Lord of the Truth

Chapter 218 Final Preparations

"Not all of them." the All-Seeing God shook his head, "During my lifetime I have met or read about thousands of truth path users, only nine of them had a special ability that I am unable to comprehend."

"Oh.. you think the original discoverers of the path like us were the ones who enjoyed these special abilities?" Robin sat down and started rubbing his chin

"No, at least one of the ten was a disciple of a former truth master, and another one discovered the path when he was at the top of his planet in terms of strength and age… There is no particular pattern connecting the nine of them.

the only thing they have in common is that this ability has shown itself close after they gained the Truth path approval, they were in a very dire state when their abilities started to show themselves, and somehow every time they had received just the ability they need."

"Strange… I wasn't the one in a dire state at that time! and you mean the Truth itself gives this ability in certain situations and not randomly..؟ does it like.. have consciousness?!" Robin muttered then raised his face toward the humanoid Light

" I don't know, the only thing I'm sure of is that every one of those abilities really had something to do with the path of the Truth but just a little overpowering compared to the norm of the path.

as for your other questions... I don't anything, I'm still but a student of this magnificent path." the All-seeing God shook his head

Robin frowned, " what kind of a God are you?! anyway, What about your ability? What can you do that I can't?"

"Sorry I can't tell you, my ability is the secret that made me who I am today and no one is allowed to know it, not even my children!" the All-seeing God refuse bluntly

"Hey, that's unfair!! You know mine" Robin furrowed his eyebrows and shouted

"What is my fault that you are an idiot and you revealed it yourself? Secondly, neither I nor you know what your ability is yet.. a bad feeling? What is this exactly? And it may not be ability at all, maybe you are just overthinking the worst because you are worried about your little chicks haha. "

Finding that Robin did not react to him and still looked at him with a strange look, the All-seeing God continued, "Ahem... you told me you were feeling it when he thought of your son Caesar before that incident happened to him... who are you thinking about this time when you get that feeling ?"


"...." The All-seeing God raised his eyebrows after releasing how serious Robin's thoughts about this matter were, "Boy, don't you dare change your mind about your mission because of this! Even if this is indeed a special ability and something bad will happen to *everyone* in the future, your presence here with them won't prevent it! if even those *saints* and that massive army of yours can't do a thing about it then you wouldn't be able to too, you are still too WEAK!"

"I know this! that's one of the reasons why I didn't decide to stay, But…" Robin put his head in his hands

​ "...You said your preparations saved Caesar earlier, right? That means your bad feeling about the future can be reversed, right?" The all-seeing God suddenly asked


"If you left a few things behind to help *everyone*, would that make you feel better...?"

"I think so.. what do you want to say?" Robin shrugged, then asked seriously

"I helped you speed up your research once already. What's the problem if I did twice?" The all-seeing God said and then looked seriously at Robin, "Today we will begin your last seclusion in this world, after which I will not accept any excuses... Understand?!"

"... Alright."


After a month and ten days...


The sound of the door opening came from the basement


A shadow mover quickly and stood in front of the door in a blink, "Robin!! what took you so long? I was worried sick about you!! you told me you were just entering a short meeting with the all-seeing God guy!!"

An involuntary smile appeared on Robin's face as he gently hugged Mila and kissed her on the cheek before speaking, "Would you please summon my kids back here? And Billy too.. I need to talk to you all as soon as possible."

"This... Alright." Mila's heart clenched when she heard these words, he clearly wanted to say goodbye...


Three days later - inside Robin's Palace

"Sorry for... being late.... father." Theo walked in and bowed completely, then found a chair next to the rest. His tongue was still not fully accustomed to speaking yet.

"Oh, you also reached level 16? No wonder you came from the easternmost corner of our Duchy in just three days.." Robin nodded with a smile and then looked at Caesar with a wry smile, "I told you they would outrun you."

"Tsk~ Just a pause, you will soon see how I get past them all!" Caesar punched in the chest with confidence

"Well, everybody's here now..." said Billy, "Robin, why did you ask to meet us today?"

"…." Robin did not reply immediately, but merely looked around at the faces of everyone present, the bad feeling, and suffocation accumulated to an awful degree.

But he quickly restrained himself and said, "..some of you already know what I'm gathering you her for and of you who are still ignorant... for those who don't know yet, I'm about to take a long journey to another planet and it may take tens of years, I'm leaving today in fact."

"what?!" Everyone, except Mila and Caesar, suddenly shouted

"Another planet? What do you mean another planet?!" asked Billy, furrowed with eyebrows.

"You are leaving today? Can we come with you?" Peon asked

Robin gestured with his hand to calm them down, "The topic is long and there is no need to go through its details, the important thing is to know that I will be away for a while, but I will definitely come back... definitely!"

"Dad, please take me with you!!" Zara came forward with tears already filling her eyes

Even after becoming a stunning young lady of about 24 years old, she still finds herself as a child in the presence of the person who once saved her childhood.

"Sorry, my dear, I can't take anyone with me for this mission, especially if it's a lovely girl like you!" Robin said, patting her hair

"Hmph, you just want to run away from everyone you know, looks like you are bored with us and want a change of scenery," Mila said excitedly

Robin looked at her and chuckled, "You know that's not true, even if we put aside how much energy stones it costs to move, it might be too dangerous out there and I can't afford to put anyone of you in danger."

Mila didn't say anything else, she just looked away as a thread of tears started to fall from her eyes.

Seeing that no one else cared about the most important point, Billy shouted again, "Is there anyone still sane in this family?! What the hell do you mean by another planet!!"


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