Lord of the Truth

Chapter 232 Farm

Robin narrowed his eyebrows as if he had heard the strangest thing ever...

They are slaves, their entire races are slaves... and they are okay with it?

What did the giants do to their ancestors in the past to make all the other races submissive to this degree...

How did they make the later generations be born accepting their fate as eternal slaves?!

"So... you volunteered to come and help those seven Nihari Giants?" Robin asked again, trying to figure out as much as he can

"No no, they came to our settlement and they chose all the pretty girls in it, we are the ones you see now.. but I don't think I'm pretty though, you should have seen the girls who were taken two years ago! They were really gorgeous!" Laurie spoke while feeding Robin into his mouth

He chewed his food slowly as he looked at it strangely and then asked after he finished, "You had a settlement? Tell me about it? Did you have a family?"

"Hehe I'm glad to answer, but open your mouth again!" Laurie put another piece of meat in his mouth and then continued, "I was born in one of the human settlements in this province, the whole settlement is dedicated to us humans, and the giants have issued orders that no one enters or leave it without permission, this is to protect us of course!

.. as for my Family... Yes, I had one... I have had many siblings in the past, but When I left, I still had two sisters and my father... but that's in the past now..."

Robin finally noticed some pain when she remembered her family, "What do you mean you had it? what happened to your other siblings? ...and why didn't you mention your mother?"

"My other siblings were summoned to help the masters before me and so they are out of the family, whoever finds his role never comes back.

Just like me now, because I got out of the village my two remaining siblings aren't allowed to speak to me, now I have to serve my masters to death, I don't have a family or anything like that anymore..." Laurie then took a short pause her then a smile came back to her face as she continued, "well, that is how life is! hehe, oh, as for my mother, she died like a Superhero!"

"Hero? How?" Robin asked as he took another bite of the over grilled meat

"...one day 4 giants came to the village to choose a few girls, but the number of girls in the village was very few because of the recent deportation of a large number and this threatened our linage existence, and this is a serious crime punishable by the high-ranking officials of the giants...

But the four giants refused to listen to our settlement chief and go away and choose violence. In the end, the chief made a deal with them to give them one woman who already carried several children before... and they chose my mother." Laurie spoke slowly and tried to occupy herself with cutting the food and looking down, perhaps to keep her tears from falling.

She didn't need to complete the rest of the story.. four giants take turns on an old woman...

He could hear her screams and imagine the bloody scene just by mentioning it.

A settlement for humans that prevents them from leaving or entering without the permission of the giants, the giants can just come by and choose whomever they want among them and leave, and There are laws that prevent the overuse to protect the linage of the settlement and to secure a stable supply of the future generations...

This is a description fit for a farm!!

"Did your father not try to defend your mother that night? Or did that chief of the settlement not try to stop them from killing her...?" Robin asked again, trying to understand this world more

"Hahahaha." One of the prisoners chuckled as if he had heard the strangest joke, he was the lizard looking guy

"Shut up or you will cut your ration!" Laurie looked at that prisoner and said sharply, and then returned to Robin with a smile, "I don't understand what you are saying, why would my father or the chief interfere? My mother did a great favor for the girls of the tribe, and there was nothing suspicious about it to even report it to the authorities... Everything was done peacefully in her bedroom."

Robin opened his eyes to the last of them...

They raped her to death on her bed? This is too overbearing...

But the strangest thing is that her husband did not say anything? Have all their sensations been killed to this degree? Did they all just turn into cows and goats?!

But Robin is sure that when he has his mobility back he will be strong enough to kill a few giants without a problem, as for those local humans, they have much more physical strength and hundreds of thousands of years of cultivation history than his planet!

theoretically, they should be much stronger than him... What he is hearing now didn't make any sense at all!

When a question came to Robin's mind and he spoke directly, "In your opinion, how far away is your settlement chief's strength compared to you?"

"Hmmm I don't know, I think I'm a little stronger than him because he's old now, but he's more experienced than me, I guess we'll know when we have a fight! Hehehe, come on open your mouth and say ah~"

'as I expected' Robin thought... the humans of this world don't know anything about energy cultivation and martial arts.

Then he just narrowed his eyes and looked at the horizon again and chewed his food quietly, he did not try to ask her anything else.. the picture of this world in his mind has became much more clearer now.

If he wants to successfully defend against the attack that will affect this planet within fifty years, he will have to unite the Nihari giants around one cause... or that is what he thought

This arrogant race will definitely not listen to a lowly being like him!

It's more difficult than he imagined, he has to start thinking of some strategy right now and--


The sound of a water drop hitting the floor made Robin shiver all over and stopped his thoughts.

Not using the eyes of the Truth to check the patterns around him, and not busy talking to Laurie, Robin was forced to notice something he had been trying to ignore since he entered the cage...

the drooling terrifying crimson creature that was still looking in his direction.

Besides the short time he spent on stage, that thing didn't budge his head from Robin's direction for a moment, even when raw meat was brought for him to eat while looking at Robin!

Like a wolf looking at its prey, like a rapist looking at a beautiful girl...

That thing was dying inside to jump at him and eat him alive.

Robin felt humiliated, endangered, and angry every time he noticed that creature, this time he couldn't just ignore it and shouted out loud, "WHAT THE F*CK ARE YOU LOOKING AT!!!"


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