Lord of the Truth

Chapter 71

As soon as Robin left the meeting, he went straight back to his house, 

bushing aside his ongoing research and setting himself and Zara on making low-level talismans.

In fact, Robin could now make much stronger talismans, the most powerful fire talisman he ever made reached level 17!

but they are useless in wars... 

Each talisman of them takes Robin about two weeks to make, within those two weeks he can make more than a thousand level 6 talismans! 

So on the grand scale, the less powerful talismans win by a sweeping margin.

The stronger talismans Robin decided to dedicate them to defend himself and his followers and maybe sell them if he needed money...

A level 17 knight's attack in the pocket... is worth a lot!

But they were not important on the grand scale of things, in two months he can make about 4 or 5 of those.. what would be their effect in a war that has hundreds of knights? nothing! 

perhaps they might be important one day when his soul becomes stronger... as the talismans' main source of power is the soul strength of the one drawing it.


Three weeks after the meeting, the trio of Caesar, Peon, and Theo, finally arrived at the Bradley's Military Institution, covered in blood, wounds, and mud...

the suffering they had gone through until they crossed the border was very much apparent in every inch of their body, the number of Dolivar soldiers they had to fight and kill is unknown...

When the three entered the house, they were surprised by the view of the small mountains of fire talismans!

they immediately realized that Robin knew what had happened to them, or he wouldn't have made of these...

The three went and greeted Robin with a bow. 

Caesar didn't complain about anything... Robin didn't try to console him either. 

All he said was, "Go wash up and start training, you three have stayed at level nine for long enough, I want you all to reach level ten in a month."

Without another word, the three nodded and dispersed to their rooms...


Another month quickly passed. 

during which the trio Caesar, Peon, and Theo broke through to the tenth level as Robin instructed.

the overall situation inside houses 207 and 208 was relatively calm, as the three boys cultivate while Robin and Zara draw talismans madly

But the same can not be said about the outer world.

During those 7 weeks... the duchies of Bradley and Alton were in chaos!

Whenever a battalion of a thousand soldiers is prepared in the Duchy of Bradley, they immediately head towards Jura City in the Duchy of Alton. 

The length of the distance, combined with the sheer number of soldiers that shook the earth with their footsteps daily, had frightened A LOT of people

especially the nobles that own the lands between the Bradleys and the Burtons, they were always on guard, biting their fingernails daily in fright that one of those battalions might make a little drift and destroy them in passing

even the commoners who don't care about the lands and riches were in shock and dread about the almost daily marches, 

it soon became the most talked-about situation in the two duchies

the internal fighting was widespread, and perhaps the Duke of Bradley wanted to help the Burton family expand their territory a little, or the Burtons paid Duke Galan to come and defend them against someone else..?

No one knew what is happening exactly, and no one tried to intervene and find out, for fear that he might offend the battalions somehow and get himself killed...

Too many possibilities left people dreaming and making up various scenarios, but not one of them succeeded in even getting close to the real reason...


Six days remain before the agreed date for the start of the march on the Duchy of Tinley.

*knock knock*

  A knocking sound came from the door of Robin's house

"Who's there? It doesn't matter... just get in!" 

The door opened and a very beautiful mature woman entered, it was Mila, "Robin, the last battalion is moving towards Jura today and I'm going with them, it's time to hand over the talismans you have prepared."

"sigh~ fine, you will find some here and some in house 208 next door, with a total of 5,631 sixth-level fire talismans, 150 5-second darkness talismans, and 200 10-day vitality talismans."

" 5 THOU-...?! Wait a moment.. the talisman of vitality? What is this..?" Mila ignored the huge numbers that Robin was able to produce during the two months and focused entirely on the new variety.

Robin looked at her, "I was working on something big before the war issue, sadly I didn't finish it, but I was able to benefit from my research far enough to put it into this talisman... 

inside the human body, there are certain cells that are responsible for naturally healing wounds, but they are somehow slow...

this is what I focused this talisman on, to simulate those cells and make the natural healing process faster by a certain extinct.

When the ten-day vitality talisman is activated, it will instantly speed up the natural healing process of a person. the body of whoever activates it would feel as if ten days had passed in the blink of an eye.

In other words, small wounds will heal immediately, medium wounds will heal to some extent and the injured will be able to continue fighting, and fatal wounds will lose some of their gravity...

even if a person who has just been slaughtered activated it, his nick muscle tissues will grow fast enough to save his life before he loses all of his blood.

Of course, these talismans will benefit injuries that can be healed over time, meaning their ideal use is war injuries such as stab wounds, burns, flesh cuts, etc... But they cannot heal health diseases.

and it does NOT recharge one's energy, in fact, it uses energy to activate and work, so the one who uses it will get very tired, that's why I don't recommend using it multiple times in a successive manner because it might suck you dry and die of exhaustion.

and... hmmm, I think that is it, did I make myself clear?"

Mila got frozen in place, not knowing what to say... 

One talisman of the type of vitality can save a life on the battlefield, Robin has now given her 200 new life chances...

The value of a single Vitality-type talisman is much... much higher than Fire and Darkness talismans...

Its value is close to the spirit Revitalizing Pill, or even more!

"Robin, you… hey~ Like you said to me earlier, I have to stop being amazed while I'm dealing with you." Mila sighed and turned around to get the wagons ready to collect and load the talismans on them.

A long line of wagons entered the institution, 

the ones riding them were all high-ranking, trusted knights, who quickly entered the two houses and began to pack every fifty fire runes into a box so that they could be easily distributed later, then loading the boxes onto the wagons... 

The whole process took about 4 hours.

After the last carriage finished loading, all that was left was Mila, Robin, and Zara inside the house, Mila turned her eyes to Robin, "The army is moving now, let's go."

"No, no, I will not join you, I wouldn't help much. there is a saying, leave the bread to the bakery and war to the soldiers... I'd rather stay here where is peace and calmness to make more talismans and supply them to you throughout the war." Robin shook his head and returned to complete the circle he was drawing.

"As you wish, do you have any recommendation before I leave?"

Robin stopped, raised his head, and shouted, "Caesar, Theo, Peon!"

Three shadows appeared around him, and Caesar replied, "How can we help you, Father?"

Robin did not answer him, but turned his eyes toward Mila, "Take the three with you, tell the Army General to put Peon in the intelligence squad and Theo in the assassination squad, 

if there aren't such squads in major wars, then make some!

and give Caesar 100 men to lead during the battle, if he shows talent in leadership raise his rank... and thank me later !"

"En, I will convey your wishes to the general... I'm leaving then... take care of yourself..." said Mila hesitantly

" I think I should have been the one to say this line... but okay I will." Robin shrugged and started laughing

seeing him acting like this, Milla humphed and ran outside.

Robin continued his laughter for a few more seconds after this scene, then finally turned to face the trio with a smile, 

" Boys, I know they have bullied you, I'm a weak man and can't directly seek justice for you, all I can do is this giving you this opportunity... go release your anger, take your revenge with your own hands, make your own legends... I want to hear about your achievements when you come back"

they finally were sure that all of this was happening for them, very quickly tears filled their eyes, and they themselves got on their knees, with Caesar finally the one to speak, "father, you will not be disappointed."


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