Lord of the Truth

Chapter 831: Laugh

Chapter 831: Laugh

*Wosh* *Wosh* *Wosh*

The three marshals suddenly stopped in mid-air, their expressions showing surprise and

shock, but not fear, just like Marshal Lacrosse in the Eastern region, they also KNOW that their senses are lying to them and realized instantly that this gigantic silver tree couldn't possibly be as powerful as its aura suggested.

Almost a thousand Martial Emperors stopped behind them, all of them had been flying steadily for the past few days without any hindrance or injury, so they all arrived at the battlefield prepared as if they were just warming up!

However, they didn't engage in a major battle as soon as they arrived as expected... Instead, like the rest of the people who were there before, they raised their heads up and stared at the giant silver plum tree that had appeared out of nowhere, but they didn't seem too shocked...

Of course, they had seen it on their way here and felt the soul force waves, with all their hearts they wanted to change their path and move in different directions but they listened to the marshals' orders and continued to advance anyway, now that they were standing in front of it, they weren't sure what to do!

Now that they had arrived, the huge silver tree remained motionless, not seeming to make any move, and also, it seemed that their opponent would not be just that huge silver tree... There was another army lying in the north, containing hundreds of Martial Emperors and hundreds of thousands of soldiers, many of whom were beasts!

In the midst of the silence that had descended upon everyone, a voice was clearly heard, "Haha, welcome everyone, we have been waiting a long time to receive you!"

"Hmm?" Marshal Serpal glanced towards the source of the voice, it was someone standing at the head of the army lying in the north, "Is this some kind of joke?"

It was clear that this army was there to cut off their men's escape route, and it could even be said that this pursuit was to prepare this battlefield, so why did the head of that army look so friendly?!

General Mulad quickly pointed out, "Marshal, these are the locals who live in the North. We do not know their intentions, but the battle here has been going on for about half an hour, but that army has not moved a single step."

"Oh? You over there, do you want to surrender?" Marshal Serpal laughed loudly, "A wise decision, if I were you and saw the army of the Great Serpent Empire, I would have made that decision too haha."

Hulak laughed and folded his hands together, "Well, not surrender surrender! We can call it cooperation. I will help you get rid of the Third Truth Chosen for a few conditions that we will agree on later while drinking the finest tea haha."

"..." Marshal Serpal was so shocked that he didn't reply.

As for Marshal Xanox, he pointed at him with contempt and looked at his two colleagues, "Is that something joking?"

Hulak's expression turned for the worse, he had really offended Robin too many times and too blatantly, he couldn't bear to lose their support as well.

At that moment, he heard a loud laugh, "Ahahahaha!"

"Burton!! If I were you, I wouldn't laugh so hard. You're the only loser here. Don't think that the artificial aura of that damn tree will fool anyone!" Hulak shouted angrily, unleashing his aura.

As for Robin, he laughed until he stopped, then shrugged and went back to silence.

Seeing that Robin was afraid of him and listened to his words, Hulak gained some confidence and turned back to look at Serpal and Xanox, "Whether I'm joking or not, whether I deserve cooperation or not, we'll find out over lunch today. What do you think? I'll treat you to the most delicious local Nihari food!"

After unleashing his oppressive aura towards Robin a moment ago and showing that he wasn't weaker than them, this time Serpal and Xanox were forced to take him seriously. They looked at First Marshal Celebos, completely ignoring the human who had laughed a moment ago, none of them even bothered to look at his face.

"...." First Marshal Celestus who was still examining the silver plum tree until now finally looked away and turned towards Hulak, "Are you the local leader of the Northern Region?" "Of course, everything here is mine, and every soul obeys me!" Hulak struck his chest.

Although the leaders of the giant tribes behind him were annoyed by his words and sent meaningful glances to each other, they didn't say anything... Following Hulak for them was better than following a human, which is exactly why they didn't bring any of the other intelligent races' armies with them today!

"...It wouldn't be too bad of an idea if we got a local guide." First Marshal Celipus nodded. "Of course, it wouldn't be a bad idea at all! Haha, where do you want to go? I know of many caves that contain hundreds of thousands of pearls!" Holak clapped loudly and laughed, finally finding a thread that he could use to negotiate with these people.

"Hundreds of thousands of pearls?!" Marshal Celipus opened his eyes wide, the saliva dripping from the rest of the Martial Emperors behind him!

But he quickly shook his head to regain his composure, "The first thing we need to go to is over there." The Marshal then pointed towards the peak of a mountain behind Holak. Holak looked behind him laughing, but his face quickly turned to shock, and he turned back to look at the First Marshal with a fake smile, "What you're referring to is the Northern Edge Mountain, it's a huge mountain and looks majestic indeed but in reality, it's very far away and doesn't contain any pearls hehe why don't we just forget about it? Actually, I was going to ask that we make the entire Northern Region a safe zone for us the locals, and give you the rest of the planet to take whatever you want for a certain period, what do you think?"

"Are you the one who's going to tell me where to go, you local scum?" First Marshal Celebus's demeanor changed, "We're going to go to that mountain with or without your help, you have no say in the matter!"

When the Overlord came to this planet, he knew the location of the planet's spirit and agreed with her to help them refine it, and he also described its location to them, the only reason the First Marshal himself came to Nihari was to start refining the planet's spirit!

How could he allow this local to prevent him from the opportunity of a lifetime?!

"...Why don't we calm down a bit and sit down to talk, huh? Everything is negotiable hehe." In return, Holak's facial expressions quickly changed as well, he appeared tense, but his words angered the three marshals even more, apparently none of them seemed willing to negotiate

this part.

He was under a strict soul oath not to allow them to enter the northern region, let alone the Northern Edge Mountain where the planet spirit recedes!

For him, allowing them to go there was an absolute impossibility!!

"PfffHAAAHAHAHAHA!!!!" Another laugh came from Robin, this time much louder than



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