Lord of the Truth

Chapter 225 Giants

"Ahh!! Kara Tui! Kara Tui!!" The girl screamed in terror and then ran in the same direction she came from

"No no no!! don't go! I don't bite!!" Robin tried to calm her down, but she was already out of sight, "Dammit, I missed my golden opportunity to sit down..."

Robin's back was already numb and in great pain after sleeping on this hard ground for five days, especially when there is a great force still pressing him down

Although he was not fond of the idea of ​​meeting the natives in his current situation, the idea of ​​someone helping him and supporting him on the tree trunk is very tempting!

And the girl didn't appear to be that frightening.. maybe his original fear about the locals was unnecessary

"Sigh~ It doesn't matter then," Robin said and then went back to continue where he left off

During these few days, the wound healed at a reasonable rate, and he was able to find about 30% of the first stage of the pattern of the major law of gravity, but he still has a long way to go before he can move freely again...

Just as he was about to activate the Eye of Truth again he heard a voice coming closer, "Sar sar, kara tui cy Val, SAR SAR!!"

It was the voice of the girl who had just run away, but she was not alone this time...

So Robin, who was almost touching the ground, heard the sounds of *baa baa baa baa*

it sounded like the noises of human steps, but it was much heavier, and the distance between each step and step is farther than that of a running human!


'I wonder if one of them would be nice enough and agree to help me sit down..' Robin tried to stay as positive as possible even if his heart nearly exploded with fear...

After a few more seconds, the girl appeared again from the same direction, then pointed toward him, looked behind her, and then shouted, "SAR SAR!!"

"Haaaa." An annoyed voice came from behind the bushes, and then someone came out to stand next to the girl

"Is that... a human...?" Robin muttered in a low voice, looking slowly at the person who had just appeared from the bottom up, and it was a long way to go, at a point Robin felt like he would never reach his face...

That person was at least 2.7 meters tall * about nine feet*, wearing nothing but long pants, the upper part was covered with nothing but a belt of beast hide, and the rest was covered with strange tattoos, the apparent muscles of his body seemed to be carved out of rock!

His features are harsh and his skin color can be said to be normal but it was more bluish

Many strange attributes, but he is still generally can be considered human

'Is this the guardian spirit of the forest or something?' Robin thought

Robin was still in his shock after seeing this strange looking *guardian spirit* and trying to comprehend what he is

suddenly another one with almost the same attributes came out from behind the bushes, causing Robin's mind to stop working for a moment!!

"Hehehe, Kara tui, huh?" One of the two giants laughed and slapped the girl on the back of her head before pointing at Robin, "Mei Sot Rati--"

Robin furrowed his eyebrows, he didn't understand a single word that was said

Because the continent on which he was born had been in constant conflict and wars for tens of thousands of years even before the cultivation era began, the lands and populations moved from kingdom to kingdom almost every few years

A common language arose that combines the characteristics of all the ancient tribal languages ​​and spread rapidly with wars to be an official language for everyone later on

So almost everyone in his world spoke the same language except for an accent or a few changed words

Even the beasts above level 4 could understand this human language with ease!

So this was the first time he faced a language barrier.

But one thing is for sure, that giant was not pleased to see him, it was clear that he was making fun of the girl for some reason...

"Soi Hira Kara Tui!!" the Giant then slammed himself on the chest and took out a dagger from his waist, a dagger that was big enough to be a sword for Robin!

Then he started moving towards Robin, laughing.

"Haa!!" Robin panicked at the scene, raised his head to see exactly what was happening, and grabbed a talisman with all his might, ready to use it at any time.

A level 25 fireball rune will definitely be able to inflict great damage on the person holding the dagger and a 90% chance that it will kill him, but what about the other person?

His aura and physical strength said he was definitely equal to or stronger than level 25, he wouldn't have time to shower him with talismans...

that person would immediately kill him if he tried to shoot the first talisman at the dagger holder!

Whether he shoots or not, he is dead in all cases.

"STT!" The other Giant signaled to his companion to stop in his place and then looked at Robin with serious eyes and spoke slowly, "Minnie khut rat Kiri."

"Hmm?" The other Giant stopped and looked at Robin seriously as well and then exclaimed excitedly, "Hua, Khinte Konso!!! Hahaha!"

The giant seemed to be celebrating for some reason, and then put the dagger into the scabbard

Robin didn't know what was going on, but whatever it is it was fine as long as it doesn't involve using that dagger!

Before he could figure out anything and how to interact with these people, the giant quickly took a few steps toward Robin and carried him on his shoulder like a baby, and nodded at the other giant, "Huav Chubah!"

Then two giants started chatting happily on the way back with the short girl walking behind them with her head lowered

Hearing their voices and seeing their smiles, they seemed happy as if they had found a treasure, or enough food for weeks...

Are they good people? Their first reaction when they saw him wasn't suggesting that... then how bad they are?!

Robin felt his heart clenched at the thought of the things these two giants might do to him, but he could do nothing even if he wanted to...

With a talisman in hand and closed eyes, he decided to walk with the flow and leave his fate to his luck.


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