Lord of the Truth

Chapter 74

*boom boom boom boom*

The arrows began to explode successively, causing a huge number of deaths in the army. 

The main body of the armies are ordinary low leveled cultivators who do not exceed the fifth level, when such explosions happen between them it's easy to imagine how much destruction happened 

and what is worse the number of death counts... the explosions created huge voids inside the formation and caused hysterical panic.

Before anyone could understand what was happening, the two elite cavalry squads quickly approached like the grim reaper cutting through the left and right wings in half like a knife in butter without any difficulty

the deaths began to pile up very quickly, and the officers could not stop the progress of the cavalry or even slow them down, any attempt to slow them down ended with instant death.

The officers quickly gave up trying to make a decent formation to stop the cavalry quickly, so they ignored them and started trying to reform the army to its first coherent formation quickly and fill the gaps, 

But the panic and fear caused by the explosions in the hearts of the soldiers made communication with them and the implementation of orders slow to the point of not moving at all

  when they saw this, the Dolivarians Knights and officers in the two wings gathered together and headed to put an end to the advance of the Black Sun cavalry by force, 

but by the time the Dolivarians Knights moved through their army and was about to intercept the Black Sun cavalry, the two Elite Black Sun cavalry squads veered to the side and got out of the formation!

then they turned and came back from another angel to continue cutting the two wings and turn the initial formation into slices... Like a worm gnawing at an apple

Setina stood helpless, not knowing what to do, the two wings of the army are now useless.

As she was still thinking of solutions, she caught a glimpse of the enemy archers raising their bows to start a second round.. This time the 400 bows were directed at the Central Army.

Setina quickly regained consciousness and shouted loudly, "Every man who owns a horse, hear your orders, go and kill those archers at once! 

Saints, help stop the second wave of arrows as the cavalry takes out the archers, 

left and right wings stop your places! lock up the enemy cavalry within you and kill them, Don't worry about anything else, 

As for the Central army... march full speed!!"

Every general listened to his part of the new plan and started to implement it immediately without complaining

although the new plan includes sacrificing all of the Dolivarian cavalries as they will certainly get destroyed after they attack the archers, and sacrificing huge numbers of infantry on the right and left wings at the hands of the enemy's cavalry of knights...

it is actually the safest way...  all of these decisions are to protect the Central army of 40,000 soldiers, this army must reach the enemy as fast as possible and establish a close combat ground to stop those arrow attacks, or they are dead!

when the close combat ground is established, then the saints and the free knights can return to reorganize the ranks of the right-wing and left-wing armies and have joined the close war from the side as planned.. 

That was the only option.



A new round of the explosive arrows headed towards the Central Army

The three Saint generals roared in front of the Central army, raising their hands, and began to form a collective energy barrier to stop the arrows before they fell on the army.

When saint Octavi saw the arrows coming at him, "Hurry up, focus with me on this point, it has the most arrows, we must-..pfff."

He didn't finish his words before he started spitting blood. 

He looked down in the direction in which he felt great pain and saw a dagger in his heart... 

He slowly followed the hand holding the dagger and saw a very beautiful, explosively feminine girl, giving him a cruel smile...

She was a saint dressed as enemies.. She appeared In front of him is like a ghost from nowhere

When the other two Saints saw this, they cried out together, "Brother Octavi!" 

They abandoned the energy shield formation and went to help their elder brother, but the enemy saint had taken her dagger out of their brother's heart and ran away

A stab in the heart is still a fatal blow for a saint, but it is still treatable. Once the treatment is rushed, the two quickly approached and grabbed their brother before he fell and tried to stop the bleeding, but a 


A voice passed by their ears, it was just then that they realized what had happened..."This is bad."

The arrows passed them and landed on their targets...and with a *boom boom boom boom* 

another round of explosions began.

"NOOOOOO!" Viscount Setina shouted at the top of her voice, 400 explosions in random places tore the entire squad apart 

The 40,000 soldiers who were in tight rows seconds ago became like a handful of peasants scattered without the slightest bit of organization...

This is without mentioning that the attacks killed or injured a few thousand soldiers.

Setina looked in the direction of her cavalry who were sent to kill the enemy archers and found that they were fighting against 10 Saints and could no longer advance, 

at the same time... the enemy archers were preparing their bows for a third-round...

she then looked back towards the two wings that had already stopped but did not find the two squads of enemy cavalry between them, 

the two squads have escaped the formation before it was closed on them.

and now they are coming from behind towards the Central army to drill it as happened with my right-wing and left-wing armies!

200 meters left until the frontal clash with the Black Sun main army.

So far, ten thousand soldiers have been killed or seriously wounded.. 

the right and left armies became completely useless and it is impossible to return them to a combat formation any time soon... 

the previously coherent Central formation got destroyed by the many gaps and the enemy cavalry are coming from behind to split them apart even more... 

Her own cavalry got stopped before they do anything useful and are now engaging in a ferocious fight with the Black Sun saints and became vulnerable for any counterattack by any ordinary archer.. 

And above all... one of her three saints got severely injured and could not participate in the war anymore...

All this, and the main body of the enemy army has not moved yet.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" Setina screamed with all her might, took off her helmet, and tossed it aside, 

Before casting a long look at the enemy army General on the other side who had a slight smile on his face... 

then she galloped forward with her horse, "Even if we're going to hell today, I'll take you all with me! men, here is your plan, ATTACK! just run forward and Kill those demons!! KILL THEM ALL"

The Black Sun General on the other hand smiled an even bigger smile when he heard these words...


Capital of the Black Sun, Conference Hall, one day after Setina final Scream

"Hoof Hoof Hoof"

A man ran down the path leading to the main hall as if his life depended on this moment, he seemed very tired and was about to fall unconscious at any moment, 

but he continued running until he saw the door leading to the hall, he kick it open and entered directly.

Many hours have passed since Prince William met with senior officials the first time, but until the meeting did not end! 

in fact, the numbers did not decrease.. On the contrary, the number of attendees multiplied several times.

The person sitting in the main chair is no longer William, but a man who looks in his fifties with a stifling aura radiating from him. 

He is the king's cousin, the current prime minister, the former rival for the thrown... Sage Albert Marley.

Since the shocking news of the destruction of the Baron's allied army and Edward Bradley's advance with his army towards clashing an even army larger than themselves,

more and more people who were initially uninterested have been invited, among them of course, Prime Minister Sage Albert

While the room was in heated discussions and making predictions about what would happen to Edward Bradley and his army, and what would result from it later on, and how to respond...

a tired-looking person entered and fell straight to the ground.

The hall turned silent in an instant, no one tried to yell at him and ask who this was.. he is well known, this is Saint Marco who is currently in charge of bringing news from the battlefield in Delivar

Two people came quickly and gave Marco a bottle of water, everyone took their seats without adding a word

Finally, Saint Marco rose to his feet again and bowed, "I apologize for the unfortunate sight which you have just seen. Ladies and gentlemen.... I have brought the news you were waiting for."


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