Lord of the Truth

Chapter 211 Little Things..

"Hmm over there," the humanoid light pointed toward one of the runes on the gate, "its figure should be a bit narrower, and… over there! Redraw that rune again from scratch there are too many mistakes on it, and…"

As usual, after almost every week of work, Robin summoned the All-seeing God to see the developments up to the moment and point out the mistakes, so that he could move to the next step steadily and everything he did is in perfect condition.. and today was one of those days.

"Alright.. yes I agree with this one, I also see that... yes..." Robin kept nodding his head, going through everything that the all-seeing god pointed at and burning it in his memory.

After about two minutes of nodding and pointing around, the all-seeing God looked at Robin with the side of his eyes, and pointed at him, "And there too... something is a bit off."

Robin tilted his head and looked toward his own chest, then looked toward the humanoid Light in surprise, "...Huh? what are you talking about?"

"What is this negative atmosphere around you? ...Are you Alright?" the humanoid Light turned its body to face Robin and spoke seriously

"Me? Ahahaha of course I'm fine! what else can I be? ... I'm fiiiiine." Robin hit his chest and declared

the humanoid Light looked at him for a long time and said, " Boy, I was not named the *All-Seeing* God out of the blue, If I say I see something off about you then I know what I'm saying! ...everything we do will be useless if you are not at your best, I'm sending you on a precise mission and I expect only success, If you go distracted and looking for death then you better not go at all!  I'll repeat the question... Are you alright?"

"...Sigh~ I don't know.." Robin found himself a chair and put his chin on his hands then added, "I have spent most of my life in complete solitude with no problems, even after returning to the Burton family I have spent most of my time here in seclusion too, to create something or to find Solutions or cultivating... I don't know why being alone suddenly became too heavy for me to bear."

"hmmm I see, Solitude is the way of the Great, whether for cultivating, scheming, or creating... you will never find a *social* genius who sits with this, drinks wine with that, or finds himself some useless blood sucking friends...

You clearly understand this very well, and it is also clear that you have no problem with the life of solitude since you spent most of your short life in it, and I see that you know your direction very well and you want to keep pressing forward or you wouldn't be here now doing your work even with the high level of depression you are having

The trick, my little friend, is how to vent your human needs after those long periods of stressful hard work... I'm talking about those little things that bring a smile to the lips every now and then to keep you moving forward

There are those who find satisfaction in seeing bloodshed and initiating massacres, and there are those who have their satisfaction in protecting the innocent and hearing the words of thanks, and there are those who seek it in women and make up a large harem to spend some time with, and there are many other examples... The question is, which of those are you?"

"... I don't know, I have no difference in the matter of blood whether I see it or not doesn't matter, and I do not care about the subject of protecting the weak also, I used to do it a lot during my early years in the cave but it was just a stupid burden and I stopped, rescuing one of them is like rescuing a thousand, they keep popping up!

in fact, with my current strength, I think I need the protection of my kids never the less than going around saving some strangers! and For women... this can be difficult...." Robin scratched his head

"difficult? Why would it be difficult…?" The All-seeing God asked, surprised

"...Sigh~ It's not like you are going to tell anyone, well... I have been to a brothel twice lately and tried to do it with two different women, both are gorgeous and expensive! but he.. he didn't respond.." Robin lowered his head.

"He...? Oh!" The All-seeing God seemed to understand something, "Ahem... it's okay... Do not let your preferences defy you, you can make a harem of men you know, who can mock you as long as you have the strength to shut them up? Rise up and announce your preferences bravely and-"

"what are you on about? .. Oh!! WHERE THE F*CK DID YOUR MIND GO?! I love women!!" Robin quickly shouted, sat down again, and continued, "...I used to visit bars and brothels frequently in my younger years, I'm sure I liked women! But when I tried Once again I found it disgusting... I couldn't force myself to do it..."

"Hmm.. the ones you buy with your money can satisfy you physically, but not psychologically, whores lose any advantage when a loved one comes." nod light structure

"A loved one? What are you talking about...?" Robin was surprised, but a certain image clearly appeared in his head

"There are two possibilities for those brothel incidents, and there is no third of them. Either your preferences changed and you should try your luck with men, or you are constantly thinking about another woman and can't stand being intimate with someone else... And believe me, I also hope with all my heart that it will be the second option."

A complicated look appeared on Robin's face, then he turned his face to the left and drowned in his thoughts...

"Pheo~ It seems that the second option is correct then." The All-seeing God said with relief, "Where is she? Why don't you go to her directly and instead try to replace her with whores? Is she.. dead?"

"...." Robin was silent for a few seconds and then spoke, "She is fine, she left me because I don't care about her..."

"HAHAHAHA, women, hah? They are all like that, I also got into a similar situation with my wife number 109… Heh~ those old days.." The All-seeing God burst into laughter

Robin ignored the Light humanoid's laughter and furrowed an eyebrow, now just facing reality... There's no doubt that she really pops up a lot in his head,

Even behind the closed rooms in those brothels, he was comparing the bodies of the women in front of him to Mila's and their beauty to hers, but he thought it was a normal thing since she is the most beautiful woman he saw... but to the point that he can no longer have sex with any other woman?

He had never expected that her absence would affect him to such a degree!

As he seeks to immortalize his name forever, he will travel to another planet to put an entire race under his control!

...but he was depressed because of... a woman?


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