Lord of the Truth

Chapter 86

Another two weeks had passed quickly since the non-aggression pact was signed.

After the news about the pact reached General Edward, he started to implement what he had to do, as such he started giving the new promotions to those who deserved them, distributing the spoils of war between all the soldiers, handing over the captured war slaves in exchange for gold, etc...

The trio Caesar, Peon, and Theo had the lion's share of promotions and spoils, with no one objecting to this... Everyone saw or at least heard about the three's heroism in all the battles.

After all the formalities were over and Edward handed over the captives to Dolivar's officials and received wagons loaded with the ten million gold coins,

After the handover of the captives was completed he announced that he would return to the Duchy of Bradley and that he would hand over all the conquered lands to Saint David Burton, level 24, the second most powerful figure in the Burton family after Earl Brian.

The Burton family flag rose over all the conquered lands side by side with the Black Sun Kingdom's flag.

This shocked everyone.. it shocked the people of the Kingdom of the Black Sun more than those of the Kingdom of Dolivar!

Wasn't Duke Galan Bradley taking Caesar being a disciple in his institution as an excuse to interfere in the war and seize these lands?

After all the suffering and complete support... after all the deaths and destructions... he simply ordered to withdraw?

No one thought for a second that someone like Galan would truly participate in such war for *justice*

But when Galan was asked in the capital about what was happening, he laughed out loud and said, *I won something else.* And he didn't explain further...

Finally, after everything got settled, General Edward had appointed that he would return home, all the saints of the Bradleys who participated in the war, among them Mila, gathered to return with him, all the knights and soldiers of the Bradleys also gathered to return, their role here is over

Only the 25,000 soldiers of the Burton family remained in their posts, headed by 4 saints, including David and Billy Burton.

Even though no one was afraid about the little numbers, it was understandable, even if all the sixty thousand returned, the lands would still belong to the Burton family... 

The Kingdom of Dolivar would not break the non-aggression pact so quickly.

At the last moment, four others joined the escort of General Edward and his soldiers.

  They were Saint Billy Burton and three young men, all returning with them to the Duchy of Bradley.

=== ==== ==== ==== ====

Bradley's victorious army took about twenty days to unhurriedly move from their position at castle Sitena to reach the borders of the Duchy of Bradley. 

although the war lasted for about two weeks from the first battle to the last, it will remain an unforgettable memory in the minds of those who have taken part in it...

From the moment they entered the old border of the Black Sun kingdom, they were greeted by a gigantic army numbering hundreds of thousands, all standing in line and saluting them with the highest form of military respect.

  And all the way to the Duchy they were greeted with flowers and applause, every village and every city they passed by, the people living there would come out to give them a salute that only heroes deserve

Everything was a fantasy to them...

All of them hoped that they would take a longer route so that this moment of pride would last as long as possible, but everything beautiful ends quickly~

The army finally arrived and was received in front of the city of Bradley's pearl with a great welcome, every soldier went to embrace his family happily, sons look at their warrior fathers as if they are the greatest being in existence...

It was a moment in history, but not everyone witnessed it...

Since the army reached his residence, six people left and silently entered the city

More specifically... heading towards the Bradley Military Institution.


Robin was sitting on his chair in the front yard of his house, raising his face towards the sky, as usual, Zara sitting next to him, drawing as usual as well.

But unusually, a third person sits a little farther away, sleeping while embracing a sword... He was one of the knights assigned to protect Robin. 

They learned their lesson since the accident and decided that one of them should be next to Robin at all times and not be more than a few meters away from him.

At this moment an excited voice came, "father!!"

Robin opened his eyes and looked toward the source of the sound, and when he saw Caesar, whose eyes were filled with tears, a big smile appeared on his face...

Before even trying to get up to receive the new arrivals, 

Caesar jumped and threw himself on his lap and embraced him, causing both of them to fall off the chair.

Robin didn't know whether to laugh or cry at what happened, but he eventually smiled and patted Caesar's head...

"you little brat... didn't I tell you to call me big brother?" Robin chuckled and spoke calmly

Caesar also smiled a little but didn't reply as they both that everyone here know of their actual relationship -even if it is confusing-, and continued to embrace his old man.

This was considered their real meeting since Caesar left Billy for the first time about a year and a half ago... 

When Caesar returned after the assassination attempt on his life, he felt humiliated and small, and that he was the reason for old Murphy's death, while Robin was filled with feelings of anger and desire for revenge.

neither of them was in a mode for a warm meeting at that time.

...After a few seconds of patting the crying Caesar on the head, Robin quickly scanned the incoming with the quick look, finding five people other than Caesar

His two other brats... and three saints

Two of them were Mila and Billy, who both smiled and nodded their heads at him... 

The third was a man who seemed to be middle-aged, his aura much stronger than them and the first time Robin saw him... And also he was the only one who made a complete bow when Robin's eyes fell on him

Then Robin was curious about his identity and asked, "And who might you be?"

"In response to noble Robin, I, General Edward, have had the honor to lead your army against Dolivar in this war," replied Edward, then stiffened his back from the bow and looked at Robin with a look of reverence.

"Oh, so you're the man wh-…YOU SON OF A BITCH, how long are you going to keep me on the ground like this?!" Robin kicked Caesar off him

"But I missed father, why do you treat me like this?" Caesar who fell a few steps away felt that he is wronged

"man up, you bastard!" Robin got up and dusted him off and then looked back at Edward again with a smile, "Ahem...so you're the commander of the army that kicked some Dolivarian asses, I have heard the details of the battles, you really are a genius general.."

"Please don't put me in an embarrassing situation, Noble Robin, If it were not for your talismans, I would not have done anything even if I had 200,000 soldiers, in the end, I would have been defeated and expelled from enemy territory... everything should be attributed to you. " Edward shook his head quickly.

He had previously heard Duke Galan talking about this young man's genius, but when he first saw the talismans himself, when he saw their effects and their enormous amounts... Only then did he know the weight of this young man.

Simply, whoever enjoys Robin's support will not be stopped by anything or anyone, and whoever gains his enmity.. may the heavens help him.

Robin smiled and shook his head, "My inventions without a smart person making the most of them would be useless too, and I can't think of ways to use my talismans to the fullest better than the ones you came up with... Galan made a good choice."

then he continued, "Alright, let us not stand here like idiots haha, Let's move on inside my humble house, there are important things to be decided today. .."


Inside house 207, Robin and the three Saints sat facing each other, while the three young men remained standing and Zara went to fetch drinks for everyone after a brief reunion with her brother.

As for the knight assigned to protect Robin, he asked permission and left earlier.. this meeting was far above his level.

The first to speak was Billy, "Brother Robin, what did you mean by saying that there is much that will be decided today? Mila and I just came to say hi, and General Edward came because he wanted to get to know you, there is nothing serious going on here...."


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