Lord of the Truth

Chapter 201 Do It

After confirming that Robin had left the building, one of the new saints stood up and shouted angrily, "Billy!! what was that? At least you should have pressed him more or tried to bargain with him to lessen this terrifying amount of gold, what would he do with it anyway? the family is in need of this wealth right now more than ever! If you can't manage the family resources wisely, then leave the job to someone who can! "

The usual light smile wiped off Billy's face as he moved his head slowly and gave that old man a vicious stare that caused him to fall back on his chair

then he started moving his eyes on the rest with the same stare...

Billy had just broken through to level 24 saint, aside for the patriarch and saint David, there was no one stronger than him in the family!

The oppressive atmosphere lasted for a few seconds, none dared to say another word...

After making sure everyone was back to his seat silently, a smile returned to Billy's face as he pointed toward the map, "Anyway, in this place I wish to build a large public square, and there we need to add another...."


After Robin left the patriarch's building, he left the administrative area for his usual tour around the city...

First towards Uncle Tim's restaurant, which was still standing because it was built in a suitable place and is still new, then he started walking around the city to see the new expansions and demolitions himself.

But... there was something missing from his tour.

Everything he loved to do before was still there, and the people of the city loved him more than ever after his achievements as a General in the Lying Water Kingdom wars, some even to the point of worship!

But for some reason, the food did not taste the same, and walking in the streets and public parks did not bring him the same smile

Even some mild depression started filling him up instead...

He did not know what happened to his mood today, so he decided to go back to his palace directly and end the tour in the middle of it..


Robin's Palace -- his secret room -- in front of a large bonfire

When Robin came out recently, his main goal was to meet a city official to tell him that he would be auctioning off the first grade of the Minor Heavenly Law Cultivation technique in two weeks' time, when the auction house opened again.

But delaying for two more months gave him a crazy idea

What if... he managed to make the second grade of the Minor Heavenly Law Cultivation technique before the auction?

Robin previously had previously modified the second grade of a few Minor Heavenly Law Cultivation techniques, and his eye of truth could see the patterns of the second grade of laws relatively clearly after entering the Knighthood, there was nothing to hinder him from trying!

A week followed another...

Separating the patterns of the second degree from a certain law from everything that he sees in front of him was not as easy as he thought...

He also wanted to make sure of something else, in particular, he had to find easy and streamlined ways to connect the second grade of the technique with the first grade, so that a bottleneck wouldn't appear for anyone using his technique when he reached level 20...

Robin's current goal is to kill any reason that prevents a cultivator Or delays him from entering the Sainthood!

After about five weeks, almost all the important patterns, threads, and connections were already formed in his head...

and he grabbed a blank book and a pen.

This was writing the complete technique for the Second Grade of Minor Law from scratch!

Not only that, Robin even decided to write notes, give suggestions and explain the technique in the simplest way possible for those with less talent to have a faster breakthrough

all this took Rubin a little more than three weeks.

Finally... Robin grabbed the book of the second grade in one hand, and the book of the first grade in the other, lifted them up high...

and started laughing hysterically as he looked at them.

Even with the effort he made to find a minor law inferior to that of the royal family and be half as strong at most, his attempt failed, and it was a catastrophic failure.

The Minor Heavenly Law of Blaze.

That was his choice for the first Public Minor Heavenly law Cultivation Technique...

It is indeed lower in nature than the one used by the Royal Family, but now that he has seen the end result of the Perfect Minor Heavenly Law Cultivation Technique...

They are simply as strong, or maybe even a little stronger!

Of course, these comparisons are in relation to the strength of the first and second grades of the law... This cannot be compared to the priority of the third degree with the one of the royal family.

...even after a few hours had passed since the last word he wrote in that book, Robin did not let it go of his hand, as though he was reflecting the most beautiful gem in the world, with only one thing in his head...

Should I write my name on them... or not...?

Legacy ~ Fame ~ History ~ Immortality ...

This is what he was working for in the first place, this is what drove him to leave everything behind and enter that cave a century and a half ago...

And the opportunity has finally come!

The Burtons no longer had real enemies within the kingdom, and even if they had them, with the Bradleys and Altons as allies and the Burtons' army itself, what enemy could he fear on the scoop of this entire continent?

And on a personal level, there are level 30 Saints from the Royal Family who protect him all the time.. why should he be afraid then? from who?!

A voice kept resounding in his head none stop

*do it ~ do IT~ DO IT!!!!!*


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