Lord of the Truth

Chapter 79


"I have a son who needs his father, that's enough for me!"

"Let the punishments go to hell, cut off my head then, that's better than my whole body tears apart then gets stepped upon!"

"Yes! I prefer committing suicide over this! I'm out."

Similar cries rose among the few thousand remaining in Dolivar's army and they also began to withdraw in droves, 

Every word said was like knives cutting through the hearts of Dolivar's knights and officers.

But it was like the singing of birds for a middle-aged man standing on top of the castle wall and watching every little detail with a big smile...

Dolivar's army nightmares keep pilling up, thousands were killed and tens of thousands others lost a limp or two ... 

In fact, their losses could still be ignored due to the huge numerical difference, even if they lost 70 thousand, their numbers are still near twice that of the Black Sun's!

General Edward knew this very well, so he harnessed all his talismans for this battle to kill them morally before killing them physically, and it actually worked!

The showers of the explosive arrows from above and the detonation of the talismans planted under the light sand created unparalleled terror for those citizens who had never seen or heard of such a situation before...

The explosions seemed as if they would never end.

  But they didn't know that it actually almost ran out... if Dolivar's army advanced another hundred meters... Victory would have been theirs.

While General Edward was enjoying the scene in front of him, he felt a slight wind rapidly approaching and a voice came from behind him, "General, there is a whole legion of cavalry approaching from the left."

"Hmm..?" The general turned around and did not find anything. He floated up a little and tried to focus and finally found a very distant cloud of dust approaching that direction. 

After looking closely, he found that they were cavalry.. a lot of them!

"They are about twenty thousand... TCH, that person is not giving up! He wants to sacrifice twenty thousand cavalries just to destroy our heavy infantry in front of the gate and open the gate and then redirect his infantry towards us again, that guy is mentally ill! 

By the way, good job, Peon, I didn't make a mistake by making you responsible for the scouting, sir Robin was right to recommend you in this department..."

The assistant general came forward and bowed a little. "Give me your orders, General Edward."

Saint Edward paused for a moment then asked, "How many rounds of talismanic arrows are left with the archers?" 

"There are only 200 fire talismans, General..."

Saint Edward plunged into thinking again, 200 arrows for 20,000 cavalries... It is known that the cavalry are the elite of any army, 

usually made up of soldiers in levels between 6~10, so arrows will not affect them as they affect the infantry.. in some sense, they can even be ignored

"Put all archers, whether talismans or ordinary, in a launch position at the left side, and send my orders for all our cavalries to come out from the back gate of the castle, and send them to attack the enemy's cavalry from behind while they engage our infantry in front of the wall."

"yes sir." the general's assistant bowed and left to execute the new orders

Saint Edward turned again to look at the General of the enemy army, a cruel smile appeared on his face as he spoke calmly, "Want to play? I'll play with you."


Meanwhile, the Kingdom of the Black Sun - Bradley Military institution...

Robin is sitting in a meditating position in his room. 

He has not made a single talisman since the last batch was delivered ten days ago. 

As in the past two months, he exhausted his soul a lot in making talismans in huge quantities without rest, so he decided to take a long rest period so that his soul would not be permanently harmed due to exhaustion. 

Zara also did the same and contented herself with meditation and training alone in the neighboring house...

But Robin didn't just sit back during this period, his cultivation that was at the top of the eighth level broke through to the ninth right after the first 3 days of training, and then he started trying to explore more possibilities in the talismans world.

But the night is destined not to pass as an ordinary night.

Robin slowly opened his eyes and asked, "Who's there?"

Deadly silence is still in the air... No one answered the question

Robin turned his gaze to a certain direction and asked again, "How long are you going to play with me?"

"Oh? You really can detect my existence…." Someone appeared from the shades and moved a few steps closer to Robin, "It seems my master wasn't overestimating you when he sent me."

"A level fourteen assassin… I'm really flattered." Robin chuckled with a low voice as if this * level fourteen assassin * didn't come for him! 

but his words affected the masked assassin who furrowed his eyebrows tightly... 

Robin wasn't supposed to know his level!

Robin then rose from his meditating position and asked, "How did you get into Bradley Military? How did you get into my residence? Did Galan take my protection off? Who sent you to kill me?"

"You ask too much for a dead person! I will only tell you one thing, blame your little brother for your death!" The masked assassin didn't add another word, thrusting his dagger straight into Robin's neck.

At that moment Robin's eyes turned into a vortex of blackness and soon darkness spread around him at a lightning speed, the technique: scope of darkness, activated immediately and enveloped the assassin inside.

All the senses of the masked assassin were sealed, whether it is the sense of seeing, hearing, or smelling, he was left with nothing but his spiritual sense, which also became confused,

he paused for a moment at where he stood trying to regain his senses but failed...

  fear struck his heart for the first time... but he quickly gathered himself, 'I must finish the task first, then look into what happened'

His confused spiritual sense told him that Robin was still in his original position, so he did not change his attack and continued to stab directly towards his neck, 

the level difference between the two made Robin an easy target that was impossible to avoid even if his enemy did not see him.

The dagger quickly reached Robin's neck, but it didn't pierce anything, the dagger found only air to cut through.

The assassin used his spiritual sense to try to find Robin's location, but to no avail, as if the earth had split open and swallowed him!

He kept swinging the dagger around him in fright but it was useless... how would these random attacks reach Robin if even his spiritual sense was useless in searching for him... 

'the mission has failed.' this was the only thought in his mind at this moment, he went from overconfidence to doubt to desperation in a matter of a minute...

so he used his spiritual sense to find the window and turned towards it to try to get out of the room 

But at that moment, his spiritual sense finally caught Robin, who suddenly appeared behind him. or to be more exact... just one step away from him!

as soon as Robin appeared, he waved something towards him which he couldn't dodge from such a close distance


the assassin didn't know what happened, he just knew that whatever Robin waved at him just now had landed on his body and it caused him a terrible pain 

but after the initial scream, he ignored his pain for a moment and sent a punch at Robin's head, who was less than a foot distance away from him 

Robin tried to dodge but the blow was so fast and the 5 level deference made it extremely hard to flee, that's not to mention that there was barely any distance to run to

he tried to activate a wind heavenly law technique to try to evade it, he managed to gain enough speed to move a few inches to the left, but he still didn't quite succeed in escaping the danger... 

the blow landed cleanly on his right shoulder and sent him flying backward and crashing into the wall behind him with a *BAAA*

The assassin tried to turn and jump out of the window again, but before he realized what was happening around him, 

he found himself falling to the ground on his face and started screaming in great pain 

when he passed his hand to the place where he is feeling the pain, he could not find his right leg in place... it was missing from the knee down.

everything happened so fast that he didn't realize that he was standing on one leg all along....


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