Loser System and Berserker Me

Chapter 207: Stress Heaping on the Ally’s Shoulders

Chapter 207: Stress Heaping on the Ally’s Shoulders

“What’s wrong, darned grandson?” Miazova asked. “What are you up to this time?”

It had noticed Shu Yichao staring blankly in mid-air, murmuring and howling to himself. This had happened so many times that it was no longer surprised by it.

“Those Uyghur bastards!” Shu Yichao’s eyes reddened. “The galls of them to burn my village!”

Shu Yichao could only see the cities he had conquered on the minimap, and it looked like he had just received a bunch of new territories. It looked like the area west of Jiayu Pass now belonged to him.

At the same time, the Uyghurs had turned from neutral to hostile, and they were plundering Beiting villages right now.

How dare they!

“I dare you to stay put! I’m coming over right now to mince you people!”

“Wait!” Miazova exclaimed. “You can tell what’s going on in Beiting from here?”

“Of course.” Shu Yichao nodded matter-of-factly. “Is there a problem?”

What? This is a huge thing!

Miazova thought that Shu Yichao’s ability was limited to raising buildings, but if he could remotely sense what was going on in those cities too…

Doesn’t this mean that he has started fusing with the consciousness of the world?

What kind of monster is this fellow?!

“…Forget it.” Miazova thought about it a bit more, asking, “So, you’re planning on heading to Beiting now?”

“Duh,” Shu Yichao replied without any hesitation.

Why else would I get flying troops if I don’t exploit their mobility at times like this?

As long as my army is fast enough, my enemies can only swallow dust behind me even if their firepower exceeds mine. I can choose to fight and flee whenever I want to.

And now…

Shu Yichao could just bring his terracotta warriors and ghost horsemen back to Beiting and recruit his undead army on the spot once he arrived.

However, Miazova had a different thought in mind. “We don’t have to fly back.”


Miazova took out the grimoire and flipped it open. A spell was scribbled on it—Teleportation.

“Is this a Town Return Spell?” Shu Yichao was overjoyed to see it.

This is a strategic-tier spell that allows me to teleport to any allied city. It’s one of the most useful spells in the game!

Town Return Spell?” Miazova frowned, but he quickly nodded. “That’s an apt way to put it. Grandson, you know who to worship now, right?”


Over at Beiting…

Boom, boom, boom!

Uplifting drum beats were played along the deep blare of a war horn in the wilderness. A furious sandstorm raged, obscuring everything in a layer of yellow sand.

Dried straws and withered trees lay scattered around ruins in the vast Gobi Desert.

The scenery beneath the scorching sun was warped like a mirage.

“Kill them all!”

Two armies carrying different flags and armed with all kinds of weapons charged across the desert and clashed with each other. Chaos ensued.

Arrows and javelins pierced through the wind and impaled soldiers, splattering blood among the crowd amidst a cry of agony.

Metallic clangs reverberated. Bodies rammed into each other. Hoarse curses were traded. Spells whizzed across the air and blasted slow-moving soldiers into bits. The savagery of war was put on full display here.


An unkempt cavalryman charged out from the clashing frontlines with blood dripping from his face. He leaped off his horse and ran up to a middle-aged man dressed in exquisite armor.

“Our warriors are at their limit. Should we retreat first?”

“Retreat?” the middle-aged man roared. “You aren’t allowed to retreat! Tell our men to stand their ground, no matter what it takes!”

The Chongde Khan had goosebumps all over his body.

He was the younger brother of the Baoyi Qaghan, as well as the current ruler of the Uyghurs. When Reverend Palkyi passed through his territory, an idea came to his mind.

Beiting, which was currently occupied by the Tibetans, was cut off from the rest of the Tibetan Empire after the Tangs regained control of the Western Regions. If he took this opportunity to work with the Tangs to launch a pincer attack on Beiting…

A huge amount of wealth, women, and livestock would fall into his lap!

The Chongde Khan didn’t think that the Anxi Protectorate-General would turn down his offer. The Tangs had a history of borrowing Uyghur soldiers, and their deal had always been for the land and the populace to go to the Tangs, whereas money and women would go to the Uyghurs.

So, he happily sent a letter to the Anxi Protectorate-General.

Who could have thought that the newly-appointed Anxi Protectorate-General would snub him?

Thank you for your goodwill, Khan, but we shan’t trouble you with such trivialities. We’ll reclaim Beiting ourselves.

And this was the reply Zeng Lu had sent over after mellowing the words. Shu Yichao’s response had only been a single word—scram.

But the Chongde Khan lost his temper anyway.

The Uyghurs had grown accustomed to getting their way when dealing with the Tangs.

They had once caused a commotion in Great Tang’s capital, Chang’an, and attacked the imperial palace. When their men were taken into custody for fraud and violence in the market, they gathered their soldiers to raid the prison, kill the wardens, and rescue the prisoners.

Back when Emperor Dezong of Tang was still the crown prince, he was once sent to Uyghur as an envoy and was nearly coerced into dancing by the incumbent qaghan. His aide tried to speak up on his behalf, only to be beaten to death.

Given how arrogant they had been, the Chongde Khan thought that he was being awfully magnanimous to the Anxi Protectorate-General by offering to send his troops as reinforcement. He was even planning to extort a hefty reinforcement fee after plundering Beiting.

Yet, the Anxi Protectorate-General rejected him?

What insolence!

The infuriated Chongde Khan decided to ignore Shu Yichao and first plunder Beiting a bit.

Hmph! When the Tangs finally arrive, they’ll be left with an impoverished Beiting and be forced to face the Tibetan garrison troops’ desperate counterattack!

That was what he had been planning, but…

Shortly after he plundered a few villages, the Tibetan garrison troops zoned in on him and confronted his army.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, he found that he wasn’t a match for the Tibetan garrison troops! His Uyghur cavalrymen failed to faze the Tibetans’ heavy footsoldier formation.

This put him in an awkward position.

“Tell them to continue their attack!” the Chongde Khan roared with eyes as red as a gambler, determined to push through no matter what happened.

“Khan, this won’t do!” one of his generals tried to dissuade him. “These troops are the foundation of our people. We can’t afford to lose all of them here!”

The troops the Chongde Khan currently had on hand consisted of his men, his big brother Baoyi Qaghan’s soldiers, and a few nomads who wanted to strike it rich. If they suffered a heavy loss here, the Baoyi Qaghan’s position might be compromised.

“B-but…” The Chongde Khan was reluctant to give in.

Is this going to be a wasted trip?

Just then, a few scouts rushed over on horseback.

“Khan!” they shouted aloud. “A Tang army has appeared in the west! Judging from their flags, it should be the Anxi army!”

“The Anxi army?” The Chongde Khan was first taken aback before he smiled in delight. “Quick, quick! Send an envoy there and order them to save me, or else I’ll punish them!”

Starve’s Translation Note:

I’ll be using Anxi army to refer to Shu Yichao’s troops if there are multiple Tang armies.

For those who are confused, Shu Yichao thinks that Miazova is a game player like him because he summoned the latter through the ‘friend summon’ option.

But Miazova is actually a demon wandering different worlds (and he has been in this one since Shu Yichao’s grandfather’s era), and Shu Yichao summoned him through some ‘hero summon’ option, which happens to have the same interface as the ‘friend summon’ option in Beacons of the Otherworld.


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