Lord of the Truth

Chapter 805: Orphan Blood

Chapter 805: Orphan Blood


Immediately after hearing the message, Robin did not look shocked, but rather angry!

"FUCK!!" Robin kicked the walls of the house he was hiding in, shattering it, "That bastard Aru! That bastard must be the one who destroyed the portal, I will kill him! I will slowly tear out his spine with my bare hands!!"

"Your Excellency, what are your orders?" The person in charge of the newly constructed southern space portal sent again, not knowing Robin's state of mind, "General Flora is kneeling in front of the space portal here, she's crying."

"...Tsk, she must have guessed the same thing, there is no other explanation." Robin was about to send Flora a reprimand, but what he heard from the portal's official changed his mind, and then he sent Flora, "Bring your followers and return to participate in the pursuit. We will see about the Orphan's Blood later."

"...Yes, Your Excellency." After a few moments, he received a weak response. It seemed as if she did not know where she was.

Although Robin didn't say anything or try to reprimand her, how could she not understand what he was thinking? He must be seeing seas of blood now. The moment he finishes with Nihari, he will level the Orphan Blood planet to the ground, and he will surely kill Aro!

Her separation from Aru and her acceptance of joining Robin was to facilitate the way for him to follow her because she knows how proud he is and that he will not change his position easily.

All the Martial Emperors standing around her now also did not see him as an enemy but rather came for better opportunities, and they indeed found them here, but they all respected Aru to an indescribable degree.

If, after this war, Robin gave orders to attack Orphan Blood and kill Aru... Flora would undoubtedly defend him, and it would not be just her. It would not be strange if most of the Orphan Blood Martial Emperors turned against Robin.

"...Come on, we'll get back to the pursuit." Flora stood with a determined look

"But..." The Orphan Blood Emperors looked at each other

"We still have some time, we'll think of something later." Flora made her final statement, then wiped her tears and flew away.

"..Sigh~" Then the rest followed.

Robin also took a few deep breaths to calm himself, then snapped his neck left and right twice, preparing to split into space again and move forward to continue watching over the pursuit again.

Thinking about what is happening in Orphan Blood is completely futile, after the Space Portal collapsed on the other side, it will take about 7 days to reach the planet, and he cannot abandon forces to go there now while he has a fateful battle in his hand that will take place in less than two days.

Everything depends on the Battle of the Northern Borders. If he wins, he will regain everything, and if he fails, well... Then he will have something more important to occupy himself.

But at this moment a voice was heard, "Your Excellency, this lowly one is the one in charge of operating the southern portal."

"What's wrong?" Robin really didn't know why this obscure character was talking to him again

"Everyone was hesitant to address Your Excellency, as Perhaps you are busy with something important, but there is a chance now, allow me to be the one to bring this news." The official spoke hesitantly, "Five days ago, a Shadow Sword arrived from Jura and asked about Your Excellency. When he learned that you were near the northern border, he asked to be transferred to your location or to be given your Excellency's soul imprint card, but the Shadow Sword officials here refused and began to question him further, In the end, he took one of Draco beasts by force and rushed towards you."

Robin furrowed his eyebrows, "A shadow sword that came from Jura?...Didn't he say what he wanted?"

The official quickly responded, "No, Your Excellency, he said he has a message from the Crown Prince that he must deliver to you personally. Of course, this is not how the Shadow Swords work, so a number of his comrades here doubted him and tried to stop him so as not to disturb Your Excellency since we know what you are up to now, but he managed to escape riding the Draco." The person in charge of the gate breathed a sigh of relief that Robin had not shouted at him, "The last detection of him was in the central region, flying at high speed, completely demolishing himself and his Draco in the process. We believe that if he continued at the same speed, he might reach Your Excellency after another five days..."

"A message from the Crown Prince? Richard? ...Send any available Martial Emperor to arrest him and bring him to me immediately. If it is something important, I should hear it, and if it is trivial, I will kill him myself and get it over with." Robin ended the communication, then headed north again to continue the pursuit.

Meanwhile-- Orphan Blood Planet--

"Haa.. haa.. haa.."

*Boom* *Boom*

"Run! Run, your lives depend on it!!"

The dark crimson soil of the planet seemed to be moving from the many bodies running on top of it, millions upon millions!

They were all dark red in color, like blood. They had spiral horns and had nothing on their faces except a jaw full of fangs. However, the elderly, females, and children could be identified among them, all trying their best to survive.

Wherever you look, you will find some of them tripping and falling, and whoever falls into this torrent of bodies will never rise again.

Sometimes you find one or two explosions appearing here or there, scattering the crowd, but never stopping the advance. Now, for example, a mother is running like crazy while holding the hand of her little cub, but that is all, there is nothing else attached to the hand...

"Hahaha, yeah, yeah! Keep running, show me where you're going today!" A mid-level emperor of the Great Serpent Empire laughed loudly and then gave the signal, and another wave of attack began coming from 40 space warships, that is, an entire fleet.

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

"Nooo!" A large number of Flying Demons shouted and tried to block the shots, but they were too many and too quick to stop them all!

Hundreds of bullets left the cannons and flew randomly toward the sea of bodies below, each shot taking dozens of lives.

"STOP!!" A sea of blood filled the sky and slammed towards the nearest ship, this was the power of a high-level Demon Emperor!

But *shhhh* a purple mist stood in front of the blood sea. Within seconds, the entire blood sea disappeared, "Haha, let the boys play together, why do you have to interfere?" From behind the fog, the Fleet General appeared.

"If the rest of the brothers were here, would you dare to brag in front of us?!" The Demon Emperor shouted in despair.

About a million Demons had been transferred to the orphan's blood since the beginning of the invasion, and five days ago they were joined by huge numbers coming from Jura, fleeing from an attack on the Demon city there, meaning that he alone is now responsible for all the *civilized* Demon families that took shelter under the rule of the Empire of the True


Over two million of his kind had been killed over the past five days, and a handful of the garrison consisting of Martial Emperors had perished as well... If he couldn't find a safe way for those who remained, perhaps the entire Demon race would perish under his care! "Haha but they are not here, today show me how you will escape today!" The General laughed



Suddenly the sky changed, crimson and purple clouds filled the horizon, and then *kachaa*


A lightning bolt landed like a pillar of light, splitting one of the ships in half.


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