Your right, mister ice dragon would take care of it. We can't have a dragon getting in our way of conquering the republic."

Currents were forming as Zick made his entrance into this place. Many knew of his existence and not even a day passed by.


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