Lord of the Truth

Chapter 207 Ancestor Noah

Robin returned to the golden carriage and left the scroll and the tablet in his hand on it, then took the other two and turned around to face the guests again with a proud smile, "As you all know, Heavenly Laws have stages, the first stage is that which helps a cultivator breakthrough up to the twentieth level, and then comes the second stage which brings its user into the realm of sainthood... We, the Burton family, have decided to sell the first law cultivation technique in history, so how can we sell it incomplete?"

Everyone held their breath, most already guessed what Robin was going to say, but they simply couldn't believe it...

"The single-use thoughts conveying Scroll and the multi-use thoughts conveying metal tablet in my hand both contain the second stage of Minor Heavenly Law Cultivation Technique of Blaze!" Robin announced


​ As if a wire in everyone's heads was suddenly cut off

Announcing the sale of the first stage of this overpowered technique was one thing, and it was already an event that will be recorded in the history of this planet!

But now... the second level of a technique equal in strength to that of the Royal Family's is being sold...

Selling the method of making saints who are equal in strength... to the saints of the royal family?!

When did this law appear exactly? When did its creator have enough time to make the second stage out of it?!

Since it's easy to make the second stage of a Law Cultivation Technique?!

Even the Grand Dukes' Families are still prisoners of the second stage of their Laws for thousands of years, with none of them able to make the third stage of their techniques until now, and all of their techniques are far weaker than this one!

Finally, someone in the VIP rooms broke the heavy silence and spoke, " Mr. Robin, who is... the genius who made this technique?"

Everyone remembered that the name of the creator is already written on the techniques... X Burton

"Who is this X Burton? I've never heard of that name before...?"

"Since when did the Burton family have someone who could produce a technique like this?!"

"Do the historical records mention that the Burton family had someone with that name?"

"Perhaps the name means *unknown*?"

Robin raised his hands in a calm gesture, then spoke, "The Blaze Minor Heavenly Law Technique is undoubtedly the production of someone who goes by the name Burton, he's just a little shy and says it's not yet time to fully announce his identity, so temporarily, you can identify his first name as Anonymous or X."

"X... Does Sir. X have anything to do with the Runes?" Someone muttered in a low voice, but everyone in the hall heard it

The Burton family has a complete monopoly over the Runes and all their applications, if only one of them had discovered this stuff, then that makes perfect sense!

A few high-class nobles at the VIP rooms began to look at each other with shock and suspicion, some even began to use the thoughts conveying Technique to talk about this huge information!

What is this X Burton guy? is he really some strong ancient figure? is he one of the current weak generation that has a special talent?

If he really is strong then why didn't he announce his name right from the start, and if he is weak why would he bring such unwanted attention to the upper class of the Burton family members?!

They all returned to look at Robin to take from him a denial or affirmation, but he only shrugged his shoulders.

"Forget about it, if that genius wants to stay unknown for now then we must respect that, How much will the second stage sell for, Mr. Robin?" asked one of the heads of the small noble families respectfully, his heart beating fast with excitement

Robin shook his head, "The first class will be permanently sold at the sale points inside Jura City, any one of you who can collect the required amount of gold can come at any time and buy one… but that does not go for the second stage.

The second stage, either a single-use scroll or a multi-use tablet, will be sold here in public auctions whenever one of them is available, one may appear every month or it may appear every few years... for example today I only have 3 scrolls, and 3 tablets, who amongst you will win one of them? This will be left to fate!"

When Sage Albert gave Robin the authority to sell a Heavenly Law Technique, he didn't tell him to sell only the first stage, but there is no doubt he meant the first stage.

Robin took advantage of this loophole in the agreement to get the second stage in the equation as well to increase his profit and heritage, but this will undoubtedly anger the royal family, especially since the technique is so powerful...

Therefore, he has no choice but to sell it on a limited basis every once in a while and to certain people in the upper class of society so as not to turn all the scales upside down!

Robin would have wished he could sell the second stage of his technique as easily and at reduced prices as well, but this would have provoked the royal family to a completely different level, perhaps issuing an immediate ban on the sales, or even gaining their enmity! so he decided to use it as a way to gain fast money for now.

After all, Prevention is better than cure.

The heads of the small families sighed and took their places, knowing that a great opportunity missed them, they could have leaped towards the sky with a single step!

but quickly the smiles returned to their faces when they remembered the strength of the first stage and that they will finally have strong knights in the near future

With the first class with them, they will undoubtedly be able to raise enough money for the second stage in the coming years

Maybe fifty years? a hundred..? no problem!

they have already waited hundreds or maybe thousands of years to have such an opportunity, so what if they waited a little longer?

Finally, the smile returned to the high-class nobles after Robin's announcement, at least they will still have an edge over the rest, this way, not too much has changed

and one of them suddenly shouted, "I Bid for the multi-use tablet with five million gold coins!"

5.1 million gold coins!

"5.3 million gold coins!!"


"Call me.. that boy... Philip.." The seated old man ignored the auctions and spoke in a low voice to one of the guards next to him

One of the men behind him nodded and took out a multi-use sound ring, passed his energy, and spoke in a loud voice, "Your Excellency King Philip Marley, I apologize for disturbing you, Ancestor Noah wants to speak with your majesty."

After about half a minute the ring was lit, so the man nodded and put the ring in the old man's hand, who also put his energy into it and spoke in a hoarse voice, "Philip... I was passing by your kingdom.. for some sightseeing.. I came to the home of the Runes to widen my horizons... Here I found... Auction on the second stage of some minor Law Technique... I want your permission.. to buy it.."

A voice echoed in his ear after a few seconds, "What do you say, Ancestor Noah? Our kingdoms have been in alliance for so long, how can I mind you buying a mere second stage of technique? You don't even have to buy it! Relax and I'll contact the Burtons to get you one, and I'll send it to you in Garya."

"No need... I will buy it from them.. at a high price too.. to make up for the loss of the black sun…." The old man spoke, her eyes almost closed, then gave a slight wave to the person next to him.

Who in turn came up to the balcony of the room and shouted a number that made everyone shut up, "20 million gold coins."

The old man ignored what was happening next below as if he was already one of the three tablets, then went back to pumping his energy into the ring and spoke, "Philip... I saw an interesting boy here.. his name is Robin Burton... what do you know... about his bone age?"


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