Lord of the Truth

Chapter 235 A Chance!

Horror.. wailing.. preparing to die.. and.. 'what the hell just happened?!'

Robin looked in all directions around him in stupefaction, not in his wildest dreams would he have expected his little chat with the demon to cause all that!

He looked around him trying to find a trace of the giants but found nothing, not even a tree leaf was shaking, they were all long gone...

Is it possible that his problems have ended? just like that?!

He quickly found Laurie and spoke, "HEY! what are you doing? there is no time to be afraid now, come open this door, it is the best chance to escape!!"

"I.. don't... have.. the keys.." Laurie said in a voice so full of trembling and fear, still hugging the ground and placing her hand over her head,

Robin was worried that she would die of fear because of him when he heard her!

"Alright, everything is alright, just calm down, it could be a false alarm... Do you at least have anything to get those cuffs of the rest of the prisoners?" Robin tried to find any loophole to get out, maybe one of the prisoners would have a way to escape the cage when he is freed from the cuffs!

but she kept trembling on the ground... visually not confessed of what he said

False alarm? how could the demon give such a horrifying scream for no reason? for what? deceiving the giants? impossible! Those creatures can't use advanced strategies of this kind!

That demon was so terrified that he started screaming and forgot he can't even hear his own voice!!

"Shit..." Seeing that Laurie and the rest of the girls outside were useless, he started thinking of other ways to try to get out, so he stood up and grabbed the iron bars.

"This metal…." The bars are made of a metal that can at least craft middle categorized weapons on his home planet!

Even if he had a specialized furnace here, it would take him about half an hour to melt one of those bars, but if he tried using his hands only he would need at least three hours to melt one of them.

"There is no other solution," Robin said, and intense heat began to escape from his hand, then he grabbed one of the bars with his left fist from the top and the other from the bottom.


When the prisoners felt the intense heat that appeared beside them suddenly, terror filled their hearts even more, but when they were sure of its source, they started looking at each other and then at Robin in amazement...

"Yeah! Do it.. get us out of here!!"

"You're better than you look, Fishbone!!"

When Laurie heard the strange cheers, she slowly raised her face from the ground, and saw the most strange sight she could see...

Robin spews an extremely hot white flame from both of his hands and the metal bar in his hand was starting to turn red from the intensity of the heat, it is clear that he is trying to destroy the cage!

"You... you have a tattoo?!" Laurie forgot her fear of the coming monster and shouted

The rest of the girls also raised their faces from the ground and looked at Robin in astonishment and even some fear...

"A tattoo? what is that? ..it Doesn't matter, step back a little or you will get hit by a sliver of flame or a piece of molten metal and hurt you." Robin didn't pay much attention to what she said, he was completely focused on what he was doing

"No... NO! Stop!! They are still around, you shouldn't do that!!" Laurie spoke in panic, then got up and grabbed Robin's pants!

"What do you mean? They all ran away!!" Robin was surprised by her words and started looking around

"This isn't the first time they have done something similar, when bandits or beasts stronger than them appear they give up everything and they run in different directions,

When the bandits take what they can take or when the beast to grab some of us, they return... they are definitely nearby and will be back soon, they always do!!"

"what?!" Robin unleashed his entire psychic sense in all directions

30 meters... 50 meters.. 70... still nothing

120 meters ... "found it!"

One of the giants was found lying with his ear on the ground, trying to hear any steps coming toward him...

140 meters... "Dammit..."

Robin found the rest of the seven giants in a similar situation in different directions, with the furthest of them being only 160 meters away, if one of them decided to come back, he would be back in a few seconds!

"When do they come back each time they do this procedure?" Robin looked at Laurie and yelled

"After half an hour, the quickest of the seven comes to look from afar, and if he finds it safe, he will invite the rest to come too.." Laurie quickly replied.

" Just half an hour?!" Robin received the girl's words like an arrow in his chest...

Even if their terror is at a high level and they will be late this time, maybe the first of them will come back in an hour.. two hours?

Robin will need to melt at least 3 bars to be able to get his body out of the cage, which means that he needs 9 hours!

"...." Robin put out the flames and let go of the metal bar, then sat down on his spot as if his feet lost any power


"Sigh~ Looks like we are going to be here a little longer.." All the prisoners here were experienced, they understood that Robin's technique wouldn't get them out in time and that he had given up...

But Robin didn't really give up.

Maybe in his whole life, his mind didn't work as fast as it does now...

Laurie looked at the rest of the girls around her, who nodded and gestured at her to come forward

Eventually, she managed to gather up her courage and poked Robin in the foot, "Excuse me.. do you have a tattoo?"

"What? I don't know what you are talking about, let me think now!" Busy with something else, Robin didn't think about his answer, and replied directly to silence the annoyance and went back to trying to think of something.

But his response was more than enough to turn the world of the girls upside down.

After a few seconds, Lori clenched her little hands tightly and clenched her teeth, then asked again, "Tell me... are you really a human? you really were born in a human family?"

Robin got really angry at this point because of repetitive interruptions and shouted, "WOULD YOU PLEASE SHUT THE F*CK UP?! I'M TRYING TO--"

"ARE YOU A HUMAN?!" Laurie shouted in response, not backing down

"...Tch, Yeah, I'm a damn human!" Robin shouted the answer, maybe she let him think of a way to save his and THEIR lives peacefully!!

Laurie turned back to look at the rest of the girls and nodded at them, then went back to face Robin with firmness evident in her eyes, "We can get you out of here."


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